n 1906, a congressional inquiry into the
criminal activities involving United States citizens in white
slavery was stopped in its tracks. The news magazine that had
investigated the white slave traffic of hapless young females
was prepared to release a series of articles informing both the
Congress and the American public of those criminal activities.
The inquiry was attacked and silenced. Only the first article of
the series made it out the rest of the articles in the series,
vital in terms of both informing the public and in ending these
horrific crimes, were silenced. The behind-the-scenes power
brokers who silenced the press and sabotaged the congressional
inquiry were all Jewish.
The reason powerful Jews blocked the inquiry and sabotaged the
conduct of due process of law was because powerful and wealthy
Jews were directly involved and would have been exposed. As a
direct result of this near domestic "holocaust," the powerful
Jews involved formed a new organization: the American Jewish
It may be recalled that the American Jewish
Committee was just recently in the news. This time, crucial
information vital to the public interest alerting American
citizens of the domination of their government by the Zionist
American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, was
silenced. Jewish professor Anthony Judt, of New York University,
had two speaking engagements cancelled by two so-called "Jewish"
organizations: the American Jewish Committee and Abraham
Foxman's Anti-Defamation League. The AJC blocked the exposé of
white slavery in 1906; and now, 100 years later, prevented a
speaking engagement by a Jewish professor last October, to be
given by a Jew who merely sought to amplify the findings of
Professors Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer. He had intended to
offer commentary on the Harvard School of Government paper, "The
Israel Lobby." Over 100 academics from colleges and universities
across the country wrote a letter of protest and signed it.
Consider the unbelievable damage that could result had Judt been
allowed his right to speak and think freely. It would seriously
bring into focus the continuing attacks upon these rights which
would preclude exchanging ideas with other thinking human
beings. And Foxman and his ADL just couldn't tolerate that,
especially when the attacks are coming from "another" Jew. But
Foxman is not just "another" Jew he's a criminal and a
Intimidating Americans and stifling their constitutional rights
is a crime, and not permitting an American to speak against the
agents of a foreign government is a crime. Those agents of a
foreign nation-state, a state which has committed acts of war
against US, has committed numerous acts of espionage against US,
and may even have been involved with the 9/11 terrorist act
against US, should be exposed and investigated as well. Please
recall the high-fiving five, surreptitiously detained and then
released to return to Israel.

Abraham Foxman, ADL |
Foxman derives his power not from law, but by
selecting those individuals he wishes to defame and smear. And
of course those smeared have the right to sue; but Foxman can
offer that he only acted in the self-interests of "American
Jewry and Israel." And Foxman and his ADL command much wealth
and legions of lawyers to bury litigants in legal fees and the
courts for years. In fact, that was indeed the method deployed
to silence Professor Judt. Who was smeared? Who was defamed? Yet
the mere fact that Judt was silenced and targeted by these two
"Jewish" groups can be shown to be, and sufficiently represented
as, smears and defamation. Who really was the "aggressor"; was
it the "anti-Semite" or the Semite? Clearly, the mission of
Foxman and the ADL is to smear and defame in order to silence
critics of Israel and its tax-exempt foreign agent lobby. Their
power, "status" and wealth shield them legally.
But smearing, defaming, and silencing aren't Foxman and the
ADL's only tactics. One may recall the last-minute pardoning
frenzy of former President Bill Clinton. In a sermon given by
Rabbi Barry H. Block on April 27, 2001, and posted on the
Internet here, http://www.beth-elsa.org/be_s0427.htm Rabbi Block
writes: "The leaders of this New Square community are
unfortunately not as honest as their neighbors. Four of them had
been 'convicted of robbing the government of $11,000,000, by
setting up a fictitious yeshiva to receive federal student aid
money.' The school did not even exist. The convicts and their
attorneys justified their actions 'on the grounds that . . . the
funds were channeled back into the community [, and not] for
personal gain.' [Yoffie]"

Rabbi Block |

Rabbi Yoffie |
Rabbi Block's sermon, entitled "Clinton Pardons Jewish
Disgrace," then goes on to quote another rabbi, Rabbi Eric
Yoffie. "Rabbi Eric Yoffie, President of our Union of American
Hebrew Congregations, has written that, 'for Jews, this is not
simply another case of fraud and embezzlement. This is a case of
religious people inventing an imaginary Torah institution to
steal from the government, using the funds for other activities
of their religious community, and then defending their actions
on the ground that the money did not go into their own pockets.
There is an implication that in some way, [their actions were]
religiously acceptable. But of course [they were] not. Their
actions are nothing short of a hillul Hashem, a desecration of
God's name. Jews who break the law in God's name and turn [the]
Torah into an instrument of thievery are bringing Judaism into
Rabbi Block continues: "Were these commutations explicitly
bought with votes? Probably not. Did these thieves receive
special treatment because of their town's overwhelming numbers
of ballots for Senator Clinton? Perhaps. Did President Clinton
think he was being a friend to the Jewish people when he
commuted these sentences? Probably.
We can be certain, though, that the Torah does not permit
thievery, even for the sake of a community. Our Rabbis teach us
that committing a crime in the name of God shames the Jewish
people, dishonors the Torah, and desecrates the Name of God.
Though President Clinton surely intended no harm to the Jewish
people, he did us no favors when he publicized the crime by
granting pardon to the unrepentant sinners of New Square, New
Then Rabbi Block expounds on the pardon of Mark Rich. "The case
of Marc Rich is much better known. In some ways, it may seem to
be less of a Jewish problem, per se. Rich's alleged crimes, tax
evasion and breaking an embargo against Iran, are shocking.
Unlike the crimes of New Square, though, Rich's actions were not
committed in the name of Judaism, God, or the Jewish people.
Bill Clinton is the one most often charged with wrongdoing in
the matter of the Rich pardon, not the Jewish people.
And yet, the pardon of Marc Rich had a very great deal to do
with the Children of Israel.
Ehud Barak, then-Prime Minister of Israel, intervened on Rich's
behalf by calling Clinton twice. Rabbi Irving Greenberg,
Chairman of the Holocaust Memorial Council, pled for the
Presidential pardon in a letter written on the stationery of the
sacred organization he heads. Calls went out to Clinton from
Mayor Ehud Olmert of Jerusalem; from Abraham Foxman, head of the
Anti Defamation League; and from dozens of other Jewish and
Israeli leaders and philanthropists.
Why did all these Jewish leaders ask the President of the United
States to pardon Marc Rich? In the words of Rabbi Yoffie, 'the
answer is plain and simple: they were bought. Mr. Rich
contributed generously to Jewish causes and charities around the
world, and then, in a carefully orchestrated campaign, called in
favors to put pressure on the President. . . . Beneficiaries of
his largesse responded with calls and letters.'"
True to the combined character of Foxman and his ADL, and
considering as well the diverse nature of the morality and
religious honor of Judaism cited, religion itself is neither the
issue nor the focus. It is morality and the lack thereof that
are contrasted by Rabbi Block's sermon. Foxman is purely a
political manipulator, whether it's to get a Jewish criminal off
the hook with bought-and-paid-for political fixes and favors, or
to silence a Jewish professor who merely wishes to speak the
truth. When rabbis distance themselves from criminals, which
include the likes of Abraham Foxman, the latter showing little
or no devotion to Judaism as we can likewise conclude is the
case with Clinton, it should be clear we are dealing with an
evil individual and a dangerous political faction that threatens
all our freedoms. Foxman and his evil ADL must be stopped.
The dangerous and un-American faction represented by Foxman and
his ADL would surely cause President James Madison to rethink
his Federalist Paper No. 10. Our large and diverse nation does
not have the capability of cleansing itself by a myriad of
conflicting interests. Lobbies and influence peddling,
especially considering the astonishing and towering level of
power of AIPAC and the ADL, are threatening and destroying the
very foundations of freedom this nation was built upon.
Write to your representatives in Congress. Let them know that
neither the ADL nor AIPAC are elected representatives for
America or of the American people. Write right now! Don't put it
off. These dangerous factions work quickly, secretly and behind
closed doors, and are attempting to eliminate our society
because it threatens their agenda of a New World Order.
Considering the power they already wield, why is it that we
should be the ones saddled with "hate crimes" legislation
they're trying to ram through Congress?
© THEODORE E. LANG 1/4/07 All rights
Ted Lang is a political analyst and freelance writer.