Last Updated:
Saturday, March 03, 2007 01:56:11 PM

Former NYPD Det. Blows Lid Off JFK Hit and High Level Vatican And
U.S. Government Involvement In Pedophile Rings
by Greg
Szymanski, The Arctic Beacon,
Feb 28, 2007
Last Updated:
Saturday, March 03, 2007 01:56:11 PM |
Jim Rothstein nabbed JFK shooter Frank Sturgis
for trying to kill an insider who knew the real truth about who put together
the JFK assassination. He also nabbed former NY Cardinal Spellman and high
level U.S. officials for their involvement in the nationwide pedophile

Szymanski |
ormer NYPD Detective Jim Rothstein
blew the lid off the JFK assassination investigation as well as
pointing to high-level U.S. government and Vatican officials
being involved up to their dirty necks in huge pedophile rings
sweeping innocent children off the streets of America.
The information Rothstein has
collected from his 40 years of police work and private
investigations should send shockwaves through the heartland of
America, but instead his information has been systematically
covered-up to protect the New World Order powers that be.
Rothstein claims the media ignores the
"important facts" about JFK's real killers and hides the real
high-level perpetrators of the huge pedophile and human
trafficking rings operating in America and abroad.
Regarding the JFK assassination,
Rothstein nabbed one of the protected shooters, Frank Sturgis,
aka, Frank Ferrini, while still working as a
New York detective.
Sturgis was hauled into police
headquarters after Rothstein and his partner received a hot tip
Sturgis was on his way to
murder a woman named Marita, who was involved in the Kennedy hit
and was about to testify before Congress.
"We took Sturgis into custody
when he came to Marita's New York
apartment to kill her," said Rothstein Monday on Greg
Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal on the
Republic Broadcasting Network at
Rothstein explained the entire
sequence of events on the two hour radio broadcast leading up to
the Sturgis arrest, his
involvement in the Kennedy hit, Marita's involvement and how
Sturgis was finally released
with all charges dropped after a call to the
White House.
"He said he was one of the shooters on
the grassy knoll," said Rothstein. "He opened up to me during
two hours of interrogation after he found out I was on the
Essex during the Bay of Pigs
since Sturgis was involved in
overt ops there. He also said Kennedy's actions during the Bay
of Pigs was one reason he had to be killed."
Rothstein also learned from Marita, an
agent and assassin who worked for the government and was also
Fidel Castro's lover, that she was involved in the planning of
the JFK hit, telling Sturgis
the hit squad was made up of a group of five, including
Sturgis, who all left in a
car driving from Miami to
"Although we had
Sturgis nabbed for the
attempted murder of Marita, which included taped evidence of him
threatening Marita, saying 'you know what happens to people who
talk about the JFK shooting?' But instead of
Sturgis being prosecuted
after he was arraigned, he was mysteriously let go and all
charges dropped.
"What was even more curious was that
the one phone call he was allowed was made to one of the lead
White House investigators of
the Kennedy assassination, indicating a cover-up was in the
Rothstein added that years later he
was contacted by a credible unknown source who was trying to
forward him a 22 page confession
Sturgis allegedly made before he died to Cardinal Cook.
Rothstein was told that the written
confession talked about "everything
Sturgis ever did wrong", including his involvement in the
JKF killing.
"My informant made several attempts to
get the document into my hands but each time we tried to meet,
we were intercepted and the transfer couldn't be made," added
Rothstein. "I don't know the man's name but when the time is
right he will contact me again and hopefully I can get a look at
Sturgis' confession.
But Rothstein said even without the
confession what he learned from
Sturgis and Marita was "plenty of evidence" for any one
interested in getting at the real truth behind who and why
Kennedy was really killed.
"We know it is a cover-up at the
highest levels and the Sturgis
story provides more credibility about the huge JKF cover-up.
On the radio show, Rothstein addressed
the huge pedophile ring problem, using his experience as a
detective providing credibility for his statements. Rothstein
was know for years, until his forced retirement in the 80's as
one of the few good policeman who tried to get to the bottom of
human trafficking through pedophile rings.
"The trail of guilt went right to the
steps of the Vatican and the highest government officials in our
country," said Rothstein. "I had informants who help us finally
realized Cardinal Spellman was behind the problem. He was one of
the most powerful and evil men in this country and after his
death, the same thing is going on with Cardinal Egan.
"Not one case had ever been allowed to
proceed to the real perpetrators as people like
NY District Attorney
Morgenthal are always protecting the higher-ups. People need to
realize who are the real perpetrators in our government and the
government, demanding that the kidnapping of our children
finally be stopped. I consider this problem to be the biggest
terrorist threat facing our country.
"The real story has always been kept
from the people and when it does break like in the Franklin
Cover-up, only the lower level people are arrested. When I was
getting close to the real Vatican and U.S. government
perpetrators, my patner and I were offered two million dollars
to drop the investigation, the money coming in two suitcases
each loaded with a million dollars.
"When we refused the money, eventually
I was approached with taking an early retirement and if I
refused, they said I might never see a pay check again. I think
it was clear what they meant."
After Rothstein retired, he laid low
for five years but said he never could really retire because
many people who lost children kept calling him for help.
"The world got around that I was
really trying to end the pedophile problem and I just kept
investigating . I want people to understand the problem is worse
today and the kidnapping case of Johnny Gosch, involving the
same people in the Franklin case, is a good example.
Rothstein has been helping Johnny's
mother, Noreen, in trying to solve the Gosch 1982 kidnapping as
new evidence in the forms of revealing photos have surfaced.
Recently, Noreen Gosch spoke on the
Investigative Journal about her son's case and the photos.
Gosch is also not afraid to sadly
admit -- although it hurts -- that her son has become just
another young face put on a milk carton, a face she has seen
only in her dreams for more than 20 years as all leads have
taken her down the proverbial dead end street due to a massive
cover-up at the highest levels.
But then in August, out of the blue,
Gosch received what she claims to be an important lead in the
case, a package arriving on her doorstep, strangely arriving on
her birthday.
"On my birthday," said Gosch in a
message posted on a web site she since started, "I received a
package with the following pictures inside. The first photo
is of my son Johnny, shortly after he was kidnapped on Sept.
5th, 1982. He was still wearing the clothing he had on the day
he was taken. He is bound and gagged."
Since the photo of her kidnapped son
arrived, other photos and information started pouring in,
including more photos of her young son along with photos of
other alleged kidnapped children.
Although some of the photos have been
identified as coming from an "exclusive members only" porno site
and some of the other children have been identified by their
families, Gosch remains perplexed at the lack of interest by law
enforcement and the hush-hush attitude taken by legislators,
including the Bush White House.
"There is something we can all do to
help plead the cause of protecting innocent children," said
Gosch in and October plea to officials.
"Please send letters to President
Bush, and e-mails to Vice President Cheney and your State
Senators, Representatives and Governors at the following
addresses, asking that 'jacobstales' and other pedophilia
websites like it be investigated."
Rothstein added that he personally has
tried to renew the interest of the Gosch case since the photos
surfaced, but he has been blocked every step of the way.
Looking for solutions, Rothstein is
calling for a bi-partisan congressional investigation and public
hearings with the hearings to be aired publicly by a special
prosecutor and Grand Jury.
He added:
"Any body invoking 5 amendment rights
during the Congressional hearings would be put in front of the
Grand Jury. The Grand Jury would also subpoena appropriate
witnesses. The Grand Jury would return recommendations, findings
and indictments.
"Laws to be passed, include the
"Any enforcement agency, agent,
prosecutor, or any authority failing to act on pedophilia
or the criminal use of children complaint by doing a complete
investigation is guilty of a crime. (felony)
"Any person, agency, or other
entity who interferes, threatens, harasses, impedes, or in
anyway compromises an investigation, prosecution, or witness in
pedophile criminal case or criminal use of children case is
guilty of a felony with mandatory 5 year prison sentence.
"Anybody who uses children, for
child porn, pedophilia, to compromise, extort or cause
another person to do an unwilling act is guilty of a felony
punishable by death. (life in prison, no parole)
who buys, sells, trades or in any way promotes, enables, or
profits from pedophilia, human compromise, or the use of
children in a criminal manner is guilty of a felony punishable
by death. (life in prison, no parole)
Greg also has his own daily show on the
Republic Broadcasting Network, from 11:00am to 1:00pm
central time, shortwave frequency 12.180. Listen on the internet
Greg Szymanski is an independent investigative journalist and
his articles can been seen at He also writes
for his own site
Listen to my Radio Broadcast live Monday
night at 8pm Pacific time on LewisNews, returning Jan. 1
2006 Radio
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