he Illuminati, the economic power who
controls the world, are obsessed with numbers, codes, rituals,
sacred geometry, dates, times, vortexes in the earth's magnetic
grid that surrounds the earth (ley lines), and so on. One of the
main features in Illuminati events is the constant repetition of
certain key numbers like 3, 7, 11, 12, 13, 30 (representative of
3[1]), 33, and so on. The constantly repeated themes of the
Illuminati secret societies is really what gives them away. No
way a bunch of ordinary "terrorists in caves" can be responsible
for the sheer level of organization we are about to illustrate
for you tonight. In the holy books, the codes and sacred
geometry are ubiquitous. If you know what to look for, the Holy
Bible becomes an endless repetition of the exact same numbers
and codes, easily recognized once you understand their
importance in the ancient secrets. Today, all terrorist events
are going to be related in some way to these sacred numbers. And
since seeing is believing, let's get the party started:
On September 11, 2001, we were all shocked to
witness the destruction of the World Trade Center, the twin
towers. What are twin towers? An 11, two pillars. Look at the 11
in the word pillar. The first plane to hit was flight 11. On
September 11th, 1990, father Bush called for a New World Order
at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting (it's on video).
So September 11, 2001 (11 years later) was the big day that the
furthering of this plan would take place. What is the emergency
number they called to help on 9/11? 911. There are 111 days from
9/11 to the end of the year. Mohammed's birth is celebrated on
September 11th. Jesus Christ ended up with 11 disciples after
one betrayed him and then committed suicide. The World Trade
Center has 110 stories. American Airlines (AA) flight 11, the
first to attack, allegedly had 92 passengers (9+2=11). Notice
the twin AA's, which symbolize twin 11's. Flight 77 had 65
passengers (6+5=11). The third building to fall, #7, had 47
stories (4+7=11). Beginning with flight 11, the other 3 planes
hit in sequential order: United Airlines flight 93 (9+3=12), U.A.
flight175 (1+7+5=13), AA flight 77 (7+7=14). New york was the
11th state of the union. 911 or 9+1+1=11. The following Friday
after 911 was Friday the 13th.
Now pay attention to the number 3: the
Trinity (3 syllables).. the father, son, and holy spirit are 1
or one (one has 3 letters). Jesus started his father's work in
the temple at noon (12) at the age of 12 (1+2=3), which is a
succession of 1-2-3, which are 3 numbers, which if you add the 1
beside the 2, you have 12 and if you add the 1 beside the 3, you
have 13. They found him at the temple on the 3rd day that he was
missing. Jesus plus his 12 disciples = 13 (remember Friday the
13th?) Jesus started his ministry at 30 years old. He was
crucified at 33 and a half (1/2, i.e. 1+2=3). Look at the =
sign. It is twin towers (11) turned sideways. Joseph, Jacob's
son, began ruling in Egypt at the age of 30. He was the 11th
male in the family. The patriarchs of Christianity were Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob (another trinity of males). Jacob was called
Israel, which has 3 syllables.. each of which stands for an
ancient deity (the ancient god "Ra"). Solomon also has 3
syllables, each of which means "sun" in a different language
(Sol-om-on, i.e. sun-sun-sun or the "son of God"). Solomon
allegedly built God's Temple and he even named the twin pillars
that held it up (11). Jesus Christ has three syllables. Son of
God is three words, as well as Jesus is Lord, King of Kings,
Lion of Judah, Lamb of God, Jesus of Nazereth, Prince of Peace,
New World Order, World Trade Center, etc. Look at all the key
words with 3 letters: key, God, god, one, jew, sin, web, net,
com, www, sex (sex rites are common in Illuminati rituals), man,
men, son, sun (which all have the same meaning.. symbolizing the
masculine energy of the Sun), etc. Also CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, FOX,
CIA, FBI, AMA, FDA, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Treasury,
Secretary of State, etc. Samson is a bible hero (sam the
sun or son) who pushed over two pillars, or a set of twin towers
(11) that killed everyone in the building. Jesus was crucified
with two (1,1) other men = 1,1,1 crucified on 3 seperate
crosses. Each cross has 4 points (four seasons), so 4 x 3 = 12.
Jesus, the son, rose on the 3rd day (easter, the sun
rises in the east, easter Sun-day). 3 wisemen came to
bring Jesus 3 gifts, who followed a star in the east.
Job was considered the wisest man in the east. 3
wisemen visited Job. The Israelites waited 3 days before
crossing the Jordan river to slaughter the natives of that land
and to claim it as their homeland. The rooster crowed 3 times
when Peter denied Christ. It was the 3rd hour when they
crucified him. Mary Magdalene went to his tomb on the third day
in the morning "when the sun had risen" and he wasn't
there.. the Sun-Son of God had "risen" from the dead. Later he
appeared to the 11 disciples before he was taken up to heaven
with the clouds. There are 33 degrees in Freemasonry, of which
all our forefathers (founders of "Christian America") were
initiates. When Jesus was on the cross, it was the 6th hour, and
there was darkness until the 9th hour (9 is three 3's and six to
the ninth hour is 3 hours that "the sun/son was darkened"). When
the woman wiped Jesus' feet with the perfume, the disciples got
upset and said "that could have been sold for more than 300
denarii". Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. The
blasphemers told Jesus "you who destroy the temple and
rebuild it in 3 days". For the Tabernacle, there were 3
pillars and 3 sockets, then 3 pillars and 3 sockets again. The
concept of pillars in the Tabernacle is constantly repeated in
Exodus. The Tabernacle was to be set up on the 1st day of the
1st month (1,1). The terrorist bombing in Madrid, Spain was on
3/11/04. What was the only bus to have been re-routed and blown
up in London on 7/7/05? Bus #30. 3 bombs went off in three
seperate trains. Solomon had 300 concubines. Job was a famous
man of God in the Old Testament who had 3 daughters and 3,000
camels (3 letters in his name).
The number 12 is code, among other things,
for the 12 months of the year and half of a 24 hour day (two
12's in one day). It also represents the houses of the zodiac
through which symbolically travels the Sun, the "god", as
symbolized as 13 (13 is a 1 beside a 3; remember the trinity is
"the three are one and the 1 is 3). This is the "sacred 12 and
one". Thus we have 12 tribes of Israel, 12 disciples of Jesus,
Buddha, Osiris, etc., 12 princes of Ishmael ("Isaac's Arab
brother"), and so on. We have King Aurthur and his 12 knights,
Himmler of the Nazi SS had 12 knights, and the woman (Isis,
Semiramis) with a crown of 12 stars in the book of Revelation.
We have the children of Israel who were sealed: 12 thousand from
the tribe of Judah, 12 thousand from the tribe of Reuben, 12
thousand from the tribe of Gad, 12 thousand from the tribe of
Asher, etc., up to a total of 12 tribes. Then we have "holy
Jerusalem" with 12 gates, and 12 angels at the gates (3 gates on
the east, 3 gates on the north, 3 gates on the south, and 3
gates on the west). The city has 12 foundations and upon them
are the names of the 12 apostles. The city was measured at 12
thousand furlongs. The 12 gates are 12 pearls. The tree of life
bears 12 fruits, each tree yielding it's fruit every month. The
European Union has a logo with a circle of 12 stars. When Jesus
fed the multitude, 12 baskets of fragments were taken up. The
Israelites sent 12 spies to the land of Canaan so that they
could plan their "blessed" genocide of an entire "wicked"
culture. In the 7 seals, we have a third (1/3, i.e. 13) of the
sun being struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars,
so that a third of them were darkened. A third of the day did
not shine. Right after, we have 3 angels who are to sound the
trumpet blasts. The Tabernacle was a total of 13 cubits square.
There were 12 stones according to the names of Israel. Jesus
said he could have called down 12 legions of angels to protect
him. Matt. 19:28 - "Assuredly I say unto
you, you who have followed me will also sit on 12 thrones,
judging the 12 tribes of Israel." Jesus just assuredly told
his 12 disciples that they would all 12 sit on 12 thrones in
heaven. But what happened to Judas being the betrayer? He
supposedly had only 11 disciples whom he showed himself to after
his crucifixion. So how could 11 disciples sit on 12 thrones?
Assuredly I say unto you.. there is no
Then we have the infamous number 7 (days of
the week). In the bible we have the 7 spirits of God, 7 churches
of Asia, 7 golden lampstands, 7 stars, 7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7
angels, 7 thunders, and the red dragon in Revelation with the 7
heads and 7 crowns. The story of Jericho has Joshua marching his
army around the city for seven days with seven priests carrying
seven trumpets. On the seventh day they circled Jericho seven
times and the walls came tumbling down. In the story of Noah, 7
pairs of each animal are gathered into the ark and 7 pairs of
each kind of bird. There are 7 days between the prediction of
the deluge and the rain and 7 days between the sending of the
doves. The ark comes to rest on the 27th day, and after the
flood he begins his 7th centery. And remember the flight number
of one of the aircrafts that struck on 911? Flight 77. Remember
the 3rd building to fall on 911? Tower #7.
Remember Anna the prophetess at the temple when Jesus was a boy?
She had been with her husband for 7 years since she was a
"virgin". Jesus said in Matthew "that man goes and takes 7
spirits worse than the first one". Jesus fed 5,000 people with 5
loaves and 2 fish (5+2=7). Jesus sent 70 to heal the sick.
Solomon had 700 wives. Job had 7 sons and 7,000 sheep. In the
Tabernacle, gold shekels were to be offered in the following
amounts: 730, 775, and 775 again. 75/100 = 3 quarters. 70 bronze
talents were offered. The London bombings were on July 7, 2005 =
7/7/05 (775)[2]. Who had a license to kill? James Bond.. agent
007. The 12 month calender is a lie. We're supposed to have a 13
month calender, based on the cycles of the moon. Each month
would contain an even 28 days, which would mean four 7 day weeks
in each month with nothing over. Also, God told Moses that the
Sabbath is to be the 7th day of the week. Yet "Sun"day is the
1st day of the week. Saturday is the 7th day of the week. Why is
the Sabbath in America on the 1st day instead of the 7th day?
Because we live in backwardsville, that's why.
Then there is 40. Adam enters paradise when
he is 40 years old. Eve follows 40 years later. During the Great
Flood it rains for 40 days and 40 nights. Seth is carried away
by the angels when he is 40 and is not seen for 40 days. Moses
fasts for 40 days before he brings down the ten commandments and
40 days after. Moses is 40 when he goes to Midian and he stays
for 40 years. The Israelites stay in the desert for 40 years.
They eat manna for 40 years. Joseph is 40 years old when Jacob
arrives in Egypt. Jesus fasts for 40 days. Need I go on folks? I
could give you plenty more evidence to prove that religion is
a scam and that your government are a bunch of liars. In my book
Unconditional Love 666: THE NEW LAW, I give you much
more. By the way, I now live on 40th street (unplanned).
Everyone knows the famous date of 1776 (Declaration of
Independence, which is 3 words). The Freedom Tower, which will
take the place of the twin towers, will be 1776 feet tall. 1776
is the recognized date for the formation of the German
Illuminati[3]. I was born in 1976. I am 30 years old (as of this
writing). My first address when I got to Colorado was 1276 Allen
street. That's obviously a 12 and a 76. My life is completely
synchronized with important dates, times, numbers, etc. There
are 27 Constitutional Amendments. My only bus number growing up
was 27. I always considered it my "lucky number". I have 3
brothers and 3 sisters, which means there are 7 kids in the
family (talk about a balance of male and female energy). Add to
this my parents, and we get 9. 9 is naught but 3+3+3, or a 3.. 3
times, or a trinity of trinities (9/11). To my utter
astonishment, I finished the manuscript for my website and book
on September 11th, 2006. I had no idea why all the fireman were
gathered together on this particular day. When I asked my
co-worker, he informed me that it was 911. I was so busy that
I wasn't even aware of this fact. Since I've given up sex for
the last ten years, I was kind of hoping to be set free sometime
in the new year. My birthday is Feb 16.. (1+6 = 7), 2007.
Wouldn't that be appropriate? If you ignore the 00 in 2007, you
get 27. Indeed, my book will be ready in the new year of 2007. I
guess 27 really is my lucky number after all.
The terms of Senators and Representatives end
at noon (12) on the 3rd day of January according to the U.S.
Constitution. Congress assembles at least once every year
beginning at noon on January 3rd. Look at January.. it's the
first month of the year. So we have the 1st month and the 3rd
day = 13. Look at the American one dollar bill: we have 13
letters in ANNUIT COEPTIS, which means "announcing conception"
(of the New World Order), 13 layers of bricks in the pyramid, 13
arrows, 13 leaves, 13 berries, 13 Illuminated stars = 13
enlightened (original) colonies, 13 letters in E PLURIBUS UNUM
("One of many"); MDCCLXXVI = 1776; mDCcLXxVI = 666 (3 numbers),
Novus Ordo Seclorum ("Secular New Order"). We have the ONE in
the middle with the headline on top: In God We Trust, which if
we add the ONE with the 12 letters becomes the sacred 1 and 12 =
13. Then we have the 666 in relation to
www.unconditionallove666.com (the www and com). I didn't
plan for my book to be so in line with the #3. Unconditional
Love 666: THE NEW LAW. Figure it out.
It's the same with the other seemingly
"unrelated" terrorist events such as Waco and the Oklahoma City
bombing, which both occured on April 19th, a well known date for
Satanic ritual (one that requires sacrifice by blood or fire,
hence the women and children who were burned alive at Waco by
the FBI and the little children who were burned/blown to pieces
at Oklahoma by the ATF). What would be the chances of the
burning of women and children at Waco and the Oklahoma City
bombing both happening on April 19th?
Whoever does any research into government,
politics, organized religion, etc., will find these same numbers
constantly recycled. All the wars, economic depressions,
terrorist events, our paper money, etc., these
all have Illuminati codes associated with them. But I suppose
now someone's going to say that it's all a coincidence. You
people just go on ignoring the obvious and you will soon find
yourself and your family in a Nazi style dictatorship. If the
Illuminati's addiction to symbolic numbers doesn't prove this to
you, you are hopelessly blind. This is no fucking joke people.
The New World Order is coming to town, and they will show mercy
to no one. Go to Erin's page
http://www.myspace.com/txmetalgrl to see the Satanic street
design (street map) of Washington DC, among many other
political-Satanic concepts.
If you want to learn more, go to
www.unconditionallove666.com. This is part of my book
online. My book is now ready however, and contains many more
important details than my website. I just put part of the book
online for those who can't afford the book.. and because the
internet allows this important information to be viewed by
people all over the world. The book can be ordered through
Amazon: Unconditional Love 666: THE NEW LAW. If
ordering from Amazon, using my name in the search (Sean
Mooney) will be helpful.
Editor's Endnotes:
In numerology the number 0 is always excluded.
Wes Penre, Illuminati News.
[2] The London bombing occurred on 7/7/2005.
7+7+2+5=21; 2+1=3, and 2+5=7. This consequently gives us the
magic(k)al number
777, which is the title of one of the black magician
Aleister Crowley's
Wes Penre, Illuminati News.
[3] The year 1776 also adds up to 3: 1+7+7+6=21. 2+1=3.
Wes Penre, Illuminati News.