alph Ring is a brilliant innovative
technician who as a young man in the late 1950s worked closely
with Otis T. Carr. Carr was a disciple of the great inventor
Nikola Tesla. He and his team built a number of successful
flying disks. OTC Enterprises was incorporated in 1955. They
were on the verge of saucer technology fifty years ago until
government agents forcibly shutdown their project.
In a dramatic experiment, Ralph Ring co-piloted a 45-foot disk a
distance of ten miles, arriving at their destination
instantaneously! And, made a return trip.
In 1947, Carr had finished his research on
flying vehicles (resembling the levitation disk of John Searl)
and tried to interest various governmental and University
agencies. These attempts at sponsorship and marketing were in
vain. The feds were primarily interested in nuclear energy.
In California, in the late 50s, the Carr group launched a number
of test saucer-models. They were federally forced to disband and
the prototype disks, equipment and all documentation were
confiscated. Reasons given were ‘national security’ and the
attempt to ‘overthrow the monetary system of the United States.’
With his life’s work (inspired by Tesla) terminated, Carr’s
health failed.
Before meeting Carr, Ralph Ring had worked with the famous
French oceanographer Jacques Cousteau. He then worked for a
government-funded research laboratory called ‘Advanced
Kinetics.’ Ralph soon learned that he was paid to look for
answers, but the federal authorities were not interested in
innovations that helped humankind. They were only interested in
wasteful research and NOT finding the answers.
Later, Ralph bought land in Arizona where he built a futuristic
disk-shaped home. Like Buckminster Fuller, his round home was
astonishingly energy-efficient and many decades ahead of its
heard that the aliens use the same principle to operate their
craft. Their physics seems to work in harmony with their
consciousness. The craft amplifies the power of their minds.
Their craft won't operate without the pilots. I've heard that's
why we can't operate their crafts, or, at any rate, we can't
operate them the way they do. We're just not adept enough
mentally and spiritually. So there are two secrets to making the
saucers work. One is the advanced engineering and the other is
the mental and spiritual ability. We may have duplicated some of
the first, but we may be a long way from the second…’
‘What's more, Time was distorted somehow. We felt we were in the
craft about fifteen or twenty minutes. We were told afterwards
that we'd been carefully timed as having been in the craft no
longer than three or four minutes. I still have no complete idea
how it worked. We just built it exactly according to Carr's
instructions. Everything had to be all had to be
just so or he said it would not work, a kind of symbiotic state
between man and machine.’
- RR

Otis Carr stated that the core of his spaceship would be a huge
battery that would spin at the velocity of the external craft.
It would be recharged by its own motion. He believed that such a
battery could be built to any size and power the largest
electrical generating plant, operate cars, heat a house or power
any conceivable machine.
On April 15, 1959, a ‘launch event’ was held in Oklahoma City
with hundreds of people in attendance. They were told that a
prototype disk would rise 400 to 600 feet off the ground. After
several hours delay, an announcement was made that the saucer
launch was being postponed due to ‘badly engineered bearings.’
Actually, Otis Carr had been admitted to a hospital with a lung
Major Wayne Aho, a former Army Combat Intelligence Officer
during World War II, announced that he would pilot the craft to
the Moon on December 7, 1959. The trip would take 5 hours and
that the craft would remain in orbit for 7 days before
returning. On June 2, 1960, Carr told an audience of 300 people
that it was a ‘treacherous misstatement of fact to say or infer
that we [OTC Enterprises] are coming to California to raise
money in stock sales.’ The U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission had placed an injunction against Carr, barring him
from selling stock. Soon, negative publicity appeared in various
publications stating he was a ‘conman.’ True Magazine called him
a ‘hoaxer.’
Notes (Bill Ryan, Project Camelot):
‘There is no doubt in our minds that Ralph Ring is 100% genuine.
Everyone who has met him and heard his story in person is in
full agreement. However, the events he recounts took place
nearly 50 years ago and there are some engineering details,
which he has some understandable difficulty in recalling…’
I almost feel a small part of the Tesla family because for a few
years in the 80s I was pen pals with Arthur Matthews. Arthur
died in 1986. He may have been the son of Nikola Tesla. They
co-wrote the book ‘The Wall of Light’ (available through Health
After reading Margaret Storm’s book ‘Return of the Dove,’ I
became somewhat familiar with Otis T. Carr. I knew very little
outside of the fact that his OTC flying disks were not marketed
and unavailable to the public. I remember asking Arthur, ‘Why
doesn’t someone just take a joyride so people can witness flying
saucers?’ Now, I understand why this did not happen.
Recently, how wonderful it was to be referred to Project Camelot
and find Ralph Ring! Readers, take 15 minutes out of your life,
click on the link and view Ralph’s clip where it says
‘download.’ Save this file and spread the word to others.
Discovering the details of Carr’s saucer project and what
happened has been an incredible experience. I was motivated to
write the article ‘Otis T. Carr and the Tesla Saucers.’ The
Camelot website enjoyed the article and put me in touch with
* * *
Here is an exclusive interview conducted through emails on
7/7/07 with Ralph Ring:
DY: How fast do you think your OTC flying disk went on its test
flight? Or, shouldn’t we even think of it in terms of miles per
RR: You could say we traveled at the
‘speed of thought.’
DY: I understand you initially did not remember your test
flight. When memory returned, do you remember stepping out of
the craft? What I am asking is...was the craft hovering? Were
there steps extended to the ground or did you have to jump a few
feet down to the ground? Was the ship on the ground or do you
have no memory of this?
RR: As yet, I still don't seem to have
total recall but do recall leaving the craft via a magnetic ramp
of sorts. It was very thick, like a spider’s web. Then, we
retrieved some objects like sticks, stones and earth.
Your OTC saucer was not too different from 'beaming' as we have
seen portrayed in Star Trek's transporter. It seems the apparent
NON-MOVEMENT of the ship was an effect of the warp speed...and I
understand the boggle that was for the brain to comprehend. My
question is why would it take 5 hours to reach the Moon? It
seems that the trip would be instantaneous. (This was mentioned
in a Carr interview, not that the test flight went to the Moon).
RR: In the realms in which we operated
concerning the craft, Time was relative only to suggestion and
was used only in frames of reference to communicate in linear
terms to explain to the Brain vs. the Mind, the outer limits of
time (in measurements). All of our moments in and out of Time
were what we made of them, as we knew we were already there.
DY: Did you ever conceive that possibly our ancestors that built
the pyramids and moved titanic weights we cannot move today,
utilized and even mastered the very same principles you
experimented with in the 1950s? Maybe our ancestors worked in
harmony with nature and those Jetson floating cities you
mentioned were once a reality, a part of ancient (lost)
RR: Yes, it has always been the Power of
One (Pure Magnetism) working with and understanding Natural Laws
that have temporally been set aside in order to realize the
human experience. We seem to be allowing the consciousness of
the ‘impossible dream’ to filter back to us once again.
DY: What do you think of the idea that if we ADVANCED and
IMPROVED the Wardenclyffe Tesla Tower hundreds of years into the
future, we would have a large, stone, aligned pyramid? Or, that
the ancient pyramids were essentially Tesla Power Towers?
RR: Everything without exception,
composing the physical experience is a live consciousness, a
beacon of Light (if you will), crystalline compositions
constantly sending and receiving enormous amounts of power; some
larger than others.
DY: Since you guys 'did it' and demonstrated that saucer travel
is not fantasy, but a scientific probably believe
countless life forms in the universe have developed flying disks
and this accounts for much of the UFO phenomena. Is our crazy,
war-like ways the reason ETs do not make contact? Do you think
there is, in a sense, a Prime Directive that prohibits contact
with Earthlings?
RR: I feel that Earth is trailing in many
ways, two of which are Habitation & Transportation. We have
always had the Intelligence of a deeper technology like the
Jetsons, but have chosen the lighter side like the Flintstones.
We tend to relate to the latter and what that represents.
Perhaps if we but realized that there was and is a Galactic Pact
concerning intervention in any excessive behavior…and if we
modified our behavior, contact would be realized.
DY: Do you think that the government or military establishment
has covertly succeeded in exactly what your gang tried to
accomplish 50 years ago? I believe some, if not most, of the UFO
crafts seen out of Area 51 are ours. What are your thoughts on
the government doing this (keeping the technology) and not
sharing these natural principles for the benefit of the human
RR: It is becoming more apparent that the
controlling Powers That Be are using some advanced technologies.
However, concerning the power we used (Pure Magnetism) was quite
different, as it required a Higher Consciousness of the Aethers.
Navigation and the mounting of weapons were never achieved
because the ‘keys to success’ lie only in the Consciousness of
the Aethers.
DY: We have seen photos of Nazi saucers. Do you know of the work
of Schauberger? Do you think they were trying to do the same as
what Carr attempted to do?
RR: Attempting, yes! Viktor Schauberger
was under constant watch by Hitler's SS people concerning
Anti-Gravity. Although working with Natural Law ‘Vortex
Dynamics’ eventually produced a form of Anti-Gravity. This was
not the same as Tesla, Carr Technology, differing in the
understanding of Magnetic Resonance.
DY: There is evidence in NASA photos of possibly our military
already on the Moon and Mars. If the government has developed
OTC vehicles starting 50 years ago...doesn't it make sense that
these off-world, secret bases truly exist?
RR: Of course, MORE than you know…but NOT
with OTC vehicles.
DY: What do you think happened to the OTC saucer crafts that the
government confiscated?
RR: I believe they were buried nine
stories down in underground facilities in Los Alamos, New
DY: Do you have any insights as far as the Philadelphia
Experiment is concerned? Did our military, using Tesla’s
principles, really teleport the USS Eldridge?
RR: My feelings on the Philadelphia
Experiment are that this was an experiment in electro-magnetics
that was executed without full knowledge or concern of the
consequences. Problems occurred because they ignored Natural
Laws. A crude form of teleportation was achieved.
DY: You said you recently met an old friend, Frank Stranges
('Stranger at the Pentagon'). What do you think of Valiant Thor
and Venus? This was about the same time as your work with Carr
(1957-1960). Are there Venusians living INSIDE of their planet
as Stranges and Arthur Matthews claimed?
RR: Frank Stranges and I have been
(although distant) friends for a long time. I have much trust
and faith in him. I have never doubted his word on anything. I
believe Life is everywhere, inside and outside of everything!
DY: Can you recall any information concerning Arthur Matthews
and his connection with Tesla? Arthur told me in a letter that
'Tesla married in 1890, had a son and died a rich man.' This
goes against 95% of all the reports on Tesla. Could Matthews be
telling the truth?
RR: I do not remember any of this. He
could…belief is relative, knowledge is not.
DY: You talked about a big UFO sighting you had with HUNDREDS of
crafts in the sky.
Did you have other UFO experiences and were you ever in contact
with what you felt was a higher intelligence?
RR: I have had many wonderful sightings
and I AM in touch with higher Intelligences.
DY: Can you elaborate on those higher intelligences?
RR: I am in constant contact with the
Creator, Great Spirit, One that is All, Mother Nature, Divine
Essence, RA, Ascended Masters, Collective Consciousness, beings
from other worlds, angels, aliens, my core group, even with you,
my brother. Be still and know just who you are, who WE are and
enjoy the love of it ALL.
DY: Good answer. Arthur Mathews told me on the phone, back in
the 80s, that we will not have wireless Tesla Tech anytime soon.
We will have to wait until the far future. I imagine you
agree...that there is hope for the future of the human race.
RR: Things like a Vortex have accelerated
since Arthur's time. We are now realizing the hopes of the past
upon us and they are rapidly materializing. The Human Race is
being invited NOW to partake of these many blessings.
DY: Thank you so much, Ralph. This has been great fun and I am
sure there are plenty of readers out there who also appreciate
your words.
It boggles the mind that there are people who, to this day,
still, ridicule a belief in flying saucers! UNSUPPRESS what has
been suppressed; learn about what has been denied to every
living human being. The principle of the saucer was even
PATENTED. This is provable science. Carr was granted a US patent
#2912244 for a toy apparatus, which very accurately reflects the
proportions and the design of his anti-gravitational flying

Diagram of the patent of Otis T. Carr
The principle of operation stated by Carr was that ‘any vehicle
accelerated towards an axis compared to its inertial mass of
attraction becomes immediately activated by the energy of space
and acts like an independent force.’ Energy is everywhere around
us and can be used as a generating power source.
It is very interesting that the exact type of saucers that Carr
and Ring worked with were very different from the ones federally
in (secret) use today. The feds or military men could not drive
the OTCs! Pilots must have an ‘enlightened mind’ to operate
these kinds of ships. Advanced aliens could fly them, but not
the cavemen brutes in military uniforms. (aw, that must have
been very frustrating for them). Authorities had to develop
saucers based on different principles.
We came so close to achieving flying disks fifty years ago, two
saucers in every garage! If OTC Enterprises would have been
permitted to succeed without government interference, what a
Wonder World would exist today! All merchandise from factories
could be beamed to customers anywhere on Earth. There would be
no cars, airplanes or NASA. We would have no dependency on OIL
and petrochemicals. We could take family vacations to the
planets and the stars while having a safer, cleaner Earth.
We are going to have to wait for our saucer dreams to come true.
[ps: When Ralph spoke of being ‘carefully timed’ in the craft
for a few minutes, yet they experienced ’15 or 20 minutes’…I
could not help but think of a LSD trip. On the psychoactive
stimulant, three or four minutes is warped (widening the doors
of perception) to where the user actually experiences about
twenty minutes and heightened sensations. Analogies have been
made of riding in a spaceship and taking LSD].

Doug Yurchey can be reached at:
For more phenomena visit: