fficially, the
US military does not make use of Remote Viewing activities,
having closed down the departments that were involved in them in
the 1990s. Private Remote Viewing experts however, are involved
in drawing sketches of far off locations, some of which turn out
remarkably precise. One US ex-army officer involved from Texas
who's involved in Remote Viewing, claims to have seen Iranian
complexes which are used for creating nuclear bombs. An
interview with UK artist Suzanne Treister, who created
HEXEN2039, a project about the military's historical use of the
occult for psychological warfare.
The Hexen2039
exhibition was on show in different museums in London earlier
this year and mesmerized the crowds. The project, which is also
online, a film, and a book blend the fictitious with rigorously
researched military (US and European) information.
The project is
centered around a futuristic fictional character who is part of
a 21st Century organization, the Institute of Militronics and
Advanced Time Interventionality. The character, called Rosalind
Brodsky travels back in time regularly. The narrative, which
accompanies paintings and drawings, is not all that implausible.
Issues addressed include real life shifts in the balance of
political power, both (factual) historical and futuristic,
climate change and new models of psychological warfare.
Remote viewing
is a small part of Hexen 2039. The project entails a wealth of
other issues including information about Soviet brainwashing
techniques, the Korean war, and US experiments like MK Ultra.
"The reason Remote Viewing is in the project is that it confirms
another case of the military 'believing in' the occult and
paranormal powers of perception and this drives the narrative
and the research rather than being the object of it", says
She cites
attributed and undisclosed historic records of past military
organizations and events involving the use of the occult and
hidden informational techniques. The narrative is compelling; in
the year 2039, Brodsky travels to an assignment at West Point
U.S. Military Academy, situated on the banks of the Hudson
River, 50 miles north of Manhattan in New York State. She
researches the US Army Civil Affairs and Psychological
Operations Command (Psyop) based at Fort Bragg, North Carolina
as part of an investigation into early forms of audio hypnosis
or 'silent sounds' technologies, altering the brain's EEG
patterns. This is used for military purposes. In the story
Brodsky casually finds out a series of dramatic military secrets
as well real life links with the film industry.
Asked how she
gained access to most of the military information, Treister says
"I read a lot of books about historical relationships between
the military and the occult, and about brainwashing, but some of
the information is online." Treister also has family involved in
one aspect of the military. During her London exhibition,
informed viewers substantiated her findings and offered further
information. Treister says that despite the secret nature of the
military, there will always be individuals who manage to
At the moment,
the most the US army will publicly admit to is its use of
psychological operations. Soldiers in are trained to 'expect the
unexpected' to the utmost extreme. Until 1995, the CIA sponsored
research institutions with millions of dollars to experiment
with psi phenomena for use of warfare. Remote viewing and
psychic work took place at Stanford Research Institute at Menlo
Park, California and in a rattly old building somewhere far from
the civilized world at Fort Meade in Maryland. The CIA closed
this down in 1995, after then President Bill Clinton ordered
more openness in the army. The public was astonished to find out
what had taken place without their knowing for two decades. The
agents had been using their 'special powers' to trace missile
silos, submarines, POWs, and MIAs.
What was even
more stunning was the razor sharp likeness of the files and a
film that was released a year earlier, Stargate. The film
meticulously detailed some of the activities that were described
in the previously classified CIA files; human consciousness was
projected from one place to another and accurate information
about remote and hidden locations was retrieved. The astonishing
correlations between the film and the CIA documents were
believed almost too coincidental yet the filmmakers insisted
they had no clue about the army project, which was located not
far from where they were shooting.
HEXEN2039 also
traces other oddities between real life, the army and Hollywood,
most notably Samuel Goldwyn's strange involvement with MGM. The
project originally began as an investigation into histories of
witchcraft, Treister says. "This soon developed into an
investigation into the occult and inevitably, since the
[fictional] Institute has a military imperative and works in
alliance with other organisations on a commission basis, it took
up an offer from the Ministry of Defence (MoD) to investigate
and develop new forms of military-occult based technology for
psychological warfare. i.e. the project organically developed
through its own internal logic."
fiction and fact often invites ridicule but practically there is
hardly a way around this. In the act of remote viewing itself,
there is however little room for such excess bagage. It requires
a total concentration of the mind. Others like Ed Dames, the ex
army officer who was involved in taking the army's Remote
Viewing program's technology to the private sector, confirm this
too. Dames, who left the US army in 1989 to set up PsiTech, was
asked questions in an online chat session published on Mind
Control forums said technical Remote Viewing is a "very
rigorous, disciplined program that teaches the trainee to
accurately download information from the collective unconscious,
or the global mind".
experimented with remote viewing by studying the techniques of
John Dee, the 16th Century controversial consultant to Queen
Elizabeth. She uses a scrying stone. The term scrying comes from
the English word descry, which means 'to make out dimly' or 'to
reveal.' Incidentally, Treister actually used John Dee's stone,
a crystal ball with a value of ?50,000, which was stolen from
the Science Museum in London in 2004. "The first remote viewing
drawing I made was of the floor plan of Aleister Crowley's house
in Scotland before I could find an image. I verified later that
in fact it had a similarly unusual structure", Treister says." I
am not sure about the veracity of other later drawings, many
were unverifiable, but also this is not necessarily the issue,
it's more about the idea that these phenomena are researched
seriously by the military, and in that sense all this becomes a
real part of the world."
A reviewer of
Treister's London exhibition says that Treister's military
drawings using the scrying stone might be just as accurate as
those made by the professionals. Ed Dames has been indirectly
involved in the search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
He drew two locations at the request of Major Karen Jansen, head
of the UN Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear inspection team in
1991. She told him the names of the locations and he jotted down
maps Spokespeople at the International Atomic Energy Agency did
not respond to an email inquiring if the technique is used in
Iran or elsewhere in the world. Dames said that Jansen phoned
him personally after work by the CIA and other agencies had
failed to produce results.
Whether Dames
also actually indicated to the UN inspectors if he saw weapons
is not clear from the chat conversation and neither from an
article that was written about this event by the Associated
Press. It seems that the UN isn't a standard client to Remote
Viewing sub contractors. Emails inquiring after this to the
International Atomic Energy Agency's press office had not
received a reply by presstime. This might change with time.
Academics in the UK are complaining that in today's critical
times, the arms control and disarmament community is facing a
generational gap. Established researchers are retiring and newer
researchers enter the field for the first time, who have
completely different backgrounds. They have started an
initiative to combat this.
One private
Remote Viewer/Dream expert, publishes his viewings online and
people can tell him whether he's right or wrong.
Brianspredictions.com is run by a 38 year old ex army
professional who draws buildings, machines, motorcycles and
aircraft. At first sight, it is difficult to take him seriously.
The drawings are scraps of hastily drawn rectangles, squares and
circles and scribbled notes and arrows. Yet Brian publishes
articles that confirm (or deny) his findings, which indicate he
often makes very valuable contributions to public issues. He
tends to dream virtually every night and during his waking hours
draw sketches after remote viewing.
On 19 February
2006, Brian wrote "I had a dream several days about some sort of
ram jet missile being built right now in a factory in Iran. This
missile can travel some 10 times the speed of sound and cannot
be shot down. Its going to be armed with several nuclear
warheads and fired on 9.10.2006 at Washington DC, USA. Using
remote viewing several days later, I now have more details on
this event and they follow." He published drawings including a
complex showing 2 buildings, storage tanks and a water tower,
and nuclear devices of about 100 feet long on some type of
hydraulic lift system. Brian details "The nuclear warheads will
be attached to the from of the missile, that when fired can
reach mach 10 (10 times the speed of sound). It has 2 large air
intake holes, drawn above. This is a drawing of an underground
tunnel used to transport the missile to the launch site and to
attach the nuclear warhead. On the left some sort of belt moves
the missile to a connecting tunnel (right) where the warheads
are attached, then the entire missile is lifted by hydraulics
100 feet to the surface to be fired. The launch site is a very
small square surrounded by a chain link fence in the middle of a
park, a school is nearby and trees are everywhere."
The Reuters
report that follows his drawings is dated on 31 March 2006. It
confirms speculation which had been circulating in the media
prior to Brian's dream, that Iran had acquired Shahab-3
missiles, which experts believe have a maximum range of around
2,000 km (1,240 miles), with nuclear warheads. Very recently, an
Iranian website claimed Iran has 600 of these bombs, which the
US last February said should not be banned, but preserved as a
military option. Western army experts deny this the case. Iran
is believed to have no more than a few dozen such missiles which
are connected to new warheads containing thousands of tiny
cluster bombs.
The moral
implications about military use of claims to the future are not
to be underestimated. It is a balance between complicity and
criticality. Ultimately, both become part of the content of the
work and potential conflicts transcend. Which is akin to
annexing territory. "If the results were taken seriously without
any other intelligence information sources and people were
injured or killed as a result then [it would be immoral]. But
from what one can tell, remote viewing was/is never used as a
stand-alone technology", Treister says.
Controversy is
part and parcel of the remote viewing trade, it appears. John
Dee, who's considered its founder, was swinging from highs to
lows throughout his life. On several occasions he ended up in
close trusted relationships with people who first accused him of
immoral deeds. In 1555, he was arrested him and charged with
treason, a capital offense. He had been involved in drawing up
horoscopes of Queen Mary and Princess Elizabeth. He exonerated
himself and ended up working closely with the people who first
brought the charges. It took years for Dee to find a
satisfactory method for the pursuit of the supernatural and he
conducted "spiritual conferences" after lenghty periods of
purification, prayer and fasting.
Dames also
appears to have had his fair share of hardships. He's thrown out
of PSIcorp and is referred to in the US media as 'Doctor Doom'.
He says he has no feelings when he relays Remote Viewing
information but that what he remote views from time to time is
not very savory. He doesn't do missing people cases because it
is too gruesome, for instance. Despite this ex US army officer's
neutrality, things appear to get to him. Predicting what he
calls "the Killshot", a solar flare striking Earth in the near
future, he relocated his family to a cave in the Sandwich
Islands (Hawaii) in 1999. Dames still believes the Killshot is
bound to take place. He says on his website that it will happen
in the next ten years. He also says Ukraine, any of these days,
will be the scene of another nuclear disaster due to a Chernobyl
like graphite-core nuclear reactor failure. When last June
rumors of such a disaster were featured on Kavkaz Center in the
Ukraine,Dames claimed this is what he'd seen. Appleseed Cast,
the popgroup has recorded a song, Storm, on which Dames can be
heard having a conversation with Art Bell, the broadcaster about
paranormal issues at Coast to Coast AM.
another movie, is currently in the making. Treister says it will
be very different from HEXEN I and involve actual neurological
scientists. She is also working on a book about NATO, which will
contain reproductions of a series of watercolours that
illustrate the NATO codification system.
Leo Zagami
Wes Penre is the owner of the domain
Illuminati News and the publisher of the same. Please also check
out his MySpace website: