ead of a 2400 member secret Masonic Lodge,
P2, a neo-fascist organization, in Italy that catered to only
the elite, Gelli had high connections in the Vatican, even
though he was not a Catholic. P2's membership is totally secret
and not even available to its Mother Lodge in England. Gelli was
responsible for providing Argentina with the Exocet missile. He
was a double agent for the CIA and the KGB. He assisted many
former Nazi high officials in their escape from Europe to
Central America. He had close ties with the Italian Mafia. Gelli
was a close associate of Benito Mussolini's fascist elite. He
was also closely affiliated with Roberto Calvi, head of the
scandal-ridden Vatican Bank.

Roberto Calvi (murdered) |
Calvi was murdered by the Mafia assassins of
the Thule Society in a ritual murder ordered by the Jesuits and
sponsored by Victor Rothschild, 3rd Baron Rothschild. Gelli's
secret lodge consisted of extremely important members of the
SMOM [Sovereign Military Order of Malta, editor's note],
including armed forces commanders, secret service chiefs, head
of Italy's financial police, 30 generals, eight admirals,
newspaper editors, television and top business executives and
key bankers - including Calvi. Licio Gelli and others in P2 were
behind the assassination of Pope John Paul 1.
The central figure in Europe and South America that linked the
CIA, Masonic Lodge, Vatican, ex-Nazis and several South American
governments, the Italian government and several international
banks was Licio Gelli. He, with Klaus Barbie and Heinrich Rupp,
met with Ronald R. Rewald in Uruguay to arrange for the
Argentine purchase of the French-made Exocet missile, used in
the Falkland Island attack to kill British soldiers.
Who is Gelli and why was he so important?
To understand Gelli, one must understand the complex post war
years of Europe. The biggest threat to Europe in pre-war times
was Communism - it was the great fear of Communism that gave
birth to the Fascists and the Nazis. Though both sides were
dreaded, the Fascists represented right-wing government, while
the Communist represent left-wing government. It was the
right-wing that the United States and the Catholic Church
desired over Communism - because Communism would destroy the
capitalistic system. This is why the CIA and the Vatican had go
through with Operation Paperclip. The Nazis had massive amounts
of Soviet intelligence, had infilitrated Communist partisans,
and were in no way going to be given up to the Soviet Union.
Gelli worked both sides. He helped to found the Red Brigade,
spied on Communist partisans and worked for the Nazis at the
same time, a double agent. He helped establish the Rat Line,
which assisted the flight of high ranking Nazi officials from
Europe to South America, with passports supplied by the Vatican
and with the full acknowledgment and blessing of the United
States intelligence community. While on one hand, the U.S.
participated in the war crime tribunals of key Nazi officials
and maintained an alliance with the Communist Soviet Union,
secretly, the U.S. was preparing for the cold war and needed the
help of Nazis in the eventual struggle the U.S. would have with
the Soviet Union. Gelli's agreement with U.S. Intelligence to
spy on the Communists after the war was instrumental in saving
his life. He was responsible for the murder and torture of
hundreds of Yugoslavian partisans.
The Vatican provided support to Nazis and Fascists because the
Communists were the real threat to the Church's survival. The
Italian Communists would have taxed the Church's vast holdings
and the Church has had a dismal experience with Communist
governments throughout the world - where religious freedom was
stamped out.
Gelli was well connected with the Vatican from the days of the
Rat Line and he worked for American intelligence, as well. Gelli
formed the P-2 Masonic Lodge-which did not follow the direction
of any Grand Lodge-and it was supplied with a sum of $10 million
a month by the CIA. Its membership was a Who's Who in the
intelligence, military and Italian community. So prominent was
Gelli's influence, that he was even a guest of honor at the 1981
inauguration of President Ronald Reagan[1].
Gelli used blackmail in order to gain prominent members of his
P-2 lodge, its membership is estimated at 2400 members,
including 300 of the most powerful men in the Western World.. He
was a close friend of Pope Paul VI, Juan Peron of Argentina,
Libyan Dictator Muammar el-Qaddafi, and many high officials in
the Italian and American governments - he is also reported to
have had some financial dealings with the George Bush for
President campaign.
Gelli and his P-2 lodge had staggering connections to banking,
intelligence and diplomatic passports. The CIA poured hundreds
of millions of dollars into Italy in the form of secret
subsidies for political parties, labor unions and communications
businesses. At the same time the Agency continued its
relationship with far-right and violent elements as a back-up
should a coup be needed to oust a possible Communist government.
This covert financing was exposed by the Prime Minister of Italy
in a speech to Parliament. He indicates that more than 600
people in Italy still remain on the payroll of the CIA. Licio
Gelli was an ardent Nazi and a perfect asset of the CIA. As part
of Reinhard Gehlen's Intelligence team, he had excellent
contacts. Licio was the go between for the CIA and the Vatican
through his P2 Lodge.
Project Paperclip was stopped in 1957, when West Germany
protested to the U.S. that these efforts had stripped it of
"scientific skills." There was no comment about supporting
Nazis. Paperclip may have ended in 1957, but as you can see from
Licio Gelli and his international dealings with the CIA in
Italy/P2, and Heinrich Rupp with his involvement in October
Surprise, the ramifications of Paperclip are world-wide. The
Nazis became employed CIA agents, engaging in clandestine work
with the likes of George H. Bush, the CIA, Henry Kissenger, and
the Masonic P2 lodge. This is but one of the results of
Operation Paperclip. Another umbrella project that was spawned
from Paperclip was MK-ULTRA.

Dr. Ewen Cameron (right) |
A secret laboratory was established and
funded by CIA director, Allen Dulles in Montreal, Canada at
McGill University in the Allen Memorial Institute headed by
psychiatrist Dr. Ewen Cameron. For the next several years Dr.
Ewen Cameron waged his private war in Canada. What is ironic
about Dr. Cameron is that he served as a member of the Nuremberg
tribunal who heard the cases against the Nazi doctors.
When it was at its height in drug experiments, operation
MK-ULTRA was formed. This was the brainchild of Richard Helms
who later came to be a CIA director. It was designed to defeat
the "enemy" in its brain-washing techniques. MK-ULTRA had
another arm involved in Chemical and Biological Warfare (CBW)
known as MK-DELTA. The "doctors" who participated in these
experiments used some of the same techniques as the Nazi
"doctors". Techniques used by Dr. Cameron and previous Nazi
scientists include electro shock, sleep deprivation, memory
implantation, memory erasure, sensory modification, psychoactive
drug experiments, and many more cruel practices.
Project Paperclip brought us MK-ULTRA. Paperclip ultimately
brought in key players involved in the Assassination of Pope 1,
October Surprise (sabotage of Carter's peace talks), and a great
many other things still classified to this day. The results of
Project Paperclip were devastating, and very far reaching. I
guess that is what you would expect from collaborating with
This research shows that the OSS/CIA that was formed in the
National Security Act, the same agency that employed hundreds of
Nazis, has been in alliance with the Vatican through various
Agency connections such as Licio Gelli. The CIA/Vatican alliance
that Assassinated Pope John Paul 1, JFK, and hundreds of
dictators of 3rd world countries is the Illuminati.
The Bavarian Illuminati has been around for centuries in one way
or another. It's presence in the 20th century is the direct
result of the Nazis. The Nazi connections to the occult and the
Bavarian Thule Society were parallel to the American members of
33rd degree Freemasonry. When the Operation Paperclip was
successfully executed, the Nazi element of the Bavarian Thule
society was fused with the American members of Freemasonry to
create the Illuminati.
Operation Paperclip, MK-ULTRA, October Surprise, and George Bush
are all facets of the Illuminati, a group whose ideals are
rooted in the occult, and dedicated to world domination.
Soon after the American Revolution, John Robinson, a professor
of rural philosophy at Edinburgh University in Scotland and
member of a Freemason lodge, said that he was asked to join the
Illuminati. After studying the group, he concluded that the
purposes of the Illuminati were not compatible with his beliefs.
In 1798, he published a book called "Proofs Of A Conspiracy,"
which states:
"An association has been formed for the express
purpose of rooting out all the religious
establishments and overturning all the existing
governments.... The leaders would rule the World
with uncontrollable power, while all the rest would
be employed as tools of the ambition of their
unknown superiors."
The CIA and the Vatican have rooted out all
the religious establishments in the world. The CIA has
overthrown and set up dictators under their control all over the
world. The CIA and the Vatican have full filled the purpose of
the Illuminati. The CIA and the Vatican _are_ the Illuminati as
we all know and recently Gelli as confirmed the power of the
secret Service of the Vatican, and as described the P2 Lodge as
the Black Lodge of the Vatican while the Opus Dei as the White
Lodge of the Vatican...without mentioning the Gran Lodge
Ekklesia the secret Masonic lodges of the Vatican.
related article: Reagan Sold-Out America And
P2 Masonic Leader, Licio Gelli, Was Right By His Side, by
Greg Szymanski