he Bush
Administration is on track with its plans to attack Iran before
George Bush Jr. leaves office in 18 months.
Unfortunately, few Americans think this is probable, let alone
It is both.
I agree with Scott Ritter and Daniel Ellsberg (of "The Pentagon
Papers" fame) that this attack will have negative consequences
on the world and American citizens far in excess of 9/11 and the
Iraq War.
It could very well be the final nail in the coffin of American
With that in mind...
Here are some facts to share with your friends and colleagues
about the Iran situation to stop this war before it starts:
The Bush propagandists are hard at work trying to draw a
comparison between Nazi Germany and Iran.
There are a few major problems with their fairy tale.
For example:
1. Modern Iran has no history of military aggression
Fact: Iran has never invaded or attacked another country in the
Middle East or elsewhere.
In contrast, the US has savaged Iraq causing the death of over
600,000 civilians since 2003 alone.
In the summer of 2006, Israel bombarded Lebanon in a "search for
terrorists" killing over 1,000 civilians and causing billions of
dollars in damage to the country's infrastructure (airport,
ports, roadways, housing, and factories.)
In 1980, the US encouraged its ally Saddam Hussein to attack
Iran and he did with terrible consequences for the Iranian
2. Who has nukes?
a. Iran has no nuclear weapons
b. Iran lacks the ability to create nuclear weapons c. Iran is
permitted by international treaty to develop a nuclear energy
In contrast, the US has the largest nuclear weapons stockpile on
earth and has stated, under the Bush administration, its "right"
to use them "pre-emptively" at President Bush's discretion. The
US continues to develop new and "improved" nuclear weapons.
Israel has a well developed nuclear weapons program and is the
only nuclear power in the Middle East.
3. The US attacked Iran in the 1980s using Iraq as a surrogate
Saddam Hussein, who was put in power by the US, was supported in
his invasion of Iran with billions of dollars in US weapons
shipped to him by Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr. and
coordinated by people including Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney.
Over 300,000 Iranians were killed in this US-funded war and over
500,000 were wounded.
It was during the US supported-Iraq attack on Iran that the US
transferred chemical and biological weapons technology to Iraq.
There is evidence that the Bush family commercially profited
from these arms exports.
4. The US installed and maintained a tyranny in Iran that
operated from 1953 to 1979.
In 1953, the US and CIA with help from the UK engineered a
violent overthrow of the country's democratically elected
government and then supported a brutal, anti-democratic dictator
in Iran - the so called "Shah of Iran" - who jailed thousands of
dissidents and engaged in vicious torture.
1. Iran is the 18th largest country in the world by size - the
area of the UK, France and German combined.
2. Iran has over 70 million people - three times the population
of Iraq
3. The Iranian military
Unlike Iraq, which lost a war with the US in 1990 and was
militarily attacked non-stop up to the US invasion in 2003, Iran
has had approximately 20 uninterrupted years to build and refine
it defense capacity
4. Iranians are as patriotic about their country as Americans
are about theirs and will stand and fight as they proved when
attacked by Iraq in 1980.
When fighting Iraq, Iran used every human and material recourse
it had including "human waves"
of poorly armed and equipped suicide troops who overcame the
Iraqis with their sheer numbers.
We have 160,000 troops in the region. The Iranians have
70,000,000 people and they will be fighting on their home turf
for their homeland.
5. Invaders are always at a disadvantage no matter how
technologically advanced.
Invaders who have a supply line many thousands of miles long are
at an extreme disadvantage.
6. Iranian tactics and operations are up-to-date and formidable.
Iranian-trained militias in Lebanon were able to counter an all
out attack on Lebanon by the US-equipped Israel army and air
force and compel the Israelis to retreat and agree to a
7. Potential Iranian responses to a US attack
Iran in a counterattack has the option of:
a. closing the Straits of Hormuz (through which over 20% of the
world's oil passes), b. attacking Israel, and/or c. attacking US
military installations in Iraq
None of these operations would be difficult or expensive to
carry out.
However, the financial and human consequences could be extreme.
Oil, already at $80 a barrel could, according to Wall Street
analysts, hit $200 per barrel - or more - with a doubling of
current gasoline prices.
Thousands of civilians and military personnel could be killed
and wounded in a matter of days.
Is War
With Iran Possible?
1. Bush has the legal authority
Bush secured the legal authority to attack any country any time
for any reason post 9/11 and pre-Iraq invasion.
Congress has never taken this power back from him.
They need to do it. NOW.
2. The troops, weapons and plans needed are already in place
The so called "surge" has put many extra thousands of US troops
and equipment into the region. (For the geographically
challenged Iran is right next to Iraq.)
3. The propaganda war has already started
A very well funded and well organized propaganda operation -
Freedom's Watch - staffed by former Bush administration
officials has set up in Washington DC with a multi-million
dollar budget to "sell" war with Iran to the American people.
Sadly, they are doing an excellent job and few Americans are
aware of how they are being conned
Benefits From Attacking Iran?
The people who will benefit from an attack on Iran are very same
people who benefited - and continue to benefit - from the
invasion of Iraq:
1. Oil companies - the price of their product will skyrocket
2. Weapons makers - including the Carlyle Group, which the Bush
family owns a major stake in.
3. Virulent Anti-Muslim and Arab zealots in Israel and elsewhere
- and the idiots in America who support them
4. Insiders with the financial resources place "bets" on the
war: buy gold, buy oil, short the US dollar etc.
5. Anti-democratic forces in the United States
About this last point...
Starting with the Reagan administration and continuing unabated
through the Clinton administration and accelerating after 9/11,
the executive branch of the United States government has
methodically been:
1. Destroying traditional rights and protections guaranteed to
US citizens by the Constitution
2. Creating a police state apparatus designed to silence and
suppress dissent with maximum force.
Simply by declaring you an "enemy combatant" or someone who
"supports" a declared enemy, you can be arrested and held
without charge indefinitely and without the right to counsel.
This means that should the Bush administration engage in a war
of naked aggression against Iran openly killing thousands of
innocent Iranian civilians with bombardment, including nuclear
attacks, the very act of speaking out about the immorality of
such an attack could land you in jail for the rest of your life
or until such time the President of the United States decides to
release you.
Does this sound improbable?
It's not.
Imagine this possible scenario.
The US attacks Iran.
Iran counterattacks hitting Israel and US troops in Iraq.
Underestimating the capacity of the Iranians to defend
themselves, the US finds its troops pinned down in Iraq by a
military that is capable of killing them by the thousands.
What would the US do if, in yet another Bush blunder, Bush put
thousands of US troops at the immediate risk of being killed?
How would the average uneducated American, coming late to the
story, react to the news that hundreds of US servicemen and
women were being killed daily?
Would this give Bush the green light for what his administration
has been creating the military doctrine for: a unilateral, first
strike nuclear attack?
You bet it would and in the perverse world of the Bush family
and its allies, it's possible they may welcome the chance to
finally let that particular genie out of the bottle.
Bottom line:
Once a military attack against Iran gets started, there is no
imaginable positive outcome and potential negative outcomes are
worse than anything any of us have seen in our lifetime.
For example:
* The reputation and moral standing of the US, which has already
been smeared by the blatant criminality of the Bush
administration, will be ruined, perhaps beyond repair
* Thousands of civilians and troops - perhaps tens or even
hundred of thousands - could be killed or wounded. There could
be casualties in ONE DAY that dwarf all the casualties in Iraq
since the invasion.
* The world economy will be thrown into a tailspin and the US
economy, the world's most dependent on oil, will be hit
especially hard.
* Underlying financial instability caused by a culture of
corruption and fraud (Enron, WorldCom, sub-prime mortgages etc.)
will be further strained perhaps
to the breaking point.
* China and Russian, two very formidable potential enemies with
human, natural and technological resources equivalent to the US,
may decide (if they already haven't) that they need to join
forces to "check" US power and may begin to do so in an
aggressive way.
Again, this is all great news for the oil companies, the weapons
makers, the anti-Muslim and Arab zealots, the opponents of civil
rights and the Constitution.
and plugged in Wall Street operators.
It will be a disaster for American citizens.
Disasters for average Americans is what the Bush family has been
about for four generations now:
1. The great grandfather *Samuel Bush* was Woodrow Wilson's
liaison to the weapon's industry and profited mightily in that
role. He was one of a handful of architects "present at
creation" of the modern military-industrial complex which has
steadily bled the US financially and morally for private profit
for decades.
2. The grandfather *Prescott Bush* was US banker to the Nazis,
helping them before, during, and after World War II with their
financial operations.
3. Bush Sr. was behind the Iran-Contra operation which illegally
sent arms to Iran and siphoned the profits for personal gain and
to fund terrorist operations in Central America. He also worked
with the Bin Laden family and others to fund the so called
Afghani resistance which became the Taliban and al Queda.
4. And finally, George W. Bush, who in seven years has done more
lasting harm to to the United State than any group of external
enemies, real or imagined, could ever do.
Undermining fundamental America values and strengthening US
enemies been a lucrative business for the Bush Family for four
generations now.
Items to Stop the Coming War
Let your friends and colleagues - and the media and your local
representatives know that:
1. You don't buy the Bush administration's anti-Iranian
2. A war against Iran would be potentially catastrophic, much
worse than the current disaster in Iraq
3. Advocacy for this war as practiced by Bush administration
front groups like Freedom's Watch is against American interests
and needs to be exposed
4. Bush needs to have the war powers granted to him post 9/11
taken away and taken away now.
Brasscheck TV will be posting a number of new videos about the
impending war with Iran.
Until then, I recommend that you:
1. Familiarize yourself with the relevant videos on the
Brasscheck TV web site and,
2. If you have not already done do, become a free subscriber to
the e-mail video announcement service so we can keep you
informed as new information is available.
- Brasscheck
P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and videos with your
friends and colleagues.
That's how we grow. Thanks.
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San Francisco, CA 94115
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