The Judaic Role in the Black Slave Trade
by Michael A. Hoffman II
Prof. Tony Martin
n this
brilliant foray into the hidden dimensions of the chronicle of
black servitude,
Tony Martin, professor of
African History at Wellesley College, lectures
on the role of Judaics in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, and
the impact of racist rabbinic texts on the formation of the
contemptuous view of Africans which led to the justification of
their enslavement. Dr. Martin's speech is introduced by
Michael A. Hoffman IIwho provides insight on recent scholarly developments
concerning the "Curse
of Ham."
Brief concluding remarks are offered by historian
David Irving.
blockbuster documentary, "The Judaic Role in the Black Slave
Trade" by
Tony Martin,
Professor of African History at Wellesley College,
has cost Mr. Martin a steep price for his failure to toe the
party line on the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. Thought vastly
more qualified and erudite than the likes of Henry Louis Gates
and Thomas Sowell, Martin has been blacklisted and boycotted and
kept off blue ribbon civil rights symposia both in the US and
Britain, PBS broadcasts and syndicated columns. The
Establishment's directive is ― silence Tony Martin! This obtains
for both the Left and the Right wings of the
His offense? Courageously bearing witness to embarrassing truths
about Judaism, which testify to a significant and in the case of
the Caribbean and South America ― massive Judaic role in the
black slave trade. Prof. Martin compounds this dangerous
'blasphemy' with heresy, by pointing to the sacred rabbinic
texts and halacha
as the basis for the racist justification for black
chattel servitude. Martin correctly points to the two major
Judaic sources of this institutionalized anti-black contempt:
the Midrash, a collection of rabbinic fairy tales alleged by
prominent writers (Joseph
James L. Kugel),
to offer brilliant insights into obscure and enigmatic passages
of the Old Testament; and the "Guide
of the Perplexed"
(in the Shlomo Pines translation--all other English
versions are redacted), by Judaism's foremost rabbinic legal
"codifier", the famous Rabbi Moses Maimonides, a.k.a. the "Rambam"
(sounds like a parody of a Flintstones' character, but that's
his moniker in Orthodox Judaism).
In the
and the "Guide
of the Perpelxed"
the black race and dark skin are identified with indelible,
hereditary moral corruption and perversion, the so-called "Curse
of Ham".
The key distinction to be noted here is that since
Judaism is an anti-Biblical religion (you read that right, my
book, "Judaism's
Strange Gods"),
attributing to the Genesis story of Ham and Canaan a racial
subtext, is strictly rabbinic and not Biblical. Nowhere in the
Old Testament is the black race or sub-Saharan African ethnicity
associated with enslavement or moral turpitude. That abominable
fallacy, which has caused untold misery for millions of black
people, is a strictly Midrashic-halachic
gloss which we are not supposed to talk about. Those who do,
risk censorship, blacklisting and other threats to careers and
bank accounts here in "democratic" America. (Caveat to
Iraqis: if Bush is successful in imposing "democracy" on
Iraq, your ability to freely contemplate and discuss the matters
under consideration will be severely interdicted. That is Mr.
Bush's unspoken definition of democracy: expanding the immunity
from radical critique and exposure which Judaism possesses in
the West, to the whole world. Once that tyranny is accomplished
in Iraq, your nation will receive the imprimatur as a
western-certified "democracy").
Tony Martin delves into this in his lecture, "The Judaic Role
in the Black Slave Trade" which was recorded in 2001. Since
that time, two books ― "Jews
and Blacks in the Early Modern Era"
by Prof. Jonathan Schorsch of Columbia University, and
Curse of Ham" by David Goldenberg―
both of which, in my estimation, are sneaky but elite responses
to Dr. Martin ― have been published. What I have done, is to
append a brief analysis of these books as an introduction to Dr.
Martin's speech, to provide a context for the state of the
intellectual contest as it currently stands. Both Schorsch and
Goldenberg have written books, which insult the intelligence of
their readers, but unless these readers are knowledgeable about
Judaism, they will not be cognizant of this insult, simply
swallowing without question the pap these prestigious academics
feed their seemingly highly gullible audience.
I have not encountered any significant critique of these two
books. Both of them, as far as I can tell, are recipients of
from their peers and give every appearance of being the
definitive last word on the subject. On the contrary, these
books depend on the most shameful omissions of highly germane
data central to the issue, on the supposition (?) that their
readers will not know what they are missing.
I tackle the thesis of Schorsch and Goldenberg on camera for
about ten minutes, prior to the beginning of Martin's lecture. I
predict that this film, "The Judaic Role in the Black Slave
Trade," will be a powerful antidote to the infant pabulum
dispensed by the self-appointed commissars and gate-keepers of
the study of black bondage in the Americas.
Audio of Speech on "Israeli Drumbeats for War with Iran"
The audio of the preceding speech which I gave last week is
still locked inside our "Garageband" audio software, probably
because I "saved" it as what looks like a document on our
desktop, rather than as a music file in iTunes. If anyone knows
how to correct this glitch, please e-mail
hoffman@revisionisthistory.orgwith the answer. Once we unlock the audio we will
broadcast it. Suffice it to say that the fact that Israeli and
American weapons of mass destruction are stockpiled with
inspection-less impunity, absent investigative scrutiny of any
kind by any world body ― the hatred and war hysteria directed
against the democratically-elected President of Iran and his
colleagues, by American law-makers and pundits is completely out
of line. Charles Krauthammer insulted the Iranians as "apocalyptic
madmen." Of course Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the influential
spiritual leader of the Shas political party in the Israeli
state, who urged that the Israeli armed forces bombard the Arab
people with missiles, is not an apocalyptic madman.
Reaction to our video "World War Two Revisionist Charles Provan"
has been overwhelmingly positive. Here is a sampling of the
feedback thus far.
From an
I enjoyed your interview with
Charles Provanwhich I had the chance to view last night. I appreciate
the fact that you are not so "doctrinaire" that you can't allow
a Provan who believes in the existence of gas chambers to have
his say. Who of us after all is to say an absolute "nay" to
units of extermination by gas during WWII, or the existence of
some WMD in Iraq, for that matter, just because some of the
evidence put forth for these things has been discredited? The
evil in men's hearts, and their technological prowess, is
considerable and not confined; as is their capacity to hide
documentary and other evidence, as this lawyer knows from his
own modest experience. The propensity to make absolutist
statements is one thing that has always bothered me a little
about some revisionists .... As I have expressed before, I have
felt a great kinship to you on a scholarly level (and as a
Christian brother as well, during our brief acquaintance to date),
even though I have no pretensions that I can match your
scholarship, and I also felt a kinship to Provan when he
obviously starts off with no ax to grind and when he talks about
there being good and bad found in every group.
From a
I have viewed Mr. Provan's video. It is one of the most truly
interesting one-hour viewings of anything that I have ever seen.
Fascinating. I watched it in two sittings. First one, I got to
about the 40 minute mark. After stopping it, as I was messing
around the house doing chores, I wondered, "Have certain Judaics
concocted the orthodox 'Holocaust' story in part to screen their
own people's deep involvement with the persecution and even
destruction of many of their own people?' Then, today, I
finished the viewing it and sure enough Mr. Provan talks about
the 1,000 man Judaic collaborationist crew at Treblinka.
Amazing. It will be with most interesting to see how the
"orthodox" revisionists, such as you find here
how they will deal with Mr. Provan's assertion that there were
in fact 3 "death camps" in Poland ― but that Judaic hands were
very busy in the killings there. IF what Mr. Provan says is
absolutely true (or, if his interpretation is correct),
this little video of yours might set off some seismic waves.
"Provan" is excellent ... great stuff...what a character!"
We are hard at work, endeavoring to bring you ever more
enlightening, shocking, forbidden revisionist films online and
books of a similar tenor in hard copy. With your help, upon
which we rely for the continuation of our unceasing toil, we
shall advance the Truth in every forum and format available to
Michael A. Hoffman II
Wes Penre is the owner of the domain
Illuminati News and the publisher of the same. Please also check
out his MySpace website:
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