hen Saddam Hussein talked of 'the devil Bush'
he may not have been so far from the truth. U.S. president
George W. Bush, his father and grandfather are proven initiates
of this multi-generational occult lodge. George W. was tapped
(initiated) in 1968 at the group's Yale University HQ, a
mausoleum known as 'the tomb'.
When undergraduates broke in they found that
the 'holy of holies' inner sanctum has red velvet walls and
carpet, with a large pentagram emblazoned on the wall. Adolf
Hitler was obsessed with the occult, in his case the Thule
Society, closely inter-connected with German Theosophists. The
jolly roger, skull and cross bones, "der Totenkopf" was an
emblem worn by Hitler's SS soldiers and was emblazoned on SS
armoured cars and tanks (see images on this page). The SS was a
religious cult of sworn Hitler/German ancestor worship. If the
Nazis' occult lodges had been exposed then shut down, not
treated as a taboo, millions of lives could have been saved. A
small price to pay for insane racism and the blood of millions
of people. Read more ...