he Guardian newspaper of Feb 2nd 2007
highlighted the fact that teachers in Britain are now taught to
watch for signs of ritual abuse. Research from 38 cases where
children were either murdered as in the Victoria Climbie case,
or subjected to horrific abuse.
The list given to teachers includes children
with bruises, cuts or burns, and a child being confused,
withdrawn, disoriented, isolated and showing signs of
sleeplessness, weight loss and with unkempt or dirty clothes,
and even faeces smeared on their body.
Incidents if unchecked can result in child
deaths as in the recent British evangelical churches scandal.
The 38 cases mentioned involved 47 seriously abused children.
Debbie Arroyo of the organization "Africans against child abuse"
is working against the clock to change attitudes.
In Nigeria alone last year, 80 Kendocki
witchcraft murders were recorded, with many more said to be
unlisted. Many African communities in Britain and even white
converts are said to be involved in the 300 breakaway churches
in the London area alone, who condone similar practices.
The torso of the boy called "Adam" taken from
the river Thames in 2001 Meant Scotland Yard went all over the
world on enquiries into primitive witchcraft and bush meat.
Police and social workers did not have a clue
about these beliefs and sought the advice of experts such as
David Tyndall and myself, which went largely unheeded, in the
interest of the "race relations industry"
More than 2000 people, mainly foreign, have
been charged in Italy with bringing in women and minors to work
in both sweat shops and the sex industry.

those questioned by Chief Superintendent Chiara Giancomantonio
and other, leads from the hundreds given point to Illuminati
rituals, being responsible for many missing children. Names
mentioned in connection include an advisor to Berlusconi, and
several names uncomfortably close to Tony Blair.
The Russian mafia who control most British
immigration, have consistently denied to me bringing in underage
children, and I have on several occasions suggested to Interpol
a prosecution amnesty to traffickers prepared to speak out.
Matthew Ashimollo would have been ideal to
offer an amnesty in exchange for names.
Being investigated as I speak, is an incident
in Cyprus where a large number of devil worshippers are said to
have held a " childfest" where a child or children were abused,
their remains then put into a bonfire.
John Sentamu,
the new black Archbishop must give a lead here, he is a good man
and must show some leadership in a very murky religious area.