is a lenghty documentary - check links below to jump between
From the mystery religions of
ancient Egypt to the Zionist role in 9/11, "Ring Of Power"
unrevises 4000 years of revisionist human history with never -
before - seen revelations. "Ring Of Power" puzzles together the
pieces of a giant puzzle into one BIG PICTURE documentary
Part I: 9/11 THE UNTOLD STORY (38 min.) Half the
world believes Muslims were responsible for 9/11. The other half
believes Israeli Zionists were responsible. Who’s right?
Part II: HIDDEN EMPIRE (22 min.) The world’s most
powerful empire is not the U.S.A. It is an empire that insiders
call “Empire Of The City”.
Part III: TRAIL OF THE PHARAOHS (25 min.) Did the
Biblical Abraham really live to be 175? Did Moses really turn
staffs into snakes and rivers into blood?
Part IV: GOD AND THE QUEEN (30 min.) Genealogy charts
show that British and French royalty are descendants of Mary
Magdalene and Jesus Christ. Is it true?
Part V: ALL THE QUEEN’S MEN (22 min.) How rich and
powerful is Queen Elizabeth II?
Part VI: THE GODFATHERS (30 min.) They scammed
control of the Bank of England and the U.S. Federal Reserve,
then they found GOD – Gold, Oil and Drugs.
Part VII: CHEATING AT MONOPOLY (52 min.) How many
people would play a game of monopoly if the banker was cheating
and fixing the rules? Over 6 billion.
Part VIII: ASSES OF EVIL (29 min.) The New World
Order Mafia are invisible rulers who make puppets out of
politicians, heroes out of villains and villains out of heroes.
Part IX: KING OF HEARTS (22 min.) The ultimate goal of
“insiders” is to disarm the world and create one world empire
under one world ruler. Who is he?
Part X: SOLUTIONS (28 min.) Protesting and writing
letters to deaf politicians doesn’t work. What does work?
The Producer is an experienced, award winning documentary
filmmaker who, as a child, learned that her father was a member
of the secretive cult of Freemasonry. She recalls many arguments
between her parents over her father's secret meetings and the
exclusion of women from the brotherhood. The Masonic ring that
her father wore had been passed down from father to son over the
generations. When she asked her father about the meaning of the
letter "G" and the compass and square on his ring, she got no
response. As an adult, she decided to investigate. That
investigation grew into four years of intensive research into
the identity and history of the diabolical globalists who she
calls the "Ring Of Power". Their goal is one World Empire and
one world ruler.
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