hatever laws may govern synchronicity in the
world of events, they have managed to elude my comprehension
completely. Why is it that so often an amalgam of relevant
information appears at exactly the right place and time? Is it
an even that is carefully orchestrated from a higher world? Is
it arranged by superior intelligences? By angelic intercession?
By personal process of subliminal creativity?
Although I haven't an inkling of the inner workings of the
invisible realm that directs such happenings, I do know that
when these events come, they have purpose and meaning. When I am
fortunate enough to have one happen to me, I am content to
accept it as a mystery gift from an inner world while seeking
its relevance in the outer.
Thus it was with pleasurable anticipation that I accepted a
phone call that came to me on a crisp morning early in the fall
of 1985. The call left me with more than a vague suspicion that
it was not mere chance. It came from a young man, a stranger to
me at the time, who had inquired at a local New Age book store
for reference to someone with an interest in esoteric and occult
matters. Since my specialty, as the proprietor knew, is research
in various mystery schools, the obscure histories of alchemy,
cipher writing, masters of the sacred arts, and custodians of
the Holy Grail, my phone number was passed on to the inquirer.
After that contact, John Baird - for that was the young man's
name - and I arranged a rendezvous, and two days later we were
chatting over steaming mugs of herb tea. I discovered that my
new acquaintance was a personable young man in his early
thirties with an amazing story to tell. I quote from him
It was on December 31, 1955, that I was adopted. On New Year's
Day my new father invited an older uncle over to see the baby
that he and his wife had just brought home. My uncle, whose name
was Alex, looked down on me and smiled and sort of laughed, and
from what I've been told, he said, "I'm glad to see that I have
a nephew at last. He's the one I've been waiting for. I can die
happy now, knowing there is an heir to the family. There is
something he will do for all of us." Just to prove the truth of
his words, my uncle sat down in a chair, asked my father to
bring him a tall glass of dark ale, and toasted the newborn. He
died that day.
Thus John's story began. It was to corroborate for me many
beliefs and convictions that I had firmly held but which had
never been satisfactorily verified by first-hand accounts.
John was too young to remember his uncle, of course, but he had
been told that he was a member of a prestigious old Scottish
family, the Bairds. Before his death, the old gentleman had
arranged a bequest to the new family heir - a voluminous
manuscript written by hand around 1882. He had instructed that
the document be held for his nephew until he came of age.
Sometime in the late 1970s the uncle's widow gave him a sheaf of
old paper that had been lying in wait for over 100 years.
Attached was a short note from the uncle explaining that the
manuscript was written in code and had, according to the wishes
of the writer, never to that date been deciphered. It was
reserved for the second half of this century.
The young heir enthusiastically took up the challenge. To
familiarize himself with its contents, he copied the manuscript
in his own hand word for word. Before long he had the key to the
cipher. It was what he called a "tilted cipher" - a fairly
familiar style that was especially popular during the
seventeenth century. Francis Bacon referred to it as the "Trithemius
cipher," having been invented by the fifteenth-century abbot of
that name. The cipher involves moving the letters of the
alphabet a certain number of places to the right or to the left
on the standard alphabet. If the alphabet is moved six places to
the right, for instance, then "F" would be substituted for "A,"
"G" for B," and so on. It is most easily deciphered on a wheel
composed of two superimposed disks, each one carrying an
alphabet that can be easily moved in either direction.
John met with some difficulty with the deciphering until he
realized that only every third line was to be included in the
message. All other lines were "dummy lines" or nulls and
therefore not to be counted. With this discovery, John found the
transcription moved along easily enough in spite of the great
patience and concentration required.
It turned out that the original writer was an ancestor of the
Baird family who, in the 1880s, had felt compelled to leave a
record of an experience he had undergone as a young man between
the years of 1770 and 1776 on the tiny but famous island of
Malta in the Mediterranean Sea. The writer, fearing that world
conditions were disintegrating rapidly and that his message was
in danger of being lost, wrote down with uncanny accuracy his
memories of the astonishing adventure that he had experienced.
His purpose was to inspire and educate future generations with
certain arcane knowledge that was even then being perverted and
diluted by "dark forces" that he described as being only too
Checking back on the historical calendar, one find that the
middle of the eighteenth century was indeed a dangerous periods
of political unrest and chaos in European history. It was the
time when revolution was being fomented among the hungry masses
of France. On the other side of the ocean, the American colonies
were chafing under the yoke of British dominion. In addition,
there was severe religious strife everywhere - the very
existence of the Roman Catholic hierarchy was at risk.
Malta itself had recently recovered from repeated attacks by the
Ottoman Turks and and would later attach itself to Great
Britain. The small island, long a target for bloody sieges by
sea, had struggled fiercely to maintain self-rule, creating for
itself a reputation for valor.
Despite Malta's position in the middle of the
Mediterranean, equidistant between the Straits of Gibraltar and
the Suez Canal, it has been considered more European than
African. Rising theatrically out of the blue waters, it consists
of three small islands occupying only 125 square miles of rocky,
unwelcoming terrain. Somehow it seems out of place in its watery
surroundings, as though the gods had dropped it there as an
afterthought for some purpose of their own. there has always
hung over Malta a powerful air of mystery that is difficult to
define but perhaps not so difficult to account for.
The mythology of the island is as rich and resonant as that of
ancient Egypt, and indeed Malta displays ruined megalithic
structures dating back to the third millennium B.C. They were
contemporary with the temple mounds and ziggurats of Sumer, and
may predate the great pyramids of the Nile, whose dates of
construction are even now being disputed by scholars. Carved out
of the rock, Maltese subterranean temples hint at oracles,
magical rites of initiation, and long forgotten priesthoods.
Sacrificial chambers cut deep in the harsh sandstone evoke
speculations of tragedy and terror. Even today eerie burial
chambers yield up sunbaked bones and ritually trepanned skulls
from overcrowded cells.
as far apart in time as the visit of the shipwrecked Paul of
Tarsus, the raids of the
Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, and the Axis
bombings of World War II have all left their marks on Malta, but
no period of its history had make it more famous than the time
of its occupation by the Knights Hospitallers, also known as the
Knights of Malta.
Inhabitants of the island still speak of wraiths of knights and
warriors, ghostly figures robed in white who silently ascend and
descend the worn stairs leaders from crude castles to the rocky
shored below. Footsteps, say those who listen, can even now be
heard splashing through seawater on quiet moonlit nights.
Perhaps the popular movie The Maltese Falcon exemplifies a well
as anything the romanticism that tales of the island still
It was the glorious harbor, said to be the finest in the world,
that formed the basis for the Knights' extended stay on the
island. Semi-military, semi-religious, and semi-mystical, they
were originally known as the Order of the Hospital of St. John
the Baptist. Established in the early twelfth century, the order
was first intended to provide nursing care for pilgrims in the
Holy Land. But this was the time of the Crusades, and the
Hospitallers (as they came to be called) soon became a military
order, expert in fighting the Muslim Saracens and, in later
centuries, the Ottoman Turks. By 1187, the Hospitallers
controlled twenty strongholds in the Holy Land. [just popping in
to offer a grain of salt...you might need it!]
In the next century, though, the fortunes of the Crusader
domains waned. After the reconquest of Palestine by the Muslims,
the Hospitallers fled to Cyprus, finally establishing themselves
on the isle of Rhodes in 1310. Evicted in turn from Rhodes by
the Ottoman Turks in 1522, the Knights of St. John were homeless
once more. In 1530, the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V offered
them a roost on the island of Malta for the nominal fee of one
falcon a year - an easy enough tribute since the birds existed
in abundance around the three little islands.
Malta may not have been the place of choice for the Knights, but
they had to take what they could get. Soon, with their maritime
expertise and their magnificent harbor, they developed into a
strong naval force for the defense of Christianity from the
invading hordes from the East. They were virtually invincible.
At the bloody siege of the island in 1565, the Ottoman Sultan
Suleiman the Magnificent vowed that he would not spare on single
inhabitant. With a force of less than 1000, the Knights made
mockery of his boast and repelled his force of nearly 30,000,
inflicting 20,000 casualties.
But there was more to the Knights of Malta, as they came to be
called, than glory in battle. Their secret magical and religious
activities were often hinted at but by no means understood in
the outside world. For the Knights, the spiritual quest was of
paramount importance, and they themselves promoted most of the
rumors, half-truths, and speculations as a smoke screen behind
which they could conceal themselves. (They are generally
depicted, for example, as the rivals of another military order,
the celebrated Knights Templars, but my own researches suggest
that the Knights of Malta were in fact an offshoot or
reorganization of the Templars, who were suppressed by King
Philippe le Bel of France in 1310.)
Were these strange men magicians, secret adepts, and alchemists,
"those who know," as they were constantly rumored to be? Did
they actually possess great supernatural powers, and did they
have the secret of immortal life? Perhaps they were even the
possessors of the Holy Grail. Their blood-red surplices,
emblazoned with a white balanced arm cross - the exact reverse
of the Templars' red cross on white habits - were viewed with
considerable awe, respect, and even fear, as is generally
accorded to possessors of unknown powers. but what exactly were
these mysteries? Some of them have been revealed through John
Baird's deciphered manuscript.
Neptune's statue in in one of the courtyards of the Grand
Master's Palace in Valletta.
was during the middle of the eighteenth century, between 1741
and 1773, under the reign of a Portuguese Grand Master by the
name of Manuel Pinto da Fonseca, that the story told by John
Baird's ancestor took place. This was, fascinatingly, also the
period when the famed "Wonder Man of Europe", the mysterious
Comte de St. Germain, was astonishing the courts of Europe with
his amazing occult powers, his limitless wealth, and his
indefatigable efforts at forestalling the tragic events that
would lead to the French Revolution.
It was also the time of the equally enigmatic "Count" Cagliostro
(1743?-1795). This pseudo-count claims in his autobiography that
he was born on Malta. This is most likely untrue -
autobiographies of adepts were not meant to be taken literally.
High Freemasons, Rosicrucians, and members of other secret
societies deliberately created false pedigrees for purposes of
On the other hand, Cagliostro's claim that he once visited Malta
with a mysterious stranger from the East may be true. He gives
the stranger's name as Althonas. Cagliostro had met this adept
one day while walking by the sea. The stranger, "a person of
singular dress and countenance and accompanied by an Albanian
greyhound," had invited him to his living quarters.
Cagliostro entered "a spacious apartment illuminated by candles
and furnished with everything necessary to the practise of
alchemy." Althonas expressed his belief in the "mutability of
the physical law rather than in magic, in the traditional
cosmological principles of the 'opus alchymicum'," which he
regarded as a science having fixed laws that could be discovered
and elucidated by reason - a view identical to those of St.
Subsequently Cagliostro was invited to accompany his new
acquaintance on a trip to Malta. When Cagliostro said he had no
funds for the journey, the stranger laughed and explained that
it was an easy matter to make sufficient gold to cover all
When they reached Malta, they found the Grand Master Pinto
avidly experimenting with alchemy. While in Malta, Althonas
"passed away." And when Cagliostro left the island, he claimed
to be "in funds, for Pinto well provided me."
Some of these bizarre memoirs have been corroborated by the
document left to John Baird. But Master Pinto had a very low
opinion of Cagliostro, considered him a fraud, and claimed that
he had stolen alchemical secrets from his deceased friend. Then,
said Pinto, Cagliostro headed for Europe to defraud people there
with his false Egyptian Mysteries. Master Pinto promised that
these would be exposed in time.
The prologue to the text follows in part:
Herein is the record of many discourses of the Master of Malta.
They encompass cabalistic thought and hermetic arts - in short,
the mystical order of all things. The Master, being gravely
distraught over the possible demise of the old science at the
hands of godless scientific methods, sought to preserve the vast
store of arcane knowledge he had amassed. To this end he chose a
cadre of pupils who had proven themselves after two years of
harsh discipline and self-mortification. These students were to
be living encyclopedias of the Master's knowledge. Moreover they
would be beacons of the white light to illuminate the past of
It seems that the writer of John Baird's inherited manuscript,
William Baird, and a friend, Ian Douglas, both young Scottish
aristocrats, after graduating from university, had set out in a
small sailing boat, the Naughty Maiden, in search of adventure.
They arrived safely on the island of Malta and set about to
enjoy their leisure. One afternoon found them "enjoying a
decanter of fine port" in a local tavern. They were approached
by a young man by the name of Gino Corio. Although a bit taken
aback by the forwardness of the stranger (to whom they had not
been properly introduced!), they listened to what he had to say.
"If you wish to learn great secrets," said Gino, "I will take
you to a place where a mystic will unveil the secrets of God."
Gino had a brother who was a servant of the mysterious Master
Pinto. Through him, Gino had leanred that the master was about
to start teaching a course in occult adepthood to a selected
group of applicants. He, Gino intended to spy on them. Would the
two visiting Scotsmen care to join him?
Here was adventure of the highest order. William and Ian
accepted the invitation eagerly. Perhaps, they reasoned, they
might even try to join the course themselves.
Before applying, the two young sailors and their new friend
decided to do a little investigating on their own. Learning that
the course was to be given in a large warehouse on the west side
of the island, they went to the spot before the others had
arrived. Entering a classroom that "was not unlike lecture halls
in Oxford and Cambridge," they concealed themselves - or so they
thought - behind a tapestry, a beautiful arras on which had been
woven a scene from the Iliad of Homer. There was a convenient
small hole in the tapestry, and when they heard Pinto arrive,
the young men peeked out through the hole. At the lectern was
standing a tall slender man dressed in a long white robe trimmed
with gold; on his head was a cap decorated with gemstones. In
the writer's words:
Although his name was known throughout Europe, very little was
known about the man himself. Pinto was a master alchemist on
equal footing with the Count of St. Germain. And like the
illustrious Count, Pinto's past and identity are points of much
dispute. Some claim him to be the son of a wealthy Venetian
merchant who learned the magical arts while travelling
throughout Asia. Others were of the opinion that Pinto was the
illegitimate son of a certain Spanish prince and had learned
magic and mystery in Africa. The most disquieting thing about
the rumors of Pinto were those of his death. Some said he was
executed for heresy while teaching in Spain. Others said he died
of a strange fever in Egypt. Many of the natives considered
Pinto to be a vampire who could not die. The man I saw was
obviously not a demon or a vampuire; in fact he was very
pleasant looking. As he spoke his voice felt soft to the ears,
but though low it was loud enough to echo throughout the old
warehouse. As I listened I could sense truth being revealed.
Just as Pinto was about to begin his lecture, he truned toward
the curtains, called out the names of the three youths concealed
there and invited them to come out from hiding and join the
class. Sheepishly the trio appeared and took the three chairs
that had been reserved for them in the front row.
This Grand Master, Manuel Pinto da Fonseca, is reported to have
been one of the most powerful as well as the strictest of all
the Masters of Malta. The Grand Duchess of Malta, arbiter of
local society, refused, it was said, to "receive" Pinto, so
formidable was his reputation for fearful mystical powers.
So it was this Grand Master who was to instruct 23 specially
chosen young men willing to undergo the rigors of the intense
physical and spiritual training required to make them adepts.
The two visiting Scotsmen, who were of the aristocracy, as well
as their new friend, who was not, eagerly agreed to join the
group. (A century earlier no one who was not a peer would have
been accepted as a Knight.)
This was not to be an easy apprenticeship. Pinto promised his
students that when he was finished, thos who had "stayed the
course" would have developed all manner of spiritual powers
ranging from clairvoyance to immortality.
will learn the secrets of the Cabala, the mysteries of
divination, the science of alchemy and other areas of arcane
practice. When you leave this isle, you will be skilled and
skillful and very formidable practitioners of the hermetic arts.
Nothing happens by accident, except disasters. If you are here
tonight, it is because you were drawn by the great emanation of
God that attracts all who desire wisdom. It is because of
willingness to learn that you have been chosen to receive the
teachings of the most benevolent wizards (magi) of yore. Over
the next few years all of your questions will be
answered....When you leave Malta you will understand why events
happen or not. You will be able to shape happening toward the
good of humanity. Most important of all, you will put your
fingers upon the pulse of God, and he will reveal the ancient
secrets of the creation to you.
Pinto then gave the assembled young hopefulls a somewhat
orthodox lecture on the seven worldly evils, the so called Seven
Deadly Sins.
All of the evils, said Pinto, are based primarily on the first
one, avarice or greed, followed by gluttony, lust, and sloth.
Then there is pride, jealousy, and finally anger. The last is
the "slow poison that will rot your bones bare."
Seven antidotes, Pinto went on, will replace the sins in ther
souls. The seven godly virtues lead to brotherly love: faith,
hope, chairty, rectitude, fortitude, prudence, and temperance,
all of which must be firmly established in the character of each
candidate who applies for initiation. "When a man's character is
fully purged of evil, and his heart is filled with love and all
the godly virtues, he becomes a true man of peace," said Pinto.
After delivering this more or less conventional lecture, Pinto
gave specific practical instructions to his disciples. They were
to live on the west side of Malta in a shelter they were to
build for themselves. They were to respect a vow of silence
during their apprenticeship. They would do exactly as they were
told without question or hesitation. They would each be given
the opportunity to ask one question during their stay. This
question must be asked three times before an answer would be
received. Any question whatsoever would be answered, with one
exception: they were not to ask the length of their testing.
That alone would not be revealed. (We learn later that this
particular apprenticeship lasted for two years.)
Having given these instructions, Pinto issued to each student a
bundle containing the clothes he was to wear: a tunic, a loose
pair of pants, an embroidered sash, a cap, and undergarments.
Each tunic was printed with a number by which the student would
be addressed. Iam and William recognized the conical caps and
brocaded sashes as "the garb of apprentices of a master
alchemist who had learned the secrets of the philosopher's stone
and had partaken of the elixer of life."
William was to be called Three, Ian was Four, and Gino was to be
called Five. Pinto dismissed them with the following prayer:
Grand God, creator of life, we who would seek you ask for
blessing. Grant us your great wisdom and patience - your
patience that is beyond all time. May these disciples know your
presence within them. May they grow in knowledge and virtue. Let
them light the path of man's destiny. I ask in the Living Word
of God. So be it!
As the young men left the warehouse, they hear Pinto's final
instruction: "Be here at dawn. Your trials will begin on the
As John Baird continued to decipher the manuscript, he
discovered that this ancestor, whose name had eventually been
changed from Three to "Black Thorn," had managed to stay the
course and eventually reached the point where he could say of
himself: "On the island of Malta the sea was split and the
clouds rolled back like an ancient scroll. Ignorance was blown
away like chaff before a storm."
Apparently Black Thorn had finally received the gift of
enlightenment. He lived to be over 100 years old and wrote his
manuscript in the 1880s at that advanced age, recalling with
clarity every detail of the teachings of his youthful
Ggantija Temples - Gozo, Malta.(said to pre-date Pyramids of
Giza, Stonehenge)
Baird, who has not yet fully completed the deciphering of his
manuscript, says that further instructions are given in reading
the "light sheath" or aura, learning about the "auraciles" or
chakras of the body, the expansion of memory through meditation,
understanding the soul of man, and the various and sundry arts
of "wizardry". Much, the instructions say, can be made to happen
through chanting, spiritual commands, and "concantations.(?)"
Intriguingly, Pinto gives several personal anecdotes to the
"Great Count Saint Germain," with whom he claims to be "at the
same level" and with whom he has an intimate friendship. One
particularly interesting story tells of a threat by villainous
men such as the Notorious Marquis de Sade and Adam Weishaupt,
who attempted to infiltrate and dominate the ranks of Pinto's
and St. Germain's secret society for sinister political
According to Pinto, St. Germain managed to thwart the plot by a
clever and miraculous subterfuge. The "evil men" had raised a
great deal of currency, intending to exchange it for silver. St
Germain approached them with an offer to exchange "a great deal
of gold" for their currency. As he expected, the greedy
manipulators consented and exchanged all their assets for St.
Germain's gold. But this gold had been produced alchemically,
and within 24 hours after the transaction was completed, St
Germain caused the gold to be turned back into lead, and the
plotters were without funds.
There are other stories and instructions given by the Master
Pinto, according to John Baird. Hints of further teachings make
one thirst to see the completed work. Unfortunately before John
had transcribed the entire manuscript he moved to Florida, and I
lost track of him for more than three years. Fortunately he has
now moved back to my area and promises to do further work on the
manuscript. He assures me that the transcription will be
completed soon.
The information that one receives from this text is an
undeniable boon to students of occultism. So much that has been
available in recent years is either spurious, hearsay, or
intentionally fabricated disinformation. "Not all true things
are the truth," as Celement of Alexandria cryptically observed
some 1800 years ago. One could add, "not all true things are to
be said to all men."
is more than one danger to be aware of in this context - the
malicious distortion of secret teachings by enemies. In Isis
Unveiled, H.P. Blavatsky blames the Jesuits for polluting and
downgrading medieval knightly orders. And in this manuscript,
Pinto tells his students of one of the sources of disinformation
they will have to content with:
I expect you to do battle with black and grey forces that will
oppose you. Learn your lessons, and you will become a living
mass of power that will smash all obstacles. The black forces
that you will encounter will consist of those who have given
themselves over to the wicked and chaotic entitites that have
sought out ways to corrupt the race of man. Their earthly kings
are blood-sucking money-lenders an unscrupulous men of commerce.
Their clergymen are warlocks and spoiled priests. I will tell
you more about the black forces after you have completed your
training and conditioning. [bolding added for emphasis- the
Contemporary seekers will recognize that another obstacle: that
"those who know" have until the present time purposely withheld
information from an unevolved humanity that is not yet ready to
be entrusted with its powers. Two millennia ago, Christ said, "I
have yet many things to say until you, but ye cannot bear them
now" (John 16:12).
In the present age this edict no longer holds. Modern
esotericists believe that it is now time for each individual
soul to take responsibility for its own actions, for each one to
"sit under his own fig tree." Cosmic justice ordains that
members of humanity who have struggled on earth for unknown
centuries must now be informed oof the choices that are theirs
to make.
It is because of this new period of revelation, I am convinced,
that my personal searches have corroborated the reality of
superior "brothers" portrayed in John Baird's inheritance. It
may be that benevolent custodians of humanity are gradually
emerging from the shadows to come to the aid of a world in
serious risk of self-annihilation. It was surely for the end of
this century that the writer of this manuscript laboriously
enciphered his warning signals and his assurances that "disaster
can still be averted."
As someone has said, "It is an exciting time to be alive!"
Virginia M. Fellows, a free-lance writer
based in Michigan, has spent many years researching Theosophy,
Rosicrucianism, spiritual alchemy, and related subjects. She is
currently working on a book about the mystical and alchemical
activities of Francis Bacon.
The Knights of Malta destroyed the Mausoleum
at Halicarnassus? (one of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the
Some accounts will say it was toppled by earthquake in 1304.
This seems to be the popular mainstream version of the grand
structure's demise.
Another account tells of it being ordered to be destroyed in
1522 (presumably by the Roman Catholic Church). Interestingly,
this is the same year that the Knights are said to have been
driven off the island of Rhodes by the Turks. One author, Claude
Guichard, pins the deed squarely on the shoulders of the Knights
of Malta, writing in 1581:
"Taking candles, they went down into the chamber and found
marble columns carved in relief. The space between the columns
was lined with mouldings and sculptures, and histories and
battle scenes were also represented in relief. Having admired
this at first, and entertained their fancy with the singularity
of the work, finally they pulled it down, broke it apart and
smashed it, in order to use it [for the lime kilns]."
They reportedly saw fit to build a fort out of its remains.
In this area of study it is hard for me to
take anything, including Baird's manuscript, at face value.
The article, specifically the quotes from the manuscript, raises
important questions. One is: is there a division between the
Knights of Malta that destroyed the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus,
and the Knights of Malta of the time of Manuel Pinto da Fonseca?
After all, if Baird's manuscript is to be taken at face value
when he writes "These students were to be living encyclopedias
of the Master's knowledge. Moreover they would be beacons of the
white light to illuminate the past of mankind." it surely does
not sound as though this is the same group that would go around
smashing the very remnants of that past at the behest of the
Pope, does it? And that act of destruction supposedly took place
roughly 245 years before Pinto was known as Grand Master...
The direct quotes from the manuscript give me the impression
that Pinto's teachings were of a somewhat wholesome and even
benevolent nature. But maybe that's the whole idea....
Such a notion flies in the face of what is commonly known about
religious Military Orders of the time. They were cold blooded
killers, in most cases, with a mystical bent, apparently having
a monopoly on some ancient knowledge having to do with Cabala
and Egypt among other things.
Of course Eric Jon Phelps through his work Vatican Assassins has
shown that the modern Sovereign Military Order of Malta are the
brute force arm of the Jesuit heirarchy. Members of both the
Jesuits and the SMoM pop up in key conspiratorial positions
throughout the history of the last 200+ years.
As we read in the alleged manuscript, Adam Weishaupt (of
Bavarian Illuminati fame, a Jesuit according to many) had tried
to infiltrate and take over the Knights once. Unfortunately the
text gives no date for this. Perhaps he and his cohorts tried
again and were succesful? By the official account (here) The KoM
have always been friendly with the Holy See, but they were
considered exempt from the Church meaning that they had
sovereignty to elect their own leaders without interference. The
Knights of Malta would not be known as such had the island
itself not been gifted to the group by Emperor Charles V with
the approval of Pope Clement VII.
All this considered, it leads me to a couple possibilities-
1. William Baird, the author of the encoded manuscript, had
indeed gone through initiation into the KoM. However, his
manuscript was nothing more than the result of a mission of
disinformation assigned to him. The objective of the
disinformation being; to convince readers who even bothered to
look in the first place, that the KoM are a benevolent society.
The manner in which he presented it to his nephew makes it all
the more believable.
2. There was a split within the ranks of the KoM with Pinto
heading up the renegade faction tired of the Holy See's BS,
fighting to bring back old knowledge most likely of Druidic
origin originally but suppressed by the dominant, temple
smashing, crusader coddling faction of Knights. Perhaps he had
an idea of what was to come, for little more than 20 years after
the alleged initiation of William Baird, Napolean Bonaparte
conquered Malta forcing the Knights to move yet again.
Of partiuclar interest to me are the quotes allegedly from Pinto
about the "dark forces" and "blood-sucking money-lenders". These
comments give credence to possibility 2. Obviously there is a
lot more research to do.
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Wes Penre is the owner of the domain
Illuminati News and the publisher of the same. Please also check
out his MySpace website:
