O-Newswire -- The Illuminists have now put into play the
final power grab to seize control of the 3 traditional forms of
main stream media, Television, Radio and hardcopy-print media
(newspaper, magazine, book publishing)
The United States Federal Communications Commission is now set
to consider total revision on the ownership of Television and
radio stations. For decades a station ownership was highly
restricted to prevent monopolies in local city markets. The idea
was to prevent local news censorship and government corruption
that might develop if all news media were under the control of a
The original authors of the Federal Communications Commssion
laws and ammendments that were written fifty, sixty and seventy
years ago encouraged a widely divergent ownership in order that
there would be a wide range of viewpoints for local communities
in part to prevent monopolies and the threat of local
corruption. However, since the mid-1970s, the pendulum began to
swing away from exclusive, individual ownership and began to
permit large corporations from owning more than 7 television
stations and 7 radio stations in the nation. Eventually those
numbers kept expanding but local limits remained, which in turn
limited national ownership.
Another aspect that limited ownership of stations was the
prohibition against newspaper companies also owning television
and or radio stations. Eventually the rules allowed newspapers
to own stations in cities where they didn't have newspapers. Now
that rule is up for change too.
If the FCC chairman has his way, by the end of the year, Big
Media Conglomerates will be able to complete the sweep of
ownership, further shrinking supervening control and authority
over "mainstream news media."
What is happening is that the Illuminists are moving swiftly now
to get the final chess pieces in place for the final end-game in
their quest for World Conquest and the presentation of humanity
for slavery under the control of supernatural forces of the
Satanic forces waging a cosmic revolution against the Creator of
the Universe. Part of the end-game strategy is to have the
maimstream media under the tightest controls possible with as
few hands involved in the control process as possible. To do
that, media ownership needs to shrink still further than it has
til now. There are stil too many people, too many "owners."
It would appear that the Illuminists are ultimately looking to
move total main stream media control into the hands of just two,
three or maybe four or five companies, worldwide. To reach that
goal, laws and regulations have to be changed and judged on how
the FCC is looking to allow changes, it appears the Illuminists
need it NOW.
Normally, the FCC rulings involve a long period of time for
changes to be implemented. I know it used to be two or three or
even as much as 5 year time frames for changes in ownership
rules. To see the intention to apply a regulatoins change in 2
months or less is shocking and unprecedented. So why so fast?
What's up?
The Illuminists appear to be trying to step up the pace of the
agenda. According to some Illuminati-watchers, the NWO agenda
has fallen behind its timeline agenda for goal-achievements.
Originally, the Illuminists and the New World Order crowd had
intended to hand over the world and humanity to their "messiah"
the Antichrist by the year 2000. That time has come and gone
without reaching that goal.
From what we now gather, the next target for the New World Order
is December 21. 2012, which is the winter solstice which
allegedly ends the Satanically-oriented Mayan occult calendar,
which claims to be the end of the world - and the start of a new
25,000 year cycle of life. Supposedly during the switchover,
Earth aligns with the center of the galaxy or universe and
undergoes great physical changes to the planet due to galactic
disturbances sweeping through the solar system. All of this is
"alleged" and whether we think it or not, the thing is "They
do." For that reason, here again you're going to see further
escalation of New World Order efforts to transform the world
into a One-World government in the next 5 years.
For that reason, we can expect massive terror events and major
warfare, perhaps nuclear war. The Illuminist's agenda as
outlined by Freemaonsry's Albert Pike, aka the head of the
Illuminati in the last few years of his life, indicated that a
third world war would be engineered by the Illuminists. It would
be centered in the Mideast and would focus on the destruction of
the three major religions of the world, Judaism, Christianity
and Islam, in order to bring about a 1-world religion of peace
that would honor the new world dictator who would emerge after
that third global war. If events underway now in the Middle East
are any indication, an astute and knowledgeable Christian
prophecy watchers realize that the Illuminists are moving now as
quickly as they can to get everything in place for the BIG
EVENT, the war to end all wars. A war so hideous that the world
will beg for gentle global dictator to stop wars between
For more on the FCC
LINK here. For more on
Albert PIke and the 3 World Wars Pike planned,
LINK here.
Wes Penre is the owner of the domain
Illuminati News and the publisher of the same. Please also check
out his MySpace website: