n the second
anniversary of the levee failures in New Orleans which killed
over 1,000; demolished 250,000 homes and destroyed 80% of a
major US city, George Bush came to New Orleans to speak.
Predictably, his comments were largely dishonest, but he did let
slip an important truth that his handler Karl Rove had worked
mightily to suppress since the moment the Feds realized the
levees had failed:
The levees in New Orleans are a FEDERAL responsibility.
New Orleans is at the mouth of the Mississippi River one of the
most important thoroughfares in the United States. Keeping New
Orleans safe and functional in the face of natural challenges is
of high level strategic and economic importance to the United
Thus, the federally controlled US Army Corps of Engineers were
put in charge of the levees decades ago. The construction and
maintenance of the levees are a FEDERAL responsibility - and so
was their failure.
And so is hundreds of billions of dollars in damages caused when
because of shoddy construction they collapsed. In reality, the
federal government is legally, ethically and morally obligated
to restore New Orleans to its pre-levee failure state, just as
you would be if your negligence caused someone to suffer a loss.
Yet Bush and his idiot supporters talk about New Orleans as if
it were a local problem, a random act of nature rained down on
people living in "the wrong place", and that New Orleans needs
to pull itself up by its bootstraps.
But here, for one brief moment, the President spoke the truth.
Too bad the perpetually asleep-at-the-wheel US news media didn't
pick up on it.
Wes Penre is the owner of the domain
Illuminati News and the publisher of the same. Please also check
out his MySpace website: