ost organizations that
practice some form of Occultism or Neo-Paganism; and Fraternal
Societies, as well as some segments of other religions, consist
of two rings of involvement. If the group emphasizes graduating
up through higher levels, and involves any level of required
secrecy, it will most likely have the two ring system, generally
The First Ring
The first ring is the public ring. This is the group that is
publicly advertised, and where almost any interested individual
is welcome to participate or join. At this level people will
study, take part in legal group activities, including rituals of
a "benign" nature, if it is that kind of group. They will be
mentored and their progress monitored. Sometimes they will
graduate through higher and higher degrees.
When they reach the highest degree, or acquire the right level
of expertise, they may be selected for various reasons, and
taken aside secretly. This is when they are told that there are
levels and skills beyond the ones they have already mastered,
but they are designed for the very serious student/adept. They
tell the person that there are great secrets and mysteries to be
learned which are so powerful that they can only be given to a
select few, who have demonstrated their ability to handle such
things. They tell the person that the leaders have watched their
progress and are pleased with their dedication, loyalty,
service, and other qualities, and that there is a consensus that
the person is a worthy candidate for initiation into this higher
level. It is stressed to them, that few know of this, and that
it is a closely guarded secret, so they are not to discuss the
invitation with anyone. They are told to think on it for a
certain period of time, since it is a big, life changing step,
and not a decision that should be entered into lightly. During
that waiting period, the leaders are watching the candidate very
closely to see if he/she disregards the directives and leaks
anything to anyone. They will even have members of the second
ring initiate a discussion with the prospective candidate;
asking questions and raising topics to test the candidate's
ability to keep secrets, and follow orders. The candidate will
not know, of course, that the whole conversation was
deliberately engineered. If the candidate disobeys the directive
and confides in anyone about this recent invitation; it will be
revoked and the leaders will deny they ever told the person
there was another level, "How absurd!" they will say. But if the
person obeys the directive and takes the invitation seriously,
they are invited to appear at a "bridging" ceremony or ritual.
Crossing The Abyss
In this ritual, there will
be initiatory rites, and the candidate will be required to take
certain vows, and sign covenants. It will be made very clear
that these are life and death binding agreements, which if
broken, will forfeit the initiate’s life. The reasons for such
extreme secrecy, they explain, is because the power and
knowledge of the great mysteries to be learned at this level is
such that only a select few can handle it responsibly. If the
power and knowledge were not contained in these highly secretive
settings, it would get into the hands of lesser persons, and be
extremely destructive, or bring chaos to the established belief
systems, that lesser people count on to define themselves and
the world around them.
In actuality, the true
reason behind the vows of secrecy have to do with the types of
activities and rituals that the initiate will be required to
witness and take part in. While the rituals in the first ring
group seem relatively harmless, and no one is really abused; the
rituals in the second ring group, often involve very illegal
activities, and ones that go against all established social
This initiatory ceremony is
called "Crossing the Abyss", and it is stressed to the candidate
that once this crossing is complete, there is no going back.
They are given one more chance to change their minds, and if
they still want to go through it, other rituals are done to
consecrate the new member to whatever ruling powers/entities the
particular group subjugates itself (Lucifer, Aiwass, Apollo,
Isis, etc. ). At some point soon after the initiation is
complete, the new member is required to participate in some
illegal activity within the ritual setting. At this point, the
group takes pictures of the person engaging in this activity, at
angles that do not show the location or identities of other
group members. These pictures are shown to the person afterward
and they are told that they will be kept safely hidden for
"insurance" purposes. This is one way to ensure that the person
is trapped in the group permanently, and also make sure that
everything that happens at the group's gatherings stays
completely secret. The initiate then really knows that truly,
there is no going back, since if they back out of their
agreements, the pictures will be taken to the authorities, with
a different story, and the person will be prosecuted for the
crime. Group members also have no problem setting up a traitor,
planting "evidence" of his involvement in some crime in his home
or vehicle, and then tipping off the police, anonymously. This
is only one kind of threat or blackmail that will be held over
initiate's heads to keep them silent, and loyal.
The Second Ring
It is within the context of second ring cult activities, that
the horrible memories of ritual abuse survivors come from. The
intense secrecy of the very existence of this group, is used to
discredit the survivor. If the survivor claims that they
suffered ritual abuse in a Masonic lodge, at the hands of
Masons, for example, the majority of the members of that lodge
will vehemently deny that anything like that could have taken
place, since they do not partake in those sorts of activities.
In actuality, these people are most likely telling the truth,
because they are first ring members and are not even aware that
there is a second, inner, highly secret ring in existence.
Therefore, the survivor is discredited.
This is how recruitment and initiation works with non-DID
voluntary initiates into these groups. The second ring groups
are comprised in part by these initiates, but are usually led
and attended in large part by members who have been raised in
this environment, and who are DID with programmed cult
identities, who are present at these gatherings. The host
personality knows nothing about participating in these
activities in their everyday lives.