Last Updated:
Sunday, July 01, 2007 04:10:33 PM

Leo Zagami, June 27, 2007
Last Updated:
Sunday, July 01, 2007 04:10:33 PM |
Leo Lyon Zagami was, until recently, a high level member of
the Italian Illuminati, a 33rd degree freemason, a true insider
and a high-member of the infamous Freemasonic P2 Lodge. He was
the "prince", prepared to take over after the older Illuminati
"king", Licio Gelli. He is of Illuminati aristocrat bloodline
and therefore involved in the Illuminati Order since childhood.
However, Leo decided he'd had enough of all the evil he was
exposed to, and a part of, and the horrifying Satanic, black
magic rituals, mind control and torture that was going on inside
the lodges, behind closed doors. So he left everything and fled
to Norway, where he is
currently residing. Since he left, he's been harassed and
tortured and had his life threatened.
He realized that the only way to hopefully stay alive is to
expose to the world what he knows and make himself known.
History shows that this is one of the best ways to survive,
although nothing is for certain. Leo quickly started this
website, Illuminati Confessions, where he reveals the secrets to
the world, one by one. I strongly advise you to check it out and
download it to your computer, in case they decide to silence him
for good, and this website will be shut down. There is a lot of
extremely important information here, and much of it can't be
found anywhere else. Leo has also been a guest several times at
Greg Szymanski's radio show.
Don't forget to check out Leo's exclusive website, where he
exposes the Illuminati like no one has before:
ormed in the 19th century by the Grande
Orient of Italy for the elites, the organization evolved out of
the violent organization known as the Carbonari. Pagan elements
suffused the rituals of the organization to which all Grand
Masters of Regular Italian Freemasonry belonged. The head was
known as Naj Hannah (King Cobra).
In interviews two former members have described the oaths they
took. They were taken to a compound, a Villa hidden in the
Apennines in the region of Tuscany. A 12-foot wall seals the
neatly manicured grounds from view. In the centre of the main
courtyard stands a fountain shaped like a tree trunk. The
cobralike sculpture, with its inflated hood, watches over the
compound in a protective posture, as if ready to strike. The
cobra's head is twice the size of a human skull. It has a single
eye, which is blue during daylight and red after nightfall, for
inside the cobra's hood and behind its eye there is a
closed-circuit camera that follows a visitor, invited or
unwelcome, as the fountain rotates in the direction the intruder
moves. The fountain- camera is controlled from a room within the
villa where eight monitors, each with five stations, cover eight
guest rooms, patio, pool, dining room, sitting room, and party
room. Approximately ten cameras, including the one inside the
cobra, have infrared lenses. All of the exterior cameras are
camouflaged by the landscaping. The Villa's interior is
magnificent. Every room has marble floors and is furnished with
antiques. Observing the high ceilings, the finely crafted
gold-leaf moldings, the portraits of Mussolini, Hitler, and
Peron, the visitor experiences a feeling, a sort of living,
breathing odor of danger and power that penetrates the soul and
cell by cell contaminates the mind with fear. The year is 1964.
the meeting room, twelve members of P-2, dressed in satin
ceremonial robes and wearing black hoods reminiscent of those
worn by members of the Ku Klux Klan, sit in leather chairs at a
red marble conference table. They are the elite members of the
Wolf Pack, Gelli's disciples - some say his execution squad.
None of the black-clad disciples knows the identity of any of
his eleven brothers. Grand Master
Licio Gelli
is the only one who bares his face. Two Masons stand post at the
entrance to the meeting room. Their faces are also covered. They
are Naja Hannah's personal bodyguards some say his death
squad-former Mussolini Facists whose job is to protect the Grand
Master and kill any of the twelve disciples who betray the cause
"Il Momento di Passare all" (The Time for Real Action). Like Naja
Hannah and his disciples, each bodyguard carries an axe; they
also bear automatic weapons.
The ceremony begins. There is an uneven series of knocks at the
door. "Your Worshipful," a disciple announces, "a pagan wishes
to enter". The Grand Master strikes the table with one blow with
his axe. Immediately the oversized door swings open and slams
against the inner wall. Two guards escort the initiate to the
center of the room where he faces the twelve Masons with his
back to the grand masters throne. The Pagan, as he is called, is
wearing a plain black hood and a blindfold. His identity is
known to Grand Master Licio Gelli but to no one else. He is
asked one question by each of the disciples, but the Pagan does
not answer, instead, one of the guards speaks for him. Once all
the ritual questions about purpose and belief and reason for
wanting to become a member of Propaganda Due are answered, the
Pagan is turned to face the Grand Master, who asks, "Pagan, are
you prepared to die in order to preserve the secrets of
Propaganda Due?" The initiate now answers for himself: "I am."
"Do you have the necessary quality of contempt for danger?" "I
do." "Do you have the necessary quality of courage?" "I am
courageous." "Do you proclaim yourself an Anti-Communist?" "I
do". "And Pagan, are you prepared to fight and perhaps face
shame, even death, so that we who may become your Brothers may
destroy this Government and form a Presidency?" "I am". Then the
blindfold is removed. It takes a moment for the initiate's
vision to clear, because this is the first time since entering
the compound that he has been allowed to see light. The
blindfold serves a purpose other than security. It also
represents the power of P-2: "Without membership one is blind;
with the help of the order, however, the way is clear."
St. Peter's Banker Luigi DiFonzo Franklin Watts Ltd. 1983

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