Last Updated:
Friday, February 23, 2007 05:30:02 AM

Friday, February 23, 2007 |
The Vatican and the Sacred Order of St John
by Leo
Feb 19, 2007
Last Updated:
Friday, February 23, 2007 05:30:02 AM |
Zagami |
ounded in the 11th Century the Order of St.
John is also known as The Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order
of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta. The upper
grades are fastidiously aristocratic and must be able to display
a family coat-of-arms dating back at least 300 years in unbroken
succession from father to son. The Sovereign Grand Master of the
order is recognized as a head of state, and his authority is
ensured by his secular ranking as a Prince, and his
ecclesiastical ranking as a Cardinal. Under international law
this organization has independent Sovereign status, which
assures nationalistic loyalty from its members, above and beyond
allegiance to their own country--they also have Permanent
Observer status at the United Nations. The current Grand Master,
Andrew Willoughby Bertie, is descended from Mary Stuart (Mary
Queen of Scots) which places him firmly in the Sion/Grail
historical scenario. !!The leader of the order is commonly known
as the "Black Pope" something they also say about the leader of
the Jesuit Order .That's because the Jesuits are the Spiritual
Masters of the Knights of Malta.
The order and its members have been proven to be linked with the
"Rat Run?", the post-WWII escape route used by high-ranking
Nazis and death camp scientists from defeated Germany to the
Americas. Sovereign Knight of Malta passports were issued with
false identities that allowed escape from prosecution for war
crimes. Perversely, after the war the order's highest
decoration, the 'Grand Cross of Merit', was awarded to Nazi
General Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler's Eastern Front intelligence
chief, who was highly complicit in the atrocities carried out by
the Nazis in Russia and Eastern Europe There are approximately
11,000 Knights and Dames of Malta around the world. They belong
to one of 54 national associations or priories. The Federal
Association is one of the three associations in the United
States. Its office is in Washington, DC, and it has members all
over the country. The "Knights of Malta" are represented by a
white Maltese Cross on a red background.
The order is the sanctuary of the Knights Templar, housing them
inside their City State within Vatican City.
One of the gifts to the American way of life from them was the
Klu Klux Klan
The motto of the Order since 1099 is Tuitio Fidei et Obsequium
Pauperum - to defend the faith and to serve the poor.
The Orders military function became one of the most advanced
fighting and naval forces in the world. Their battles defending
the island of Rhodes and later the island of Malta are
legendary. Knights would also nurse the sick in the evening. The
rule was that they would serve the patients first - "white bread
on silver plate" - before they would eat. In the modern World
the Military Order aspects of the Knights have been downplayed,
with their "public face" showing their work as tending to the
sick and poor. But make no mistake, they are still well in
control of the Military might needed to uphold their creed. The
Knights of Malta have been the source of many of the secret
societies that have come into being in the last 1000 years, most
notably are the Scottish Rite Masonic Order, The Ku Klux Klan
and many others who end up serving the Vatican Satan. These
Knights and later their Jesuit brothers who came into existence
500 years ago are the secret instigators of almost every major
conflict of the so called western civilization to this day.
The following is from the official website of the order:
The Order constructed great fortresses at vulnerable points in
the Kingdom of Jerusalem and launched its own military campaigns
in the defense of Christendom. The Order became the first
Western standing army and the first organization of chivalry,
known as the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem. It expanded its
network of hospices for service to and defense of pilgrims along
important routes of travel.
In 1291 the great fortress city Acre fell to Muslim forces, and
after some 200 years in the Holy Land the Order was forced to
leave. Its convent, or headquarters, was transferred to the
island of Cyprus where it held property. In 1310, the Order
acquired sovereign possession of the Island of Rhodes. The Order
in Rhodes again came under unrelenting attack from Muslim forces
and successfully repulsed attacks in 1440, 1444, 1469, and 1480.
In 1522, Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent moved on Rhodes with
250 ships and 200,000 men and, after an epic defense of six
months' duration by the Order's 600 Knights and 1,500 soldiers,
the Grand Master capitulated on 24 December 1522, and was
allowed to depart, with the surviving Knights, on 1 January
Without lands, but universally recognized as sovereign, the
Order was in exile until 1530, when it was given Malta by the
Holy Roman Emperor. Malta, like Rhodes, became the stage of a
great chapter in the history of the Order. This was the second
naval phase of the Knights, now also called the Knights of
Malta. Malta occupied a strategic position between the Christian
and Muslim worlds and the Order was the only obstacle to the
continuing advance of Islam through the Mediterranean towards
the heart of Christendom. Violent Ottoman assaults between 1551
and 1644 were all successfully resisted. The most notable of
these was the Great Siege of 1565 in which the attacking Ottoman
force of 373 vessels and 40,000 men failed to subdue the island
defended by some 540 Knights and sergeants, 400 Spanish troops
and 4,000 Maltese capable of bearing arms.
Defense of the Faith did not outshine service to the poor. The
hospital of the Order in Jerusalem had about 2,000 beds, and
there had also been a large hospital on Rhodes. The hospital of
Malta, founded in 1532, continued the hospitaller tradition with
accommodations for 564 patients who were served by the Knights
themselves. The rule was the same as it had been for five
centuries. The patients were served by the Knights before anyone
else. They received the best meals - "white bread on silver
plate". The Hospital, and its associated Schools of Anatomy,
Surgery and Pharmacy, achieved world-wide renown.
Valletta, the new capital, became a treasure house of art with
its splendid baroque buildings: churches like the magnificent
Conventual Church of St. John the Baptist, completed in 1577,
and official buildings like the Palace of the Grand Masters and
the Inns of the Knights. In 1761 the Public Library was opened
in Valletta, in 1768 the University, and in 1786 the School of
Mathematics and Nautical Sciences — all the work of the Order.
In 1798 Napoleon, ignoring the Order's internationally
guaranteed neutrality vis-à-vis the Christian powers, had his
fleet attack Malta on 12 June 1798.
The Knights capitulated and their island-state fell to the
French. Napoleon seized the treasures of the Order and forced
its members to abandon the island.
Having lost most of its property during the Napoleonic conquest,
in 1834 the Order established its headquarters in Rome, where it
has remained ever since, and the present phase in the colorful
history of the Order began. Its military role reduced, service
to the poor and the sick became its foremost occupation and in
the second half of the nineteenth century the national
associations began to emerge and the Order assumed its present
The Order is still recognized under international law as a
"sovereign entity"; and exchanges ambassadors and diplomatic
representatives with over 90 countries. On August 24, 1994, the
Order was admitted to the United Nations by being granted
"Permanent Observer" status. This status, similar to the status
granted to the international Red Cross and other relief
organization, allows the Order to participate in the discussions
of the General Assembly of the United Nations.
The number of Knights today is greater than in the days of its
grandeur in the eighteenth century. The eight-pointed white
Maltese Cross stands out everywhere as a symbol for charity
towards mankind and as a comfort and consolation to the sick and
the poor. The Order stands ready to meet the great challenges of
the modern age in the same spirit of selflessness and devotion
that inspired its founder more than 900 years ago.
The direct connections between Skull and Bones and Knights of
The Knights of Malta are one of the oldest branches of the Order
of the Quest in existence.
The Knights of Malta is held up by a backbone consisting of
nobility. The Black Nobility is mostly the rich and powerful of
Europe. The head of the Black Nobility is the family that can
claim direct descendancy from the last Roman emperor.
The Knights of Malta all have diplomatic immunity. They can ship
goods across borders without paying duty or undergoing customs
The first U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican was William Wilson, a
Knight of Malta.
Frank Shakespeare replaced William Wilson. Frank Shakespeare was
a Knight of Malta,
William Casey was the Director of the CIA, a member of the CFR,
a Knight of Malta. He was head of the Securities and Exchange
Commission. During the Nixon administration he was head of the
Export-Import Bank.
In the 1930's General Smedley Butler was recruited to help take
over the White House. He was told that he was needed because of
his general popularity with the military. General Butler blew
the whistle and named several prominent Americans as part of the
plot. At the top of the list was John J. Raskob, who was a
founding member of the U.S. branch of the Knights of Malta. He
was board chairman of General Motors. He was, at he time, the
U.S. Treasurer of the Knights of Malta. Congressional hearings
were held to investigate the plot, but none of those named,
including Raskob, was ever called to testify and nothing ever
came of the hearings.
George Schultz is a member of the CFR, the Bohemian Club and the
Bechtel Corporation, all of which have close ties to the Order
and the Knights of Malta.
Knight of Malta Myron Taylor was President Roosevelt's envoy.
Knight of Malta John McCone? the Director of the CIA during the
early '60s, was President Kennedy's envoy. Knight of Malta
Thomas Melledy was President G.H.W. Bush's U.S. Ambassador to
the Vatican.
Clare Booth Luce was a dame of the Knights of Malta J. Peter
Grace of W.R. Grace Company is head of the Knights of Malta in
the United States.
In the early 1940s, the I.G. Farben Chemical Company employed a
Polish salesman who sold cyanide to the Nazis for use in
Auschwitz. The same salesman also worked as a chemist in the
manufacture of the poison gas. This same cyanide gas along with
Zyklon B and malathion was used to exterminate millions of Jews
and other groups. Their bodies were then burned to ashes in the
ovens. After the war the salesman, fearing for his llfe, joined
the Catholic Church and was ordained a priest in 1946. One of
his closest friends was Dr. Wolf Szmuness, the mastermind behind
the November/78 to October/79 and March/80 to October/81
experimental hepatitis B vaccine trials conducted by the Center
for Disease Control in New York, San Francisco and four other
American cities that loosed the plague of AIDS upon the American
people. The salesman was ordained Poland's youngest bishop in
1958. After a 30-day reign his predecessor was assassinated and
our ex-cyanide gas salesman assumed the papacy as Pope John Paul
The most powerful secret organization in the world is the
Bilderberg Group, organized in 1952 and named after the hotel
where its first meeting took place in 1954. The man who
organized the Bilderberg Group, Prince Bernhard of the
Netherlands, has the power to veto the Vatican's choice of any
Pope it selects. Prince Bernhard has this veto power because his
family, the Hapsburgs, are desended from the Roman emperors.
Prince Bernhard is the leader of the Black Families. He claims
descent from the House of David and thus can truly say that he
is related to Jesus. Prince Bernhard, with the help of the CIA,
brought the hidden ruling body of the Illuminati into public
knowledge as the Bilderberg Group. This is the official alliance
that makes up the world governing body secretly dominated by
their Jesuit Spiritual Masters. The core of the organization is
three committees made up of thirteen members each. Thus the
heart of the Bilderberg Group consists of 39 total members of
the Illuminati. The three committees are made up exclusively of
members of all the different secret groups that make up the
Illuminati, the Freemasons, and the Vatican Black Nobility. This
committee works year round in offices in Switzerland. It
determines who is invited to the annual meeting and what
policies and plans will be discussed. Every proposal or plan
that has ever been discussed at an annual meeting of the
Bilderberg Group has come to pass usually within one or two
years following the meeting. The Bilderberg Group are the men
who really rule the world.
Adam Smith's *Wealth of Nations*, which provided the ideological
foundation for capitalism and for the Industrial Revolution, was
published in 1776, in that same year, 1776, Adam Weishaupt, a
professor of Canon law at Ingolstadt University in Germany,
founded the Illuminati Order, a conspiratorial organization
which embodied all of the goals, aims, and methods of what we
now call Communism. the goal of the Order was to "unite, by way
of one common higher interest and by a lasting bond, men from
all parts of the globe, from all social classes and from all
religions, despite the diversity of their opinions and passions,
to make them love this common interest and bond to the point
where, together or alone, they act as one individual."
One of the lodges in Germany affiliated with the Lodge of Lyons
was the Lodge Theodore of Munich. It was in this lodge -- to
which Weishaupt belonged -- that the Illuminati Order was
organized by him as a secret organization within a secret
organization. It took a number of years before the existence of
this secret society within a secret society came to light. Its
revolutionary doctrines were so zealously propagated that it
couldn't be completely hidden for very long. In 1783, a Bavarian
Court of Enquiry began its investigation of the Illuminati
Order. Much of what we know today about Weishaupt's secret
conspiracy is a result of this investigation. Weishaupt's entire
program and methodology was virtually identical with what was
later to become known as Communism.
The Order went underground and emerged as a network of Reading
Societies throughout Germany and in the USA (Skull and Bones).
The goal of this literary network was to monopolize the writing,
publication, reviewing and distribution of all literature, more
effectively to control the minds of the readers.
The members of Skull and Bones today manage almost all major
communication in the World, including CBS, NBC, ABC,
ClearChannel?, Time/Warner etc.
ADM Feeding Program - Since 1990, the Federal Association has
sent millions of pounds of food- all donated by Skull and Bones
controlled Archer Daniels Midland- to the poor in Central
America. The recipients are the Missionaries of Charity, and the
official consignees and handlers of the food in country are
local members of the Order of Malta. The six countries which
receive these shipments are Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti,
Honduras, and Nicaragua. The Federal Association makes 10-12
shipments (40' containers @ 80,000 pounds each) every year.
Don't think that there is nothing but evil being done by this
most powerful congregation of the Worlds wealthy, they do
conduct programs of care and feeding to the poor, medical aid to
the sick and education to the ignorant. But you should
understand that the good and righteous people "in the trenches"
at your local KOM run Hospital, School, Clinic or Charity have
no idea that the work they are doing covers a much larger plan.
Like beautiful beads of dew on a spiders web the charitable
actions cover the true purpose behind these activities.
Running the schools of a Nation allow them to educate the
population according to their wishes. Running the Hospitals
allows them to cross every social boundary and know the most
intimate details about persons from birth to death.
Like the Priest that receives confession and then uses that
secret knowledge against the confessor there are very dark basic
principles behind the supposed altruistic activities of the
Catholic Church and their Knights of Malta.
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