Last Updated:
Friday, December 01, 2006 02:40:40 AM

Friday, December 01, 2006 |
Pedophile And Human Trafficking Ring Takes More Than 100,000
Children A Year
Greg Szymanski, November 23, 2006
Last Updated:
Friday, December 01, 2006 02:40:40 AM |
Noreen Gosch, mother whose son
was kidnapped in 1982, can't understand why
authorities including Bush White House not
interested in finding her son after "big time"
evidence surfaced three months ago.

Greg Szymanski |
he has received death
threats. She has been ridiculed and abused by authorities. And
she has been laughed at by some mainstream media outlets,
treating her story like a dog and pony show.
Noreen Gosch of Des Moines, IA., feels
more like an outcast or common criminal instead of loving
parent, trying to locate her missing son, Johnny, mysteriously
kidnapped on Sept. 5, 1982.
And Gosch is not afraid to publicly
say her son became an unwilling victim in a huge child and human
trafficking ring, taking more than 100,000 children a year.

Noreen Gosch |
She is also not afraid to sadly admit
-- although it hurts -- that her son has become just another
young face put on a milk carton, a face she has seen only in her
dreams for more than 20 years as all leads have taken her down
the proverbial dead end street.
But then in August, out of the blue,
Gosch received what she claims to be an important lead in the
case, a package arriving on her doorstep, strangely arriving on
her birthday.
"On my birthday," said Gosch in a message posted on a web site
she since started, "I received a package with the following
pictures inside. The first photo is of my son Johnny, shortly
after he was kidnapped on Sept. 5th, 1982. He was still wearing
the clothing he had on the day he was taken. He is bound and
Since the photo of her kidnapped son
arrived, other photos and information started pouring in,
including more photos of her young son along with photos of
other alleged kidnapped children.
Although some of the photos have been
identified as coming from an "exclusive members only" porno site
and some of the other children have been identified by their
families, Gosch remains perplexed at the lack of interest by law
enforcement and the hush-hush attitude taken by legislators,
including the Bush White House.
"There is something we can all do to
help plead the cause of protecting innocent children," said
Gosch in and October plea to officials.
"Please send letters to President
Bush, and e-mails to Vice President Cheney and your State
Senators, Representatives and Governors at the following
addresses, asking that 'jacobstales' and other pedophilia
websites like it be investigated.
"Tell them that you do not understand
why a website with pictures of a kidnapped child (Johnny Gosch)
has not been investigated and continues to be allowed to promote
pedophilia. Please spread the word and get as many people as you
can to write as we join together to try to make a difference!
When you write, please provide them with your name and address
and tell them you look forward to their response."
As officials turn a blind-eye to the
Gosch case, she is also concerned about a particular Florida
detective who has taken a special interest in the case, but for
what she suspects are other reasons then finding her son.
On Oct. 19 she wrote:
"The detective from Florida has once
again tried to convince the public that Johnny was not in the
photo of the three boys, who were bound and gagged on a bed. We
had this photo on my website for a time. Three weeks ago. we
were contacted by the parents of two of the boys. We have
verified that the children were missing /abducted and have
removed that photo by request of the parents. We also have an
eye witness who identified all three boys,(including Johnny) the
communication was made possible by the attorney representing the
witness. From the moment I received the photos I stated that it
was my intent to try and locate the parents to bring some peace
to them. We have done that and we are now concentrating on
resolving the origin of Johnny's photos. The other parents do
not want further press coverage at this time in their lives so
we are respecting their wishes.
"Yesterday, the Greta show on Fox TV
called me to discuss the current photos on my website of Johnny
and the latest from the Florida detective. Greta show said
"there is a different bedspread in one photo of Johnny than the
other and that constituted a discrepancy." I did suggest that
the young woman speaking to me, consult a dictionary and look up
the word discrepancy. I then explained that pedophiles always
take many photos of their victims, changing backgrounds, poses,
clothing or not and buy/sell them just like people do with
baseball cards. But there is certainly no discrepancy.
"I declined to appear on Greta's show
last night, I believe the intent was to make a "dog and pony
show" out of this situation. She had the Florida detective on
who still made his claims that the photo was not Johnny. He
still cannot find his files, folders or any information, because
it was kept on index (recipe) cards. He also stated that he
responded to an anonymous note, then a phone call from a 40 year
old man who claimed he was the boy in the photo and it was not
Johnny. How can he make a determination with just a phone call.
That 40 yr. old man could be anyone making a call. Why is the
public to believe any of this is accurate?
"This Florida detective has such an
"unusual interest" in Johnny and this case, it makes me wonder
WHY. Pedophiles are a reality... they are doing business as
usual... but the recent media attention to a "kidnapped boy from
WEST DES MOINES IOWA ending up on a pedophile website is
publicity I am sure they did not want and are eager to see this
come to an end. So here comes the Florida detective with his
recipe cards to do just that.... try to put an end to it. It
only took them a few days to come up with this after the second
photo of Johnny was posted on my website. Is anyone else
noticing the timing of these statements coming out of Florida?"
Recently, the mother of another
missing boy pictured in a photo with Johnny, Patricia
Johnson-Holm, appeared on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The
Investigative Journal, telling the same nightmarish story as
Gosch, indicating she has run into a brick wall when trying to
get at the truth behind the photos and the whereabouts of her
son, David, kidnapped in 1985.
Gosch makes reference to
Johnson-Holm's on her web site, saying:
"From the day I posted the photo of the three boys the following
has taken place (See photos at her website at
"I received emails from people saying
I shouldn't have placed this photo on my website because it was
disturbing. Then shortly after the middle boy was identified but
no info could be released due to the parent not wanting
publicity. I received emails telling me "YOU HAD BETTER POST
LOSE ALL CREDIBILITY". In other words a threat.
"Approximately three weeks later, the
mother of the boy in the middle did reconsider and wanted to
tell her story. We placed a few paragraphs of information
about David Johnson on the site.
"Since that date, I have received a
number of emails from people who seem to have issues concerning
Patricia Johnson Holm. I have received threatening email and
written attacks directed towards me.
"My intent from the moment I received
the photos was to identify the photos of the boys, who were
found on a pedophile web site, perhaps some people have lost
sight of that part of this tragedy. We have received more
photos of unidentified boys which have been turned over to the
National Center For Missing Children for comparison in their
database of missing children. Human trafficking is a huge
problem, nearly 100,000 children yearly are trafficked. It is
still my mission to continue protecting children and gaining
information on the hundreds of children who are unidentified to
"If anyone has any issues concerning Patricia or her son, it
would be best if you contact her directly as she would be better
able to answer your questions. Her email address is:"
Recently, Gosch has consented to
appear on the Investigative Journal after the Thanksgiving
holiday, but asked if a matter could be cleared up concerning a
prior report appearing in the Arctic Beacon.
"I am sorry I haven't gotten back to
you. I had hurt my back at work and not been able to do much
emailing or anything else. I did get a print out of an
interview or recap of an interview with Patricia Johnson,
regarding her son and some information on Johnny," wrote Gosch,
concerning the possibility of Jeff Gannon being her son, Johnny.
"There were a few errors in the report
that I did want to talk to you about. It concerned Jeff
Gannon.... there was a reference that I was "Unable to get a
court order for a DNA test on Gannon". That is not correct, I
did not ever seek a court order. If at some point you could
correct that statement I would appreciate it.
"I am not sure where that came from
but Jeff Gannon is a very vindictive person and I do not want
any back lash from him, I am sure you understand. He sits and
waits for his next "15 minutes of fame in the limelight" and it
matters not to him... at who's expense it might be.
"When were you thinking of for an
interview. I would be happy to schedule one with you.
Please let me know some times so I can work around my job
Concerning the connection between the
Gosch and Holm's boys revealed through the photo of the two
lying next to one another bound anf gagged on a bed, Gosch said
the same Florida detective tried to publicly discredit their
identities on a recent mainstream television show.
"Three weeks ago, we made contact with
Patricia Johnson Holm," said Gosch on her web site on Oct. 24,
"the mother of one of the boys in the photo which had been
brought to my door.
"At that time she did not want
additional publicity. Since that time she has seen the interview
the Florida Detective did with Fox TV/Greta Show and is shocked
that the detective is again trying to discredit the photo and
both of our sons. She has now reconsidered and is willing to
share her story and the photo.
"David Johnson is the boy in the
middle in the photo of the three boys. The boy on the left is
another boy from the Seattle area and the boy on the right is my
son Johnny Gosch (see photo on her website)."
Besides the "bad wrap" given to Gosch
and Holm and the Fox/Greta Show, when the photos surfaced two
months ago, others in the mainstream picked-up her story,
treating it cautiously and with a tone of skepticism.
However, a Sept. 22 Des Moines
Register story, seems to give Gosch the benefit of the doubt,
something other mainstream outlets haven't done.
Here is a part of the Register article
which also can be found in its entirety on Gosch's web site.
However, the paper refused to print the photos of the boys,
saying it "was not clear where the images came from."
"She made news around the globe,
telling how photos arrived on her doorstep in late August � 24
years after her son Johnny disappeared. Some doubted Noreen
Gosch's claims that the photos included images of her long-lost
12-year-old after a Florida investigator publicly debunked her
theory last week. But that investigator now admits that the
Hillsborough County, Fla., sheriff's office cannot find any
evidence proving the photos were actually from a case he worked
in 1979, as he recalled.
"It's been like searching for a needle
in a haystack," former detective Nelson Zalva said Thursday.
"We're talking cases that were kept on index cards here." Zalva
said he wished any of the youths in the photos or the anonymous
person who originally tipped police to his years-old
investigation would step forward to help prove the photos
predated Johnny Gosch's disappearance. Noreen Gosch, meanwhile,
was back on the offensive with authorities this week, urging
police to explore any and all leads related to the photos. Among
Gosch said � and police have confirmed
� that the photos she received were posted for some time on a
Web site,, that features scantily clad adolescent
boys. Gosch said as far as she knows, neither state nor federal
authorities were investigating the site's origins or questioning
its creator, even though it appears the site caters to
pedophiles. (Some of the photos that Gosch believed to be of her
son have since been removed.)
� Jim Rothstein, a former New York
police detective who has helped Gosch follow leads, said they
have been in contact with an Illinois woman who claims to have
been a victim in the same sex ring with Johnny Gosch and who
positively identified the former newspaper carrier in the
pictures. Rothstein said the Springfield, Ill., woman's story is
similar to other reports he heard about a sex ring operating out
of Chicago, and her story deserves investigating.
Gosch said she also received a
photograph of a man that others have claimed was one of the
"perpetrators who molested her son." She said she wants
authorities to investigate the photograph's origins. Even so,
she would not say how the photo came into her possession.
The digitally reproduced photos sent
to Gosch and several people close to the case the weekend of
Aug. 27 generated a surge of public interest and a range of
claims by individuals who purported to know what happened to the
paperboy whose face became synonymous with child abductions in
the 1980s. Gosch said it's important police look into all
allegations, regardless of how strange they might seem.
"People get real caught up in what I
say, but I think maybe they've forgotten what's like to be me,"
she said. "I really thought the police would jump into this with
both feet, but they haven't. "Here you have a kidnapped child on
a pedophilia Web site. ... C'mon, boys, let's get busy."
Besides the negativity and threats,
Gosch added that she has received an "overwhelming amount of
support" from Americans who are encouraging her never to stop
searching for the truth even if it leads to the doorstep of the
White House.
you for all of the loyal people who visit my site and have taken
the time to write very kind, encouraging emails to me, said
Gosch. "The pain a parent goes through when a child is taken is
unthinkable. If they did this to my son and me... they can do it
to anyone's child."
Greg also has his own daily show on the Genesis
Communications Network. Go to Greg
Szymanski is an independent investigative journalist and his
articles can been seen at He also writes for
his own site
Listen to my Radio Broadcast live Monday night at 8pm Pacific
time on LewisNews, returning Jan. 1 2006 Radio Greg is also
regular on
the first Thursday of every month at 9-10 pm pacific time.
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