celand is also known as the Thule Island were
you can still find some of the Nazi elite SS officers in
hiding...as I witness with my own eyes dear Greg.
Scandinavian Freemasonry in the hands of the Swedish Vatican
Nazi elite is so powerful that nobody ever touch them in the II
World War. Actually the Swedish government even charged TRAIN
TICKETS to the NAZI OCCUPATION ARMY on their way to Norway. And
the Norwegian elite welcome Nazism quite openly as they were
coming in. Himmler established the concept that Trondheim had to
become the future capital of the so called pure Aryan Empire. I
can assure you that the Vatican and the Satanic elite love this
Genetically pure race naive people connected to the most bloody
ancient pagan cults that still practiced in secret nowadays.[1]
They are the ones who secretly support engineering, genetic
modification (GM) to create the ultimate puppets and robots of
the coming NWO Empire of evil.
Scandinavia is not very populated and they used them for a lot
of experiments including the study of DNA that was done in
Iceland were the whole population as given away their data to
these criminals. But as we said before Iceland protects and
works within the Nazi frame and many lodge of illuminati are
present their and in all of Scandinavia. Very sick lodges with
very sick rituals.
In a satanic illuminati cult in Sweden 50 members indulge in an
orgy called THE RUSSIAN ROULETTE ORGY were 3 of them have AIDS
and the rest of the players know about it and deliberately
expose themselves and their families obviously to the AIDS VIRUS.
Sweden was the place were the first commercial porno movies were
made by the sick illuminati to promote Satanism and decadence.
In Norway the sects and all the various cults are so powerful
that the government as even created a special society to deal
with the victims of the many abuses that take place. But nobody
does anything to stop these perverts and in Oslo like in
Stockholm the catholic clergy is dealing openly and directly
with the Satanist of the Ordo Templi Orientis, the Temple of Set
of Lt.Col. Michael Aquino and the various sects that are
involved in ritual child abuse and the likes because the mass is
completely brainwashed and under their demonic control.
The Scandinavian illuminati community and the Swedish Rite of
Freemasonry practiced in Scandinavia are also very influential
in the United States and they considered an example to follow by
the illuminati scum bags that want complete control over their
citizens...over the sheep. The Scandinavian are a living
experiment of the illuminati since the time of the Nazi
occupation and soon the Americans will feel the same sense of
oppression from the State but the only difference is a willing
participant of the game because the people over here are already
under the full control of the Nazi-Fascist State.
The burning of th Churches was the biggest signal the Jesuits
and the Vatican ever gave to the world of the true believers ,
after that the Satanic millennium could take off even more then
after the 'Rising Forth' ritual of Anton LaVey to terminate the
Hippie movement (created also by the Vatican illuminati and
their so called communist agents..).
We have now the living prove of what is evil in the world we
have George W. Bush ruling from the White House by the stick as
we use to say in the the Comitato Esecutivo Massonico - Masonic
Executive Committee (MEC) of Monte Carlo but soon him and his
Satanic Father George H. Bush will move to protect their
interest when this evil theatre is finally unveiled in front of
mankind. Yes to protect their evil MK-ULTRA agents and their
pedophilia rings the Bush family is planning for total Nazi
control and no possibility of knowing were your children are
when they disappear in the hands of one of these black magicians
and servants of Satan.
So we all know now their evil plans and its time to react and
unite against these Fascist perverts and their Nazi
dictatorships Made in Rome home of all perversions and true
abominations .If we come together now and start a real Movement
dear Greg we can save the future of our children .
So please don't hesitate and spread the word as I'm putting
together an army of true believers to fight the living Satan in
Washington, Rome and Jerusalem as we talk, maybe I'm a dreamer
but I'm not willing to give up the fight otherwise we are gonna
be left with nothing at the end of this evil show. And don't
ever trust communism is just another form of Satanism created
and promoted by the Jesuits and their evil boys like Stalin.
Join the army of God by simply making yourself aware of things
trough our web sites and our Radio Shows and do not tolerate
what is not tolerable anymore, we were born free and we have to
stay free in the United States as well as Europe and soon we
will have to fight for our Freedom. So Freedom Fighters Unite
now or never is our motto.
My time in the illuminati taught me that these people are all
united so we have to be the same otherwise we have no hope of
serving as a species if we follow these criminals in their path
of global destruction and pain at the hands of an evil elite
full of Zionist perverts and Jesuit parasite's ready to cash in
on anything possible including the second coming.
What is the Swedish Rite?
The Swedish rite is part of Scandinavian Freemasonry a Christian
fundamentalist Fraternity secretly linked with the Vatican and
the Jesuits.
The system is grouped into three divisions as follows:
St. John's (Craft) degrees:
I Apprentice
II Fellow Craft
III Master Mason
St. Andrew's (Scottish) degrees:
IV-V Apprentice-Companion of St. Andrew VI Master of St. Andrew
Chapter degrees:
VII Very Illustrious Brother
VIII Most Illustrious Brother
IX Enlightened Brother
X Very Enlightened Brother (Very Vatican
On top of the system is:
XI Most Enlightened Brother, Knight Commander of the Red Cross (
Vatican illuminati Puppet Masters of Scandinavia )
There are approximately 60 freemasons in Sweden currently
holding the XIth degree. They are present or past members of the
Grand Council or Grand Officers.
In 1811 King Karl established the Royal Order of King Karl XIII.
It is a civil order, conferred by the King, only to Freemasons
holding the XIth degree with the number limited to 33. It is,
however, not a Masonic degree.
Progression from one degree to the next is far from automatic. A
brother has not only to be regular in attendance - he has to
give proof of his proficiency and of his knowledge of
There is only one form of accepted ritual for each degree, and
deviations are not tolerated. The presiding Master follows an
accepted ritual manuscript when working a Lodge.
The Swedish Rite is worked in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland
and Iceland. It is also, in a German variant, practiced in
Grosse Landesloge der Freimaurer von Deutschland (the Grand
Lodge of All German Freemasons).
The only Nazi Vatican illuminati Grand Lodges in the world
working this so called Christian Rite with the blessings and
written approval of the Pope are :
In Sweden
In Denmark
In Norway
In Iceland http://www.frmr.is/
and obviously in Germany
Their Masonic Worldwide Network of mutual recognition and
collaboration includes the following :
- Gran Lògia d’Andorra
- Grossloge von Österreich
- Oberster Rat für Österreich der Freimaurer des AASR
- Grande Loge Régulière de Belgique
- Grand Chapitre de l'Arche Royale de Belgique
- Grand Prieuré de Belgique
- United Grand Lodge A.F.&.A.M. of Bulgaria
The Czech Republic
- Grand Lodge of the Czech Republic
- National Grand Lodge of Denmark (Den Danske Frimurerorden)
- Grand Lodge of Estonia
- Grand Lodge of F&A Masons of Finland (Suomen v. ja o.m.
- Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of Finland
- Royal Arch Grand Chapter of Finland
- Supreme Council 33° for Finland
- Great Priory of Finland
- Grand Imperial Conclave of Finland. Red Cross of Constantine
- Grande Loge Nationale Française
- Grande Chapitre de l'Arche Royale pour la France
- Grosse Landesloge der Freimaurer von Deutschland
- Vereinigte Grosslogen von Deutschland
- Oberster Rat für Deutschland der Freimaurer des alten und
angenommenen Schottischen Ritus
- Orden der Tempelritter, Grosspriorat von Deutschland
Great Britain
- United Grand Lodge of England
- Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of England
- Supreme Council 33° of the Ancient and Accepted Rite for
England and Wales and its Districts and Chapters Overseas
- Great Priory of England and Wales
- Grand Imperial Conclave of England, Wales and Territories
Overseas. Red Cross of Constantine
- Grand Lodge of Scotland
- Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland
- Supreme Council 33° for Scotland
- Order of the Temple, Great Priory of Scotland
- Grand Lodge of Greece
- Great Priory of Greece
- Symbolic Grand Lodge of Hungary
- National Grand Lodge of Iceland (Frímúrarareglan á Islandi)
- Grand Lodge of Ireland
- Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland
- Supreme Council 33° for Ireland
- Gran Loggia Regolare d’Italia
- Grand Lodge of Latvia
- Grand Lodge of Lthuania
- Grande Loge de Luxembourg
- Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta
The Netherlands
- Grootoosten der Nederlanden
- Groot Kapittel der Nederland (Royal Arch Chapter)
- Opperaad voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (33°)
- National Grand Lodge of Norway (Den Norske
- National Grand Lodge of Poland
- Grande Loja Legal de Portugal
- Grande Priorado Independente da Lusitania
- Supremo Consehlno 33o para Portugal
- Gran Logia de España
- Supremo Consejo del Grado 33°
- Gran Priorado de España
- Schweizerische Grossloge (Alpina)
- Grand Prieuré Indépendant d'Helvétie
- Suprême Conseil 33° de Suisse
- Grand Lodge of Turkey
- Grand Lodge of Alberta
- Grand Lodge of British Columbia
- Grand Lodge of Manitoba
- Grand Lodge of New Brunswick
- Grand Lodge of New Foundland & Labrador
- Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia
- Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario
- Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island
- Grand Lodge of Quebec
- Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan
- Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province
of Ontario
- Supreme Council 33° for the Dominion of Canada
- Sovereign Great Priory of Canada
- Grand Lodge of Alabama
- Grand Lodge of Alaska
- Grand Lodge of Arizona
- Grand Lodge of Arkansas
- Grand Lodge of California
- Grand Lodge of Colorado
- Grand Lodge of Connecticut
- Grand Lodge of Delaware
- Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia
- Grand Lodge of Florida
- Grand Lodge of Georgia
- Grand Lodge of Hawaii
- Grand Lodge of Idaho
- Grand Lodge of Illinois
- Grand Lodge of Indiana
- Grand Lodge of Iowa
- Grand Lodge of Kansas
- Grand Lodge of Kentucky
- Grand Lodge of Louisiana
- Grand Lodge of Maine
- Grand Lodge of Maryland
- Grand Lodge of Massachusetts
- Grand Lodge of Michigan
- Grand Lodge of Minnesota
- Grand Lodge of Mississippi
- Grand Lodge of Missouri
- Grand Lodge of Montana
- Grand Lodge of Nebraska
- Grand Lodge of Nevada
- Grand Lodge of New Hampshire
- Grand Lodge of New Jersey
- Grand Lodge of New Mexico
- Grand Lodge of the State of New York
- Grand Lodge of North Carolina
- Grand Lodge of North Dakota
- Grand Lodge of Ohio
- Grand Lodge of Oklahoma
- Grand Lodge of Oregon
- Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania
- Grand Lodge of Rhode Island
- Grand Lodge of South Carolina
- Grand Lodge of South Dakota
- Grand Lodge of Tennessee
- Grand Lodge of Texas
- Grand Lodge of Utah
- Grand Lodge of the State of Washington
- Grand Lodge of Vermont
- Grand Lodge of Virginia
- Grand Lodge of the State of West Virginia
- Grand Lodge of Wisconsin
- Grand Lodge of Wyoming
- General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons for U S A
- Supreme Council 33° for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of
the United States of America
- Supreme Council 33° for the Southern Masonic Jurisdiction of
the United States of America
- Gran Logia De la Argentina
- Grande Oriente do Brazil
- Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado de São Paulo
- Gran Logia de Chile
- Grand Lodge of India
- Grand Lodge of the State of Israel
- Grand Lodge of Japan
Australia and New Zealand
- United Grand Lodge of New South Wales
- United Grand Lodge of Queensland
- Grand Lodge of South Australia
- United Grand Lodge of Victoria
- Grand Lodge of Western Australia
- Grand Lodge of Tasmania
- Supreme Council 33° for Australia
- Great Priory of Queensland
- Great Priory of Victoria
- Great Priory of Western Australia
- Grand Lodge of New Zealand
Illuminati and Crime Prevention in Sweden
How is it possible?

Massimo Introvigne |
Well ask your local police and you gonna see what kind of
reaction you get when you start mentioning the illuminati
criminals from the Ordo Templi Orientis, or Lt.Col Aquino the
ultimate PSYOP Master of the Devil and the guys from the Temple
of Set. But at the end of the day they are serving the Vatican
Satan and they are the evil secret police of New World Order as
we all know by now. Be ready to fight when you have a Satanist
like Introvigne doing lectures to the National Council for Crime
Prevention in Sweden.
Did Introvigne lecture in Sweden to protect us from what?
From him?
This world is going completely insane so lets go with the
Swedish way to Nazism!
All the best,
[1] Regarding the Illuminati
"Swedish Model" and how the Swedes were manipulated, see my 1998
article: "The Swedish Model",
Wes Penre,
www.illuminati-news.com (editor)