tlantis was a continent in the Atlantic Ocean
and connected to 12 other colonies that formed a perfect GRID
around the Earth. We know this now because of the long-awaited,
(by a handful of people) new discovery in Canada. Precisely
where a map of Atlantis from 1974 predicted SOMETHING would be
found, something HAS been found by Google Earth. Here are the
coordinates of a Nazca-like (image) INDIAN seen from high in the
air: 50 degrees 0'38.20" N 110 degrees 6'48.32" W.
Use Google Earth yourself to zoom down on the area and take your
own photos! At the end of the article are more downloaded
pictures of the Canadian terrain that appears as an INDIAN.
After examining details of the image, the conclusions are
obvious. The copper colored hills, like an Indian Head penny,
were shaped and not natural formations. What is an Indian doing
in Canada?

There are no pyramids, monoliths, stone circles, petroglyphs,
mounds or ancient burials in Canada. But, there SHOULD be
evidence of early Indians in the vast northern country. If
Indians walked to the Americas from Asia over a land-bridge at
the Bering Strait, why is there no trace of prehistoric ruins of
any kind in Canada? This mystery is huge and ignored by
archeologists and educators. The Indian-absence means their
entire picture of the past is wrong and backwards!
Thor Heyerdaul did not prove Indians arrived by boat. His better
built, second attempt at proving an obsolete misconception sank
with the Ra II.
The farther back we go in time, the MORE advanced technically
(and mentally) were the Indian civilizations. We know this by
'reading' or studying the physical stonework, what ruins they
left behind. The Anastasi, Hopi and Cahokia Mound-Builders were
more advanced than the later Indians of the Old West. The Aztec
Stone-Builders were more advanced than the great earth-movers,
the Anastasi/Cahokians. The Maya were superior to the Aztec. The
Toltec Age came before the Maya and they were greater than the
Maya. Toltecs' ancestors were the Inca; they built impossible
stonework on top of the Andes Mountains! Incas farmed on
mountaintops many thousands of years ago where no one can live
today. The Pre-Inca constructed stonework 'impossible' by
present-day standards. They had no hieroglyphs because of the
unbelievable reason that the PRE-INCA HAD NO NEED for a written
or spoken language! (psychic-society) The same can be said for
the Pre-Egyptians an ocean away. They were the survivors of, yet
another, superior and previous Age...the Age of Atlantis.
Canada should be the ancient home of the Inca with cut, trimmed
and transported monoliths everywhere. Canadian provinces should
contain MORE standing stones than England and northern France.
Mountain ruins of intricately cut (lasered) and moved
(anti-gravitated) blocks that cannot be duplicated by today's
state-of-the-art they exist in South and Central
America...should cover the Canadian hillsides. Imagine what
Canada SHOULD be if history were correct: Snow-covered, massive,
stone monoliths that defy our wildest dreams among great forests
that have grown over the millennia. That is not the case; there
is not even an arrowhead in Canada. Canada tells us history is
A truer picture of history is a NORTHWARD migration of Indian
from the Peruvian Central American pyramid-builders
and, down the tech-spiral but geographically 'up' the map, to
the simpler (less advanced) Old West Indians. The movement of
Indian Civilizations over time was NORTH, not south as
schoolbooks report. Indians also became LESS advanced over time.
Teepee Indians had pyramid-building ancestors. This is the exact
opposite of the always-progressing, technical curve that we are
traditionally taught.

Examine the 13 locations of the
ATLANTIS POWER GRID. The article will briefly explore the most
obscure of these Cradles of Civilization. Humanity flourished in
prehistoric times around these culture-centers; upon each 'node'
of the GRID; the same mysteries and parallels occurred at all of
the 13 locations. Here is another major mystery of multiple
origin-areas for the human race. There should be ONE starting
point, not MANY; not on tops of the Andes, on remote Easter
Island; in the middle of the Sahara Desert; Japan; Europe; far
away Australia; deepest Africa in Zimbabwe; India; Russia;
Brazilian jungles and now Canada? How did humans get everywhere
on the planet, even to isolated regions? The same building
techniques, great knowledge of math and astronomy, same burials,
beliefs...and the same story of an advanced civilization
instantly appeared and mysteriously disappeared at the GRID
positions, should SHOCK investigators! Instead, traditional
researchers ignore the forest for the trees. Pyramids were not
tombs. Ancient (impossible) stonework functioned as 'utility
poles' in a TESLA-based system, rather than idols to pagan gods.
If our ancestors were primitive, the titanic stonework of the
past (pyramids, monoliths, great statues, etc.) would not exist.
The Stone Age was not a primitive, caveman period; it was an age
where human gods built upon the Earth. If traditions were
correct, then the only evidence of the distant past would be
unearthed in the fossil record. There would be fossilized
thatched roofs, simple implements and the most basic of things.
Instead, we discover the Power System of the Gods in impossible
stonework in impossible places!
The Cradles of Civilization were built on a global grid. The
significance of this geographical FACT is the 12 Atlantean
colonies were all connected to the main Power-Station in the
Atlantic. Global grids (as they would in today's wired world)
exist IN A PATTERN, connected in a worldwide system. If we
observe a repeating, global pattern or network around the entire
planet...we are forced to conclude a high-tech 'intelligence'
was the architect. In the case of a technical 'Eden,' that
prehistoric empire was Atlantis. Atlantis was not a legend, but
the ancestors of the Pre-Egyptians and Pre-Incas.
The discovery of the 12th LOCATION ON THE GRID happened in the
fall of 2003.
'WASHINGTON, September 18, 2003 - Newly discovered traces of
ancient roads, bridges and plazas in Brazil's tropical forest
may help dispel the once-popular impression of an 'untouched'
Amazon before the Europeans' arrival. In southern Brazil,
archeologists have found the remains of a NETWORK or urban
communities that apparently hosted a population many thousands
strong. Reporting their findings in the journal SCIENCE,
published by AAAS, the science society, the researchers say the
people who dwelled there dramatically changed their local
Michael Heckenberger of the University of Florida and his
colleagues were 'baffled' at the discovery. 'There was this
cherished image that the Amazon was pure nature...archeologists
are compelled to revise their views of ancient Brazil.'
The 1974 MAP of 13 positions, in a pattern, predicted such a
discovery would happen in Brazil and it did. In an area that was
long thought to be too hostile for a human city, there were
organized roads and parks 'in grid-like patterns.' Ancient
Amazons managed large areas and were far more advanced than
previously thought.
The 11th LOCATION ON THE GRID was discovered in 1985 by
Kihachiro Aratake under the waters of the South China Sea and
called 'Yonaguni.' Beautiful blue/green photos of the
quasi-pyramid structure can be downloaded off the Internet. The
monument has wide terraces, ramps and large steps. Japanese
scientists have documented marks on the stones that indicate
they were hewn. A stairway carved into the gigantic rock on the
ocean floor proves the structure was not natural.
Lemuria was an Asian Empire BEFORE Atlantis that primarily
dominated the Pacific Ocean area. It is reasonable to assume the
Asian Culture reformed as an Atlantean outpost around the
Japanese sub-station. Yonaguni, just southwest of Japan, is
physical evidence IN THE ANTICIPATED AREA of (again) an advanced
race of Stone-Builders. Asians are not Indians, yet they may
have utilized the World Wireless location predicted for Japan.
The 10th LOCATION ON THE GRID is in prehistoric Russia. There
are ancient Russian megaliths! They, too, were stone-cutters and
transporters of many tons of megalithic rock. Again we see a
culture, thousands of miles away from the jungles of Central
America, constructing massive totems. Russian megaliths resemble
the Mayan stele. Like the standing stones of England and
Australia, the harsh lands of the Soviets also contain similar
monuments. In the Caucasian Mountains and all around the Black
Sea, there are 'dolmens.' They are early, bizarre, stone
dwellings. Some stand alone, some are in groups (in patterns).
There are similar structures in North Europe and in India. They
were not primitive. Sophisticated technicians, similar to
Egyptian artisanship, had to have produced these buildings. Were
they prehistoric bomb shelters?
'The Caucasian megalithic monuments are distinguished by highly
skillful stone carving, almost that of a jeweler.’
The 9th LOCATION ON THE GRID is in central Australia, near Alice
Springs. The first Aussies are now thought to have occupied the
continent 60,000 years ago. The present climate in the Outback
is a very hot, dry desertland. Many thousands of years ago,
Australia was a 'green,' fertile terrain where 'giant animals
roamed.' Bushmen, rich in legend, believe they are native to the
continent. 'Down Under' is another land with ancient,
monolithic, standing stones.
Near Alice Springs, archeologists have found 'fused rock' and
glasslike particles. The only way such formations could have
been produced is by an incredibly intense HEAT! The rocks may
have melted together in an atomic devastation. The recurring
theme of a fertile land, now devastated is a common occurrence
on the GRID locations. There are numerous Aussie drawings and
rock carvings that seem to depict strange visitors wearing
helmets, antennas, gloves and boots. This is very similar to
what is found at Tassili; strange, ancient paintings among a
Ayer's Rock (Uluru) is one of Australia's most recognizable
landmarks. It is the planet's largest megalith and is considered
one of the great wonders of the world. It is a MAGNETIC mound
similar to Silbury Hill in England. The huge rock is a giant
spike in the ground and we only see its red top. Could the
entire natural phenomenon have been 'electrified' in ancient
times and used as an oscillating Power Pole as Tesla had
demonstrated? Central Australia is one of the Map-locations, yet
the entire continent seems to have slipped southward away from
the GRID pattern.
Tassili is the 8th LOCATION ON THE GRID. In Algeria, there are
mountains that rise from the Sahara Desert and resemble the
mountains on the Moon. Again, a mysterious race of people came
from parts unknown and settled in an inhospitable environment.
They took refuge in the high caves. Tassili ‘is as remote as you
can get.’ There are hundreds of thousands of rock paintings.
Painted by ‘realistic’ artists, the images show African
elephants; giraffes; rhinos; hippos; horses; the ancestors of
domesticated cattle; herds of antelope; flowers; wild fauna and
flora; colorful meadows; grasslands; waterholes, etc. What is
wrong with this picture? The paintings are prehistoric and in
the center of the largest desert on Earth.
All experts agree on the incredible age of the drawings. They
were not a matter of hundreds of years old, but many thousands
of years old! Beyond the age, there is something incredibly ODD
about the depictions. A small percentage show MODERN images!
There are figures with large, bulbous, ‘round-heads.’ Some
figures seem to be horizontally floating in air. Some appear to
have modern accessories such as zippers; belts; wristbands;
backpacks; antennae, etc. Henri Lhote called an 18 foot high
giant, painted on the cave walls, Great God Mars. There was one
particular ‘round-head’ in a modern, uniform-suit with antennae
that operated an apparatus. Illustrated in the background, was a
SAUCER with thrusters!
Consider that these were the survivors of some great, atomic
cataclysm as mentioned in the prehistoric books of India. Where
else would people go to escape the fallout...but in the caves?
The desert did not form naturally. Given this scenario of a
nuclear holocaust, it could explain the modern figures with
round heads. They wore radiation suits. People, from other lands
(a few) with the technology, could have been tested radiation
levels and account for the strange images. Cave dwellers, with
high quality paint, observed them.
‘The whole of the Sahara is dotted with artistic engravings and
paintings on rock faces.’ These other locations are on the roofs
of rock caves and mainly in the highlands. It is possible that
there was less radiation, the higher the altitude. Tassili
occupies one more grid-point on the map of 13. If we only
examined the cave paintings, we are mystified. If we study the
big picture, we can begin to make some sense of it and rewrite
traditional history.
The 7th LOCATION ON THE GRID is the Ashoka Pillar in New Delhi,
India. India, another Cradle of Humanity, is a great society
with a rich prehistory. The 'rust-free' iron alloy had baffled
metallurgists for centuries. The sleek Pillar tapers to a height
of 24 feet, crowned with an odd antenna design. The 7-ton, major
mystery is largely ignored. It is only a popular tourist
attraction because it is adjacent to the famous Qutab Minar.
Yet, for THOUSANDS of years, the metal has remained rust-free.
Here are only a few descriptions of the 'miracle of technology.'
* 'Indian metallurgists were indeed FAR advanced for their
* '...sheer elegance of the Pillar.'
* '...made of metal found nowhere else in the world.'
* '...its rustless splendour, one cannot help but admire the
high skill and perfect technology of the early Indian iron
makers in producing so large a monument.'
Renowned British metallurgist, Robert Hadfield, wrote: 'In spite
of all the scientific advances that have been made, the Delhi
Pillar is, as far as I am able to judge, of a BETTER QUALITY
than anything metallurgists are able to produce today.'
After centuries of study, scientists finally resolved the
composition of the 'miracle' alloy. It was BLACK MAGNETITE! The
prehistoric Pillar carried a magnetic charge! Experts have
concluded that its creators were super-skilled metallurgists and
machinists to have formed a non-rusting hunk of METAL that
large. More importantly, its manufacturers had to have mastered
'electricity' to account for its high Electro-Magnetic
India was the home of legendary 'flying carpets' from early
books predating the Bible. 'Vimanas' (flying vehicles) were
recorded in the Bhagavad Gita, the Mahabarata, Vedas and Vedik.
They described very ancient technology without modern words.
Some researchers have concluded that the holy texts of India
reported NUCLEAR WARS! The ‘stories’ perfectly described
terrible wars and the vimana craft. Robert Oppenheimer often
quoted from the old books of India when he said, 'I am become
death, the destroyer of worlds.'
The Pillar could have functioned as a Tesla Utility Pole that
oscillated with fantastic EM power. The (misnamed) Ashoka Pillar
may have been the energy source for the many, early accounts of
flying vehicles. The virtually 'alien,' rust-free Pillar stands
on the exact opposite side of the Earth as Easter Island. The
significance of the geological fact has to do with MAGNETIC
POLES. Easter Island exerts a higher-than-normal EM attraction;
compass needles point to Easter Island.
The 6th LOCATION ON THE GRID is Zimbabwe. Archeologists still do
not know who lived here or why their power came to an abrupt
end. 'Zimbabwe' is the Shona word for 'rock.' The main fortress
contains cut monoliths 20 feet thick and 36 feet high! The
ruins, south of Masvingo in deepest/darkest Africa, are
unbelievable and (historically) impossible. They are the
'biggest example of ancient architecture south of the Great
Called 'house of stones' or 'sacred house,' Zimbabwe was the
center of a 'prosperous high culture.' The curved walls and
conical towers (33' high) once had a population in the tens of
thousands. Zimbabwe is, again, another major mystery ignored by
historians because they have no place for it in tradition. The
curved, massive masonry of the first Africans is not the only
mystery. The SAME type of stone architecture was used by the
Inca on Andes mountaintops thousands of miles away. The Great
Zimbabwe complex stands in the center of a vast network of
smaller, stonework that are scattered over many thousands of
square miles! Would it surprise you to discover the little
stonework (sub-stations) in the region covers a large area IN A
PATTERN? Are you seeing a pattern?
Europeans were reluctant to believe that Africans could have
built Zimbabwe. British archaeologists David Randall-MacIver and
Gertrude Caton-Thompson, early last century, have absolutely
established that the ruins were of African origin. The Black
Race began in Zimbabwe. They were the noble children of kings
and queens. Here was one more culture rich in legend and
primeval history. As with all cultures along the GRID, later
when the power ended and the empire fell, a LESS advanced
society took its place.
Archeologists and educators fail to praise the fantastic
achievements of the grand, Zimbabwean architecture in STONE. Our
impressions of early Africans consist of primitive natives
STONE-BUILDERS? Zimbabwe destroys our preconceptions of the
past. Yet, the ruins are basically no different than other
points on the Atlantean GRID. Give the prehistoric Africans the
credit they deserve and place them up there with other,
impressive Stone-Builders.
The soil around the main Zimbabwe fortress (Power-Station) was
poor and cannot sustain a large community. Once again, we have
titanic monoliths transported far from the quarry and fit
together without mortar. We have a pattern of smaller stones
surrounding a main complex; same as pyramids, mounds and
standing stones. This was all a system of 'wireless electricity'
transmission. Atlantis was a World System of power distribution
to the GRID points, then the energy was stepped-down to local
areas. Zimbabwe falls perfectly along the GRID and is connected
to the other, similar colonies around the planet. The physical
evidence of a 'primary surrounded by many secondaries' repeats
in the pyramid civilizations, mound-builders and standing
monoliths (totems) or statues. These independent cultures,
separated by thousands of miles, were not isolated...they were
all connected to a global system.
Researchers make the fatal mistake of only studying Stonehenge
or Easter Island or the Great Pyramid. Some experts have
concluded that it was as if the 'same construction company' went
out to these locations and built the Cradles of Civilization.
Stand back and see the entire picture. Investigate all of the 13
sites and note the similarities in mysteries.
The FIRST 5 LOCATIONS ON THE GRID are ancient sites so famous,
details of the unknowns do not have to be cited here. Hundreds
of, if not more than a thousand, books have been written about
them. Expeditions have been financed in search of them and sent
to study them. Documentaries by the scores have been filmed. The
ruins (or Plato's Atlantis) have mystified us for hundreds of
years. Research the locations; discover how traditional history
fails miserably in the explanation of the primordial enigmas.
They are:
1. ATLANTIS once a continent in the Atlantis Ocean, (the prime
2. GREAT PYRAMID at Giza in the exact, geographical center of
all landmasses.
3. INCA Civilizations in Peru around Lake Titicaca.
4. STONEHENGE in England and 'pattern' of surrounding monoliths
or 'standing stones.'
5. EASTER ISLAND and the colossal 'maoi' stone giants on a
remote, volcanic island.
Found by Donna Epstein; she emailed me this recent discovery,
HAUNTED ME SINCE 1974. She had read my (little-known) 'Wireless
World' article and knew I had been in search of: SOMETHING just
north of the U.S. and precisely on the border of Alberta and
Saskatchewan. This is the exact area of the Indian carved in the
mountains. The article that states the MAP-GRID prediction was
posted on the and websites
ever since 2002; before piece #12 and #13 were found (Brazil &
Canada). The coincidence is these just happen to be CANADIAN UFO
and Mystery websites.
Imagine a large map of CANADA on the wall, and in 1974, you
predict that the first sign of ancient Canadians will
appear...(then throw a dart from across the room) on the spot
the dart lands. This is precisely what has occurred only the
GRID LOCATIONS were not arrived at by the random throwing of
darts. You can write to me at and
receive interviews/radio shows (also the map) where the origin
of the 13-point map is revealed. Its origin is extraordinary and
as unique as the Betty Hill Star Map. Yonaguni proved my MAP's
validity. The unexpected grid-parks in Brazil proved its
credibility. NOW...without question, the carved Indian mountains
have appeared thanks to Google the anticipated area.
These physical facts (I believe) prove that the Canadian image
was carved and could be connected to the global empire of
Atlantis! As in all of the GRID points, a real mystery truly
stands in each of the spots. The IRONY is that the Canadian
image is an INDIAN! It is the LACK of Indians in Canada that
demonstrates the error of traditional history. Many of the 13
locations were obliterated; some left deserts after what could
have been ancient, atomic wars. Some remote colonies were never
rebuilt; while others, their very spots were reused repeatedly.
All traces of prehistoric Canadians were wiped out as great
forests replaced what could have been a thriving metropolis.
What was NOT erased by the holocaust was a giant, Nazca-like
Indian. Was the image a guardian of the past or its own prophecy
of simpler Indians in future generations?

Now, your last assignment: Study the
Wardenclyffe tower (NY
1900-1905), the work of Nikola Tesla; especially his 'World
System' of Magnifying Transmitters and wireless electricity! You
will discover that in the 19th Century, this super genius
planned to OBSOLETE his AC invention with wireless power. It was
only the basic principle, the blueprint of the far superior
Atlantean System, yet it would work and could bring on an age of
gods and goddesses. Tesla realized we are not ready for Paradise
and dismantled his crowning life's achievement. The Earthlings
would make wars with the first Magnifying Transmitter rather
than let it freely power cities!
When this writer read that Tesla planned for a World System of
NINE TOWERS to complete his global grid; Wardenclyffe was only
the first...I concluded that the MAP OF 13 ATLANTIS COLONIES
operated on the same principle!!! Atlantis mastered what Tesla
only proved on a basic level. The human race (in Eden) fed off
the power and flourished...until even the greatest of empires
FALL. Atlantis had a system of 13; Tesla's design was a global
grid of 9 locations. Could Atlantis have been the ORIGINAL 13
The 20th Century did not follow Tesla's wonderful, utopian
vision. However, what does the future hold? The distant future
will succeed with the return of Atlantis. A great circle will be
completed as a technical Atlantis returns. History repeats and
Utopia comes back to us, once again. A New Genesis for the human
race speaks to the true GREATNESS of our ancestors and to the
greatness of Tomorrow's children's children…