Yurchey: …Donna Epstein heard me on Mary Sutherland’s radio
show. She knew I was looking for some anomaly at these 13 points
(since 1974). She sent me a Google Earth picture of this strange
Indian (image), seen from high in the air of Canada. And that is
the exact spot I have been looking for for 33 years.
Talk: Man.
D: I wrote
‘Atlantis Power Grid’ right after she sent me this and decided
to rework my whole, big manuscript. And, since I’ve been writing
articles, I’ll write a short version of this theory and put it
out on the Internet. It has spread everywhere. It’s been
published in real magazines. That got me on Coast to Coast. A
week ago, I was on Coast to Coast. That’s like the Carson Show
(laughs), you know…
GT: Oh, yeah. We know the feeling.
D: I thought I bombed. I thought I completely bombed and was at
the lowest point I’ve ever been in.
GT: Now, I can’t WAIT to hear it.
D: I actually PISSED George Noory off!
GT: (gasp) (gasp) (laughs).
D: I was having technical difficulties with my phone. And people
perceived this…he yanked me after one hour.
GT: Oh no.
D: …People perceived this as him jumping on me. The next day, I
got so many emails of support…it was just incredible; I loved
it. People were actually following what I was saying (laughs)
and they didn’t even hear…half of it. So, I want to explain
these other things that I didn’t get out on C2C…Who knew the
human race came from greatness? We’re not taught that in
anything. If you believe in Adam and Eve and all that, well,
that’s a simple belief in the Garden of Eden.
GT: Right.
D: But, most people believe the scientists; they think ‘well,
they should know what they’re talking about.’ They don’t even
question Evolution or Darwin. And if you believe that way, then
you believe in primates. You still believe that we started out
in barbaric, simple ways. Even Erich Von Daniken says, well, the
aliens came in and advanced the primates. We saw it in the movie
GT: Yes. Um uh.
D: You’re still talkin’ PRIMATES. I’m going to give a completely
different view where we can throw out that idea of primates. I’m
going to explain it a different way…different view of history.
We have these titanic stones and pyramids that can’t be built
today. We can’t move 10 tons. That’s true. There’s the Stone of
the South that’s 5000 tons, a 5000-ton obelisk in Lebanon.
GT: Right.
D: It’s not standing up. It’s on its side. But, how heavy was
the original stone that it was whittled from? 25,000 tons? This
is beyond…we’re not moving it with slaves and in many of these
cases, these are remote areas; they couldn’t farm. They couldn’t
support a large population. It wasn’t slaves; somebody built
this thing, you know. I suggest everyone read ‘Atlantis Power
Grid.’ This area in Canada…the irony there. Because there should
be Incan fortresses…the giant, titanic stone fortresses on top
of the Andes Mountains. It (fortresses) should be all over
Canada…if the Indians WALKED here from Asia!
GT: …Ah.
D: They had advanced technology. They had everything we have
(today). We fly. We have spaceships. We can clone. We have
lasers today. I’m trying to get the light bulb ON for people. If
there’s these (impossible) things we cannot build that are
amazing, wait a minute, maybe they had all that we have and
MORE. Edgar Cayce also said that.
GT: Yes, he did.
D: People don’t understand what a Tesla System would look like.
We got screwed out of it over a hundred years ago.
GT: Thank you to Westinghouse. Thank you.
D: Well, no, that’s not true. Westinghouse was his good buddy. I
think you mean J. P. Morgan.
GT: No, I’m sorry.
D: I even found out THAT isn’t true.
GT: Really.
D: Yeah, Tesla had all the money…I was a pen pal to someone who
knew Tesla, Arthur Matthews; they co-wrote a book together…spoke
to him on the phone once. And he tells a completely different
story. This (Wardenclyffe) was Tesla’s crowning achievement,
1900-1905, this huge antenna. It would have changed
EVERYTHING…through the powers of induction…and here’s a Tesla
story that could explain: I bought a Tesla Coil…some people have
heard of a Tesla Coil, but not sure what it is. It is in many
appliances as a means to amplify the energy. And I got this
little Coil from Edmund Scientific, an old company where you can
buy scientific equipment. One foot high, a little ball on top,
copper coils going around, you plug it into the wall. Like a
dummy, I put it on a large audio speaker that I had.
GT: (laughs) (laughs).
D: See, you people KNOW. It didn’t take LONG before I had to
take the speaker into the shop. It’s the same reason you don’t
put a magnet on your computer.
GT: Right.
D: Or, on your tapes, it will just mess them up. I also had an
early version of a computer chess game in that room and that was
messed up too…all because of the small Tesla Coil. And, the
coolest thing you can do with a Tesla Coil, I think…hold a
florescent light tube and put the tube near the Coil…and it
lights up in your hand…no wires.
GT: Um ha, right.
D: Imagine that on a much larger scale, 200-foot tower,
thousands and thousands of times more powerful. Everything would
wirelessly light up and within that range, your machines would
run, your vehicles…everything would have a little antenna
device, no wires. As long as the signal from the station is
pumped out and is working, everything is going to have power.
Tesla, in his own time, would have disrupted nothing. This was
the horse and buggy era. Today, governments know how to build
Tesla’s Tower; they can’t! This is an important thing for people
finding out about Tesla. I mean, you guys, when you first heard
about Tesla, free energy…wasn’t your first thought, ‘wonderful,
we should have this?’
GT: Absolutely.
D: Yeah, right. Well, there’s technical reasons…we can’t.
Because, if someone built a 30 – 40 foot tower in a city today
and turned it on…it would disrupt all the communications, cause
static on the TVs, radios, phone lines; disrupt computers…people
would wonder, ‘What is this Tesla Coil? It’s just messing
everything up.’ No, the system is incompatible with what we have
today. That system (Tesla towers) would have incorporated all
the communications (media). We went the wrong way, a hundred
years ago.
GT: …Cayce talked about a wireless power system that Atlantis
had and was based on CRYSTALS, though, not on Tesla Coils.
D: That
tower that Tesla built in New York, called Wardenclyffe; this is
very important. That was only the first one in his world grid.
He put it in New York because, in 1900, that was where the large
population was. There were going to be 8 others at specific
global positions. Like a radio station, it works on a specific
range and then it terminates. So, you had another one and
another one at certain places over the Earth. Once you did that,
you’ve covered the Earth with useable frequency; you have
(electrical) power on Mt. Everest, at the deepest ocean,
everywhere on Earth…and it incorporates all communications. When
I saw that…years earlier, I had the experience with my ex-wife
where she channeled these 13 points…this was the realization I
was leading up to…Once I realized what the Tesla System would
look like…OH, MY GOD…The only difference was TIME! This is what
the ancients had. This is what those 13 points were. But, only
it wouldn’t look like a Tesla System. It would appear as
something from those that have MASTERED these capabilities. So,
there’s really no PROGESSION in our history. There is the
opposite of that…devolution. When I had this realization, I’ll
tell you guys…I…I was thrown to the ground, my legs buckled, a
nerve went up and down my spine and I cried like a BABY! (ha,
GT: I’ve seen Scott do that. (laughs). I just did that
yesterday, in fact. (laughs).
D: I knew that Creationism was wrong. I knew Darwin and
Evolution were wrong. I understood that Von Daniken was wrong.
We were that advanced. I don’t think it was aliens…because the
human race…we’re going to go where the power is. We’re going to
use that power. Each one of these 13 points brought forth the
human race. After everything blew up, they couldn’t control the
weather anymore. When it (technology) collapsed, we were victims
of the environment…then we changed physically over a long period
of time. That’s why there’s one in India, the Brown Race and the
Black Race came out of Zimbabwe. The Asians…really came from
Lemuria (in the Pacific) but, I believe they took over the
grid-point in the Sea of Japan (Yonaguni)…we were ONE. I’m not
talking one-world government. In a sense, that’s the way we
should do it. I’m talking Buckminster Fuller thought this was
Spaceship Earth. We are Earthlings. We are one people. I don’t
like countries, divisions or racism and all that. I see all the
colors of people; I see all these different…TRIBES that were
stranded in these different environments and that’s why we look
GT: Could you talk about some of the more mysterious
D: One I didn’t talk about is that Pillar in New Delhi, India.
Not too many people have even heard of it. It’s hard to get a
good picture of it. I’m sure you’ve heard the word ‘vimanas.’
GT: Yes.
D: In India…we commonly called them ‘flying carpets.’ If you
look at the old books of India that describe ancient, nuclear
wars. There are these flying vehicles and people think they are
stories. I believe the Pillar was the Tesla Coil that powered
through induction methods all those flying vehicles. It is in
the back of this shrine called the Qutab Minar. It doesn’t even
get respect in India. Because they go to see the temple, and
‘oh, we have this thing in our back courtyard.’ It is a 7-ton,
metal Pillar! One piece, only a modern refinery could have
produced it. No one knows who built it. It’s called the Ashoka
Pillar. There are other Ashoka pillars. But, this is the
‘non-rusting’ one…has never rusted. This is the finest metal,
now, it’s ELECTRO-MAGNETIC and it’s on the opposite side of the
Earth as Easter Island. This is actually all connected because
Easter Island gives off a strong magnetic charge; ship’s
compasses will turn toward Easter Island. So, you have the
opposite ends of the Earth as in magnetic poles. I believe no
one known saw this when it was new. You can look up on the
Internet and see who built this 500 years ago and then read
another version totally conflicting…we can’t leave a mystery…so
we’ll fill in the gaps and invent these things. Those other
grid-points are very, very remote…here are millions of people
around the New Delhi Pillar and they don’t realize that could
explain their ancient history of flying crafts. When this was
working, it was probably charged as you see those bolts in
Tesla’s lab, like when Tesla sat calmly and there was 100-foot
electrical arcs over his head. And people don’t understand when
I say how the ancient stones could be used as ‘utility poles.’
OK, let me try to explain in an illustration Tesla used. He has
a tuning fork and pretend that was the tower with a frequency
and that frequency was the TV, radio, phone calls and all media.
Then, he uses the Earth as a LIQUID so it would expand
(vibrations) like on a surface of a lake and these other towers,
no matter what distance, would suddenly start to vibrate or beat
in syncopation with the first tower. That’s how all the towers
can freely recreate the same signals; using the entire planet.
GT: Really.
D: What Tesla did was combine electricity and radio. But, I
believe, someone above Tesla told him, ‘hey, they’re not ready
for this. These silly humans are going to make a weapon out of
this.’ World War I was coming. You know how a certain pitch can
shatter a glass with a certain tone?
GT: Yeah, yeah.
D: Scientists didn’t believe it, but Tesla could have shattered
the Earth in two! By using the wrong frequency, there’s your
Doomsday Weapon right there. Somebody could have demanded money
or something…instead of freely powering a continent; the towers
could be misused and destroy everything. And I spoke to Arthur
Matthews, to a man who may have been Tesla’s secret son, and I
asked him the ultimate question. WHEN, when are we going to have
Tesla technology? He told me we’re going to have it so far in
the future that no one then would have ever heard of Tesla. If
one person is going to last the test of time, it would be Tesla.
So, everything has to come down. No more computers. No more
televisions or cell phones…all of that has to be scrapped before
a new system comes in. Who’s going to do that? Look how much
they have invested in that. So they (governments) are NEVER
going to allow someone to build one of those towers and have a
free energy system. Because the WHOLE WORLD has to be changed
first. We’re doing it the wrong way. But, the ancients…the
pyramids beat in sync with the Earth and everything was healthy
and wonderful…but, even that can go awry and that’s what
happened. But…but…are you guys still there?
GT: Yeah (laughs), yeah! We’re just listening.
D: This is WHY I pissed Noory off! I hogged the conversation.
GT: No, this is YOUR show.
D: Very nice of you.
GT: Was there tectonic plate shifting?
D: If we could get the real tectonic movements and could take
the grid-points back 60,000 years ago, then I believe these 13
points would move toward uniformity (perfect grid positions) and
not toward randomness or chaos. The only one that has moved from
the grid position away from the pattern is Australia. I’ll bet
there is geological evidence for that Aussie plate shifting far
to the south.
GT: Interesting. What about Sedona, Arizona?
D: Not as far as the main 13 goes. I’ve called these other areas
‘sub-stations’ like Ed Leedskalnin in Florida, near Bimini.
These were sub-stations. Something was going on there a long
time ago; some trace of ley line is still there and maybe
measurable. The one in Russia. This Russian named Vlad Pakhomov
read my ‘Atlantis Power Grid’ article; I’ve heard from him and
he sent me this picture of a Russian Sphinx in the Sayan
Mountains and they found an ‘ancient city’ right there. I only
recently discovered that ancient Russians moved great stones
also, standing stones. There are these things called ‘dolmens’
that would have made the perfect bomb shelters out of stone and
I think they were bomb shelters. So, I asked the Russian who
sent me the picture, I asked him, ‘Vlad, is this sphinx and
ancient city anywhere near my grid-point for Russia?’ And he
said YES! That’s amazing. Russia is a big country. Here’s this
concentration of an ancient society around my grid-point. Like
in the Alice Springs area of Australia. There are petroglyphs
and rocks that seem to be fused together…like from a nuclear
blast. In Alice Springs, there is that giant red rock plateau, a
feature of Australia called Ayer’s Rock. It’s the largest stone
on Earth; it’s a giant spike and we only see the top of it…and
it’s magnetic. Maybe they electrified this giant spike. Tesla
created the largest earthquake ever in New York City’s history.
GT: Um ha.
D: With a little, pocket oscillator…he attached to a building’s
tall, support beam. This long thing starts to go into
oscillation and suddenly in a police station across the street,
chairs moved and windows broke. The police thought, ‘Oh, Tesla
is at it again.’ They came in to see Tesla smash the pocket
oscillator with a sledgehammer; he had to destroy it. Maybe this
thing in Australia, this giant magnetic spike was sent into
oscillation and electrified…like I believe many of the ancient
monuments were. Oh, I said I could explain the Caveman-thing and
how Darwin is wrong. OK, there are two points; I got to get this
out. Cayce said the Cro-Magnons were Atlantean Man. He didn’t
say the other ones were, just the Cro-Mags. They had LARGER
BRAINS than we do today! Few people can understand that. Their
world would look like Star Wars, 5th Element and incredible
things beyond our comprehension. You would need this incredible
brain to handle the advanced technology and you know we only use
a small fraction of our mental potential. Here we are as modern
people, let’s say, we have a nuclear war and had to go to the
caves just to survive, back to the Dark Ages. There goes our
computer-technical minds because we’re going to have children
after children after children, now in rags, no technology…their
high tech world is long gone. Our brains would actually atrophy
from non-usage and get smaller. That’s US. That’s what the
anthropologists don’t want to tell you. They’re not a little
wrong with the caveman’s sloped-in foreheads…they’re WAY WRONG!
Cro-Mags had bulbous brains. There are these other ones,
Australopithecus, Homo-Erectus and Neanderthal. People think
those were simple cave people. No, here’s the facts: They all
were at the same time. That blows Darwin apart. According to
Darwin, each group of primates ruled the world for a long time
then very slowly changed to the next form; now, we’re erect and
we can stand up. That’s not the facts; they were all together at
one time. Cro-Mags could CLONE workers, armies and slaves. Not
at the beginning of Atlantis…they degenerated to a state
where…we saw it in the film ‘Brave New World’ by Aldous Huxley.
They could make A-class citizens, B-class citizens, C-class and
D-class citizens. The D-class citizens worked in radioactive
tubes; they had no minds outside of a computer chip in their
heads. Yeah, this is fiction. But, if you had a high technology
and it went to hell; it was corrupted…you’d have ‘Attack of the
Clones.’ Cayce talked about the ‘things.’ He didn’t have the
word ‘clone’ in his day. Wars were fought with the things, about
the rights of the things. Are they sentient? Are they property?
You’re cloning them, are they your property? These are very
heavy issues. In a world gone to hell, you would be cloning
monsters. The mythical creatures, half-man, half-horse,
half-bull…those were genetic experiments. I believe the Great
Flood had to happen. I think I know why the Great Flood happened
and it happened everywhere. There was Waterworld. They found
seashells high up on Everest. They had to bring down radiation
levels from the nuclear wars. It (Flood) would clean the world
and wash away the warlords, cloners and monsters. People don’t
believe the Flood and the Biblical story; I mean how could one
family take care of ALL the animals on an ark? I don’t blame
them. But, ah, if the animals were reduced down to their genetic
codes as we saw in Jurassic Park.
GT: Oooh.
D: This family was the caretakers of all the storage units. It
supposedly landed on Mount Ararat. We saw pictures lost by the
Russian Revolution. I think one battleship was made in the
proportions of Noah’s Ark and it was the most buoyant ship
possible. And there was an Indian Noah, an Asian Noah, etc. and
they all sailed. We’re the results of all that…I think the
destruction of Atlantis, which goes back 12,000 years, I think a
self-destruct switch was pulled by the good guys. The bad
forces, that Edgar Cayce called the Sons of Belial, they were
going to use the power for terrible, terrible reasons. So, I
think the good guys said, ‘OK, no one was going to have the
power.’ And they cut off the power switch and that’s why Easter
Island was stranded. They kept making receiver (Maoi statue)
after receiver after receiver…because they thought the problem
was in their receiver. No, the problem was at the station. When
your TV is messed up, you change the channel to see if the
trouble is your receiver or is it the station? The power that
was always in the air…now wasn’t. They could still levitate some
things because I think if you hit that certain frequency…like Ed
Leedskalnin, we saw the ‘In Search Of’ where he moved all of
Coral Castle. He had the driver of the pick-up look away or go
behind a building, then this stone or 1-ton object was wooop
suddenly on the pick-up truck. I think this little, sickly man
had a small tuning device. He said he knew the secrets to the
pyramids. If you hit the right frequency, you can anti-gravitate
something…Anti-gravity is a Science. It’s a fact. The
ancients…you can see in their monuments, which were not
monuments…they had a (technical) function. They were greater
than us…and certainly, they had anti-gravity and powerful lasers
to cut those giant stones. That’s all you need.
GT: …Edgar Cayce’s system wasn’t based on huge, wound coils and
spinning magnets like Tesla…it was based on crystals.
D: Crystals. I’m saying the same idea of an oscillator would be
in titanic, stone totems.
GT: Crystal vibrations…
D: Crystal radios. I’m saying there is a crystalline (radio)
property even with granite, limestone and sandstone.
GT: There is?
D: Sure. Right now, we have spaceships. We can clone. Right now,
we can clone ourselves on another planet and leave. And those
people could be there for so long that they might even forget
how they got there. And that’s the human race. That’s another
Origin-theory, that no one else is saying…so I want to say it.
Oh, one grid-point I haven’t mentioned is the one in Brazil. It
was discovered in 2002. They thought the Amazon was pristine,
untouched before the European arrival. (I remember the entity in
my ex-wife ready to mark Brazil, and I said, ‘Are you sure?’ And
she just nodded. Yeah, and 30 years later…) Here’s the work of
Michael Heckenberger; it was written up in Science Magazine. His
team was totally ‘baffled.’ Grids, the word ‘grids,’ they found.
They hacked into the Amazon and found ancient roads, bridges,
plazas aligned in grids. There are grids within grids. The
energy comes to the main complex, pyramid or mound and was
wirelessly distributed to the other areas. This is exactly where
my Brazil position is…I thought the Canadian grid-point was
totally wiped out over so much time and never rebuilt. Never
thought I’d find anything there. I thought 12 out of 13 ain’t
bad. And here the first evidence of PREHISTORIC Canadians
appears and it is at the precise spot my map predicted way back
in 1974. The 13th and final piece is now in place, which I
believe PROVES the map! The Indian image is just above the U.S.
and on the border of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Just months ago,
I found that the Indian is on Suffield Base in Canada. It’s the
biggest weapon-testing range on Earth, off-limits to the public.
It’s like a Nazca image on Area 51.
GT: Wow, thank you, Doug.
Doug Yurchey
Doug Yurchey can be reached at
Website: www.yurchey.com
Wes Penre is the owner of the domain
Illuminati News and the publisher of the same. Please also check
out his MySpace website: