ould a tyrant
with technology at his fingertips which could engineer
the weather, not use it as a
tool to smite his enemies? Artificially induced drought,
floods, wildfires, hurricanes and earthquakes would be more
effective than conventional warfare at bringing countries
into submission. Unsuspecting victims would believe it was
an act of nature or the wrath of God.
Science could
be distorted to account for erratic and extreme climatic
conditions, implicating carbon emissions from the increased
size of the human footprint. They could give it a quirky
name like
‘Global Warming’ and penalise
energy consumers with higher taxes. The ‘experts’ might
suggest solutions to the predicament, like a drastic
reduction in the world population.
eradication of two-thirds of extraneous eaters is a stated
aim of TPTB. It sounds like a tall order until you read
reports of the “substantial social and cultural disruption”
anticipated by advocates of global warming. Scientists
expect Asia, Africa and Latin America to be worst affected,
with three billion people deprived of water by 2080, the
basic ingredient of life.
children are being indoctrinated with a ‘Save the Planet’
mantra and compelled to recycle or get saddled with guilt
for the environmental damage and upheaval from rising
temperatures. Through ‘doublethink’ scorned sceptics of the
‘greenhouse gas’ theory will be accused of causing genocide!
Waste is being criminalised, with
‘Eco-Police’ to enforce it.
Intergovernmental Panel concluded that “scientists are 90%
certain that people are the cause of global warming” and it
will continue for centuries. We were told a New World Order
was imperative to combat terrorism, but now ‘climate change’
is a greater threat to humanity than terrorists. The weather
is not the problem, but those who are directing it.
As they enact
their ‘Apocalypse’ with secret scalar weapons, the impact
this interference is having on ecosystems is self-evident.
Vanishing habitats and diminishing resources will lead to
starvation, mass migration, or extinction. With a capacity
for cruelty which never fails to shock, the tyrants are
making us blame ourselves, for the death and destruction
they inflict.