Last Updated:
Monday, January 29, 2007 07:13:40 PM

OTO, Nazism and the Occult Messiah
by Leo
Jan 29, 2007
Last Updated:
Monday, January 29, 2007 07:13:40 PM |
Leo Lyon Zagami was, until recently, a high level member of
the Italian Illuminati, a 33rd degree freemason, a true insider
and a high-member of the infamous Freemasonic P2 Lodge. He was
the "prince", prepared to take over after the older Illuminati
"king", Licio Gelli. He is of Illuminati aristocrat bloodline
and therefore involved in the Illuminati Order since childhood.
However, Leo decided he'd had enough of all the evil he was
exposed to, and a part of, and the horrifying Satanic, black
magic rituals, mind control and torture that was going on inside
the lodges, behind closed doors. So he left everything and fled
to Norway, where he is
currently residing. Since he left, he's been harassed and
tortured and had his life threatened.
He realized that the only way to hopefully stay alive is to
expose to the world what he knows and make himself known.
History shows that this is one of the best ways to survive,
although nothing is for certain. Leo quickly started this
website, Illuminati Confessions, where he reveals the secrets to
the world, one by one. I strongly advise you to check it out and
download it to your computer, in case they decide to silence him
for good, and this website will be shut down. There is a lot of
extremely important information here, and much of it can't be
found anywhere else. Leo has also been a guest several times at
Greg Szymanski's radio show.
Don't forget to check out Leo's exclusive website, where he
exposes the Illuminati like no one has before:
Leo Zagami |
he OTO was founded between 1895 and 1900 by a
pair of powerful Freemasons, Karl Kellner and Theodor Reuss.
Politically, the order was right-wing in the extreme, proposing
the creation of a pan-German world based on pagan spiritual
beliefs. Kellner died in 1905, and Reuss, a former spy for the
Prussian Secret Service, assumed the office of high caliph.
While living in London, Reuss spied on German socialist
In 1912 he made the acquaintance of Aleister Crowley, and
appointed him head of the OTO's British chapter. But The Beast's
[Crowley's] political loyalties have always been an open
The fascist character of Scientology can be seen in embryonic
form in the Michael Howard's profile of the OTO and its infamous
leader in England, Aleister Crowley, as described in The Occult
head of the English branch of the OTO and he took the magical
name Baphomet from the idol worshipped by the Knights Templars...
When he was at Cambridge University the young Crowley had
belonged to a Jacobite legitimate society and had dabbled in
extreme right-wing politics." (p. 112) "Because Crowley had
extensive contacts with the European secret societies his
specialist knowledge was used by the SIS [Britain's Secret
Intelligence Service] for 'Black Propaganda' purposes. Crowley
had confided to the writer Aldous Huxley in 1938 when they met
in Berlin that Hitler was a practising occultist.
He also claimed that the OTO had helped the Nazis to gain
power." (p. 135) Howard and other historians of the occult
societies credit OTO with introducing Tantric sex magic which
supposedly opens up all Hermetic and Masonic mysteries that are
veiled in symbolism. Possible Origins for Dianetics and
Scientology, by Jon Atack, compares the symbolism and rituals of
OTO and Scientology:
"Many of the symbols of Scientology were taken from ritual
magic. Hubbard was a member of the AMORC Rosicrucians in 1940
and the OTO , he performed sexual 'magick' ceremonies with Jack
Parsons, a follower of Aleister Crowley, in 1946. The
Scientology cross is very similar to the Rosicrucian and Crowley
Hubbard also used the 'daleth' triangle of the Egyptian
destroyer god Set as the Dianetic symbol.

"The theta symbol used by Scientology is the
central symbol of Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis, where it
denotes 'thelema' or the will. It is the symbol of 'Babalon',
the antichrist that Hubbard and Parsons tried to incarnate. The
'S and double triangle' motif of Scientology probably derives
from the black magic use of the snake symbol (the 'wise serpent'
or Satan) combined with a deconstruction into two triangles of
the Star of David (rather like hanging the Christian cross
upside down to signify devil worship). This symbol - the magical
hexagram - was used by Hubbard and Parsons during their attempts
at incarnating the anti-Christ in human form. Again, Hubbard
shares the double triangle with Crowley, where the triangles
stood for the 'Argentinum Astrum' or 'Silver Star', a name for
Crowley's organization prior to his take-over of the Ordo Templi
"Crowley's order - the OTO - had a common origin with the Thule
group to which several members of the Nazi hierarchy belonged
(including deputy party chairman Rudolph Hess). The sig rune -
used by the Nazis - appears on the Scientology International
Management Organization's symbol - a red square enclosing a
white disc and set off by four such sig runes. The swastika of
the Nazi flag has been replaced by the Scientology 'S and double
triangle'. The symbol of the Religious Technology Center is
surrounded by sig runes. As far as I can ascertain, the sig rune
is otherwise peculiar to the Nazis.
a way I can state clearly that Hitler was obviously directed by
the British illuminati of the SRIA (from the United Grand Lodge
of England who gave also birth to the Golden Dawn), Brothers
that belong to the elite of the illuminati intelligence who
manipulated him until they needed Hitler (some of them belonged
to the OTO), and then left him to front an impossible war
against the rest of the world after accomplishing in secret
their goals. In Switzerland the OTO Nazi ideal was conducted
after the II world war by illuminati Frater Superior Metzger.
This was one of the main reasons why Rudolf Hess went to England
with a secret Rosicrucian mission he was never able to
accomplish because of Brother Churchill and the change of mind
of certain Brothers in the SRIA.
That's why after so many years Rudolf the man who knew too much
about the New World Order was still a threat so they eventually
killed him as we all know. Hitler a British agent? Probably not,
but definitely a British puppet! Adolf willingly served the
Zionist agenda of Great Britain and the Vatican so they could
establish their State of Israel after all these terrible Nazi
persecutions against the Jewish people. Fascist United States is
at the moment the legitimate heir to Nazi Germany that's why
they love and support so much their OTO, they are using the same
techniques that made Hitler famous and I'm sure they will get
worst much worst in the next few years just like their beloved
Führer did.
The USA at present are like Germany in the 1930's and the
Muslims are like the new Jews of the situation having to suffer
and be persecuted illegally in places like Guantalamo bay...
Did you know that J.F.C.Fuller, friend and student of Aleister
Crowley, made a Major General in 1930 E.V., resigned in 1933 E.V.
devoting the rest of his life to the writing of history, was the
only foreigner at Adolph Hitler's first maneuvers in 1935 E.V.,
and one of the two Englishmen invited to the Fuhrer's fiftieth
birthday celebrations in 1939 E.V.?
Did you know that after Rudolf Hess flew to Scotland in 1941 E.V.,
surrendering to the Allies, that illuminati agent Ian Fleming,
the future author of the James Bond novels, advocated that the
Nazi occultist be interrogated by Aleister Crowley?
These are but two of many fascinating facts that one can find in
Hitler: The Occult Messiah by illuminati Brother of the Ordo
Templi Orientis Gerald Suster [St. Martin's Press, 1981 E.V.].
Suster's book makes for fascinating reading, even if one is not
terribly interested in exoteric history and World War II. One
reason for this is simple: there is no clear dividing line
between the exoteric, the "ordinary" and "mundane", and the
esoteric or "occult". By now, for instance, it should be well
known to most that our founding fathers, the men who created
these United States of America, were Freemasons with a deep
interest in things esoteric.
Masonic and occult symbolism is abundant even in the design of
our currency which backs up the idea that money is a kind of
talisman. Well, it is Mr. Suster's claim that W.W.II was more of
a magical conflict than most people realize. He is not the first
researcher and author to point out that Hitler's S.S. was more
of an occult fraternity than a military organization, that
Hitler, Hess, Himmler and others in the Nazi party were deeply
interested and involved in the occult, twisting and perverting
sacred esoteric symbols and ideas to suit their own purpose, and
that the Thule Gesellschaft was an important motivating group
behind and within the party. However, Frater Suster of the
illuminati accumulating and organizing various facts, looks more
to the esoteric aspects of Hitler and Nazism than most
researchers and he points out that it was a natural aspect of
the Age of Horus, or Æon of Horus, as the illuminati would call
Gerald Suster looks deeply into the motivations of the
individuals who created Nazism and brought about the second
world war, concentrating primarily upon Hitler of course,
showing how this new, dawning age was being felt all over the
world, how new occult fraternities and groups were coming into
being, and how certain occultists and their orders in Germany
influenced, trained and guided Hitler and the Nazi party. The
book is extremely convincing, although certainly many of the
ideas Mr. Suster puts forth in his book are bound to be scoffed
at by "orthodox" historians. However, for those of us who have
studied the esoteric influences easily found in exoteric
history, Mr. Suster's ideas do not seem so very absurd.
Source: Correspondence
with author
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