hou Shalt obtain
the Order & Value of the English Alphabet ; thou shalt find new
symbols to attribute them unto" -LiberAL chapter II v 55 (from
the Satanic and controversial Book of the Law)
What is the English Qaballa ?
The English Qaballa fulfils the requirements of the instructions
given in Liber Al vel Legis (The Book of the Law) to the
illuminati of the A.'.A.'. in Chapter II verse 55. It was
discovered on the 23 rd of November1976. After working with the
Cipher several radical methods and new techniques were
discovered that confirmed that was indeed the promised cipher of
Al. The word had finally become flesh.
How did the English Qaballa originate ?
On April 8th, 9th and 10th 1904 Aleister Crowley received a
Book, The Book of the Law via direct voice communication from a
"Praeter human intelligence" called Aiwass, identifying himself
as "The minister of Hoor-Paar-Kraat", an aspect of Horus.
Crowley who was both a brilliant Qaballist and an accomplished
magician was surprised and shocked by thecontent of the book
which claimed to be the basis of the " New Aeon. "The Aeon of the
Crowned and Conquering Child. Despite the unusual circumstances
involved in its reception Crowley dismissed the Book as amere
curiosity. The Manuscript was subsequently lost for five years
before it was "Rediscovered" and began to realise that the book
seemed to contain Qabbalistic formulae of an unusually high
order, formulae that promised to revolutionise and eclipse the
crumbling traditions of the Golden Dawn with a living vital
evolutionary system that was based entirely on self realisation
using Magickal and Mystical techniques. This system was called
In an effort to proliferate the message of LiberAl Crowley
completed several extensive commentaries on the text utilising
Hebrew, Arabic and Greek Qaballa to unlock its many secrets. His
attempts at the instructions of LiberAl II 55 were initially
equated to the pictograms of Liber Trigrammaton however he was
not entirely satisfied with the results. In the New comment he
states " The Attribution in Liber Trigrammaton is good
theoretically, but no Qabalah of merit has arisen there from"
In 1918 Crowley's magickal child, Frater Achad, provided a
valuable key to unlocking LiberAl as outlined in his thesis
Liber 31. Achad notes the following :-
"Then I noticed another very important thing. I was wondering
why A and L should be chosen, or rather why L the 12th letter
of the Hebrew alphabet should follow A, the first."
It would also appear that he was closer to the Cipher than has
probably been realised, although he knew it Not, for the 12 th
letter of the English Alphabet is also L the second letter of
the EQ cypher and the name of the book from which it was
After Achad's split with Crowley the subject of the English
Qaballa was almost forgotten until the 1970's when a concerted
effort was made to discover the Key to Al by the western
What about the more recent efforts to discover the Cipher ?
In 1976 certain groups and individuals signed A A oaths
(illuminati oaths) and worked with LiberAl in search of the
promised Qaballa. Several attempts were made then either
abandoned or ritually sacrificed as failures. Two orders in
particular actively sought the answer the O.Z.R.C.S and the
T.T.S. Both groups worked independently and were ignorant of
each other's existence yet both found recurrent symbols relevant
to Venus, Scorpio and the Rosy Cross. After several attempts the
T.T.S decided to seek out the key magickally and appropriately
enough one member began counting 11 letters from A to the letter
L. He continued the sequence counting another 11 letters toW.
Thus deriving the initials of "Azure Lidded Woman." Resuming the
11 fold sequence he eventually generated the order :-
A L W H S D O Z K V G R C N Y J U F Q B M X I T E P 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Many individuals and groups worked with the above Cipher using
the Class A texts applying the EQ to various aspects of Magick.
After the collation of much empirical data the consensus was
overwhelming. This was indeed the promised Qaballa.
In the US certain members of the QBLH illuminati worked with the
Cipher. One member, Soror Ishtaria, produced a program to allow
rapid and accurate reseach. This Program is called "Lexicon" and
remains the only program worth considering for serious EQ
What makes this the promised Cipher ?
The text of Al contains a tremendous amount of corroborative
evidence to substantiate this particular order. The sequence
begins with the name of the book Al, in conjunction with the
third letter W produces an anagram of Law, the English title of
the Book.
In all "Official" copies of the book of the Law is a facsimile
of the handwritten manuscript. Page 16 of chapter III contains a
grid drawn by Crowley on the text of LiberAL III v47. Writing
the alphabet continuously down the columns from the top left
hand corner will produce the above sequence across the
diagonals. This is proof enough for some, however, the evidence
continues to mount up.
On the same page the centre of the grid contains a cross within
a circle, traditionally the symbol of a "Rosy Cross" a
fundamental symbol of the illuminati creed. The text states
"then this circle squared in its failure, is a key also" The
symbol occurs in the square allotted to K with the value of 9.
The "Square" of nine = 81 the EQ value of "Rosy Cross" !
The edge of the circle intrudes into the adjacent square
allotted to U or 17. The sum of the two squares that contain the
circle is 26, the number of letters in the English Alphabet.
The value of "In it's failure" is 187 which equals "English
Alphabet". "Is a key also" yields the value 93, equivalent to
"Scorpio," "Divide" and "Time". Ninety-three of course being the
value of the number that designates the Thelemic Current as a
whole. This suggests that the particular order & value of the
English Alphabet presented here is especially relevant to
The total sum of the English Alphabet is 351 which is the total
sum of letters and numbers of Al II verse 76 one of the more
intriguing verses in the book and the subject of much debate.
In Chapter one verse 24 Nuit states the following: "I am Nuit,
and my number is six and fifty" Applying the EQ to the text
reveals that Nuit = 78. Naturally, 7 multiplied by 8 = 56,
precisely Six and fifty and is equal to the value of "Isis".
This is just a fraction of the number of examples to be found in
the text of Al. One verse in particular requires further
scrutiny for it contains the seeds of Initiation concealed and
revealed therein.
In Liberal II 75 Hadit declares the following :
"Aye, listen to the numbers & the words" The phrase is one of
the more remarkable in the text. It seems to be a further
instruction to seek out the order and value. The total sum of
the verse is 418 equal to "Abrahadabra" in Hebrew and according
to Crowley the number of the completion of the Great Work. The
sum of Four + One + Eight is 187 and is the value of two phrases
in particular "English Alphabet" is the first, the second
..."And doubt it not !"
What about English Qaballa Methods and Techniques ?
All of the techniques of the Hebrew Qaballa can be used with the
cipher of Al. Essentially they can be broken down into specific
groups. Gematria.
This is a method of comparing the total sum of words of a
specific value and comparing the relationships between them. For
example the Gematria of Love = 44 (2+7+10+25) = "Aum Ha", the
last two words of Liberal. The value of 44 is also "Solar Hawk"
and "Hawk + Lord." It is also equal to EQ the system that both
reveals and conceals these relationships.
This is another common technique deriving acronyms from phrases.
The Classic example in Liberal is that of ISIS =56 this is
demonstrated in LiberAl v1 22. " Since I am Infinite Space and
Infinite Stars thereof"
This method can be extended by examining the first letters of a
phrase and verse and comparing them with the last letters of the
phrase to discover its form of manifestation. For example: -
"Love is the law, love under will".
LITLLUW = 73 = Power, from where ? ESEWERL = Warrior Lord
Mystic Numbers.
This is the sum of a given series from 1 to a significant
integer. For example, the mystic number of seven is 28 (= 1+2 +3
+4 +5+6+7). Seven is the number of Netzach the sephiroth
traditionally alloted to Venus. Note that 28 is equal to "Holy"
and "Ankh" the Egyptian Symbol of Venus.
These can be found extensively throughout the class A texts. For
example Hours is an anagram of Horus = 45. Arms is an anagram of
Mars = 39 etc
Counting Well
This technique involves the crossmultiplying of two numbers and
is derived from the text of Al III v 19 "Count well its name &
it will be as to you as 718 " The shortest method of
accomplishing this is to multiply the total value of one word by
the number of integers in the second. And repeating with the
second word. The two sums are then added and the resultant is
termed "Counted Well" and designated by convention with a "%"
sign.. For example Azure % Lidded = 718.
Azure = 63 (1+8+17+12+25) Lidded = 68 ( 2+23+6+6+25+6)
63 x 6 = 378 68 x 5 = 340 + = 718
Aum%Ha = 93, Love%Law = 156, Sun % Midnight = 666 Abra%Hadabra =
Number Reversal
This techniqure is revealed in the first verse of chapter 3 "Abrahadabra
the reward of Ra Hoor Khut" and is used to find the reward of
the number e.g. the reward of Ra Hoor Khut = 97 is 79 =
Abrahadabra = Heaven. The Reward of Horus 45 = 54 = Snake (The
traditional bringer of wisdom).
There are many other techniques but they lie outside the scope
of this brief introduction. Working with the methods outlined
above will provide sufficient momentum and "Proof" to confirm
the validity of the System.
The illuminati think that we stand on the brink of a New Aeon.
The English Qaballa provides a key to unravelling the initiatory
mysteries as revealed in Liber Al vel Legis and the Class A
texts of Thelema. As a largely experimental system, it has no
dogma and appeals to the very core of the individual..
The choice, it would seem, is clear for these demon lovers says
Fr. Alav from the QBLH-RC+
A L W H S D O Z K V G R C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
N Y J U F Q B M X I T E P 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
More Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. Why is the E.'.Q.'. Order & Value a serial order (one to
twenty six) rather than hundreds, tens and units like the Hebrew
system and others?
A. Many students of the Golden Dawn system and the better known
sources on Greek and Hebrew Qabalah ask this question. In fact
there is a considerable body of evidence that Greek and Hebrew
characters were used for a serial order first, and that this
order was important in the development of these systems,
similarly many other ritual alphabets have used serial orders
rather than hundreds, tens and units. There is thus no reason
why E.'.Q.'. should adhere to the same pattern as the systems
which have had most currency since the nineteenth century. On
the other hand the vast majority of alternative English
Gematrias proposed since E.'.Q.'.'s discovery have adopted the 1
to 26 "value" while proposing another "order" for the letters.
Q. Surely any attribution of numbers to letters would produce
results? Isn't it more a matter of belief and "word association
by numbers"?
A. Apparently not, though before my own experience of E.'.Q.'. I
might well have thought so myself. Several alternative gematrias
do exist, but as yet none has produced a magical system. The
question of belief is not appropriate to a true numerical
system, numbers are a standard of immutable truth that rises
above mythology and other limited paradigms. So far the
alternative gematrias have indeed proved to be nothing more than
systems of word association, or go little further than "proving"
the discoverer is Crowley's successor! E.'.Q.'. on the other
hand has shown itself capable of considerably more than this, a
situation that cannot be entirely due to the superior ability of
its exponents!
Since writing the above I have become familiar with the work of
David Allen Hulse, whose unpublished work on English gematria is
a major exception to the above rule. Though not extending to a
magical methodology in itself - as yet - the system he uses is
the simplest of all, the ABC series numbered 1 to 26, which the
discoverers of E.'.Q.'. had tried and not found of interest, my
own researches also failed to find anything of interest in this
schema. Hulse on the other hand, and I take my hat off to him
for it, came at the problem from another direction, as may be
seen in his "Key of it All" which I cannot recommend to highly,
and got first class results from what had seemed to some of the
best qualified persons in this field to be an unlikely schema.
Having surveyed and examined many alternative methods of English
gematria it is my belief that more is to come, and that the
serial order applied to ABC and its odd numbered permutations
(of which "family" E.'.Q.'. is an honoured member) is likely to
be the most fertile area for future discoveries.
Q. What simple proofs can you present that E.'.Q.'. is a valid
solution to the Qabalistic puzzles of the Book of the Law?
A. Simple proofs are many, though in their enthusiasm E.'.Q.'.
writers have often assumed the reader will find them for
themselves, and have concentrated on other more technical
aspects. These following are among the simplest and most
"accessible" indicators of E.'.Q.'.'s astonishing ability to
detail Thelemic principles exactly without mindbending
calculation or peculiar spellings!
Many Thelemites are accustomed to writing "Love is the law, love
under will" as three 93's. The value of LOVE IS THE LAW, LOVE
UNDER WILL by E.'.Q.'. is 279 or 3x93. Similarly "Do what thou
wilt shall be the whole of the law" = 386 which is 2x193.
The second chapter of the Book of the Law, gives the number of
"Had" as eleven, the value of HAD in E.'.Q.'..
The phrase STRANGE DRUGS from AL has the value 143, the same
value as the phrase DISTANT DRUG in Liber VII. This is a
striking example of the accuracy of the gematria system,
involving not only AL but the entire Class A literature.
The Book of the Law injoins us to exceed by delicacy and drink
by the eight and ninety rules of art. DELICACY = 98 by E.'.Q.'.,
no other reason has ever been presented for the number of "rules
of art".
The Thelemic Pentagram rituals frequently attribute Babalon to
West and Water, while Aiwass/Aiwaz is frequently attributed to
the direction of Air. BABALON = 65 = WATER, AIWAZ = 36 = AIR.
Accordingly E.'.Q.'. derived ritual corresponds closely with
traditional ritual in this obvious respect and in others less
obvious, without any necessity to squeeze round pegs into square
holes by selective spelling or other contortions.
The Counting Well process (briefly, value of word a times number
of letters in word b and vice versa) produces other startling
AZURE % LIDDED = 718 Note eleven letters and initials AL, the
next word is "Woman", thus the initials ALW, which are the first
three letters of the E.'.Q.'. Order & Value. Note also that the
phrase "O Azure-Lidded Woman" starts with the letters O.A.Z.,
which letters have the E.'.Q.'. values of 7.1.8.
ABRAHAD % ABRA = 418 (Crowley's "Hebrew" system gives the same
AUM % HA = 93 (this word seals the book).
SUN % MIDNIGHT = 666, this number is traditionally associated
with the Sun and with the "Solar Phallic" current of which "The
Beast" is the embodiment. There are important keys in this
equivalence, relating to Khephra, results magick and the IVth
house of astrology, the enemy naming ceremony and much else.
[BABALON % BABALON = 910, 91 is a significant number, with or
without considerations of the Hebrew system, since it is the sum
of the numbers one to thirteen, and the value of 13x7. The E.'.Q.'.
value of BABALON is 65, 65 + 91 = 156, the value of Babalon in
Crowley's "Hebrew" system.]
These simple proofs are outside the realm of coincidence and are
unmatched by any alternative system. Neither Achad or Crowley
producedresults of this quality or quantity with their
qabalistic analyses, simply because they lacked the tools, no
alternative gematria schema has come close either. It is not a
matter of "my qabalah is better thanyours", though many
responses to E.'.Q.'. have been based on such apetulant
attitude. The "English Qaballists" of the illuminati have done
considerable research into all alternatives which have been put
forward, and haveoften tried harder to extract sense from them
than the proposers of the alternatives themselves. The vital
thing to bear in mind is a qabalah is a ritual language, and any
proposed system that does not produce a magical system is not a
qabalah, whatever else it might be.
Wes Penre is the owner of the domain
Illuminati News and the publisher of the same. Please also check
out his MySpace website: