defy you to watch this 48 minute
documentary and not be outraged about the depth of corruption
and deceit within the highest ranks of our government.
Note: The first one minute forty seven
seconds of this program is in broadcast in Dutch, The remainder
is in English.
Other articles on this topic
Comment by Wes Penre,
This is a very informative video! It shows without any doubts
that our government has NO INTENTION WHATSOEVER to create
peace in the world, whatever they say. How could they, when they
profit from war?
This is the story of the giant 'Think Tank",
the "Carlyle Group", in which George HW Bush is one of the
prominent members. The Carlyle group made a fortune in
investments and became unbelievably wealthy. So what did they do
with all this wealth [aside from purchasing
breast reconstruction
What does this mean? Well, it means that if
George Bush Jr, the President of the United States, can prolong
the war in Iraq as long as possible, and maybe even start a
couple of new ones (perhaps with Iran?), George Bush Sr (Daddy
Bush) and his partners in crime will make trillions of
in profit on whatever war the US is fighting by selling weapons
and war equipment via their Think Tank, the Carlyle Group!
Can anybody smell a conflict of interest
here? "War is where the rich man gets richer and the poor man
dies". This, my friends, is what government is all about,
and we as a nation just sit back and let it happen. That makes
us co-responsible for the deaths of all those young American
soldiers, who die in useless wars almost every day. Time to wake
up, the alarm clock went off a long time ago! Wes Penre.
Translation of the first one minute forty
seven seconds of this program.
"The war in Iraq does not seem to be over al
all, but in the meantime the rebuilding has already started.
This has unleashed fierce competition for contracts, which are
mainly awarded to American (ed: U.S.) companies.
What is remarkable about these companies, is
that they have people on their payroll from American politics
and the military. Is this a conflict of interest, or is this the
new global way of doing business?
[text in the screen at this time reads: 'the
iron triangle']
One of the companies that operates in this
manner is the Carlyle Group."
On their payroll are people like : George
Bush (Sr.), James Baker III and old premier John Major.
The Carlyle Group is a private investment bank which doesn't
come to the publics attention very often but it is one of the
biggest American (ed: USA) investors of the defense industry,
telecom, property and financial services.
What is the Carlyle Group? Who are the people behind the name?
And how much power does Carlyle have?
+ + + + +
This program was broadcast on VPRO
Netherlands TV.