t is astounding that so many people who
denounce the war against Iraq are so naïve about its
origins. One of the strongest arguments by those opposed to
the Bush/PNAC war policy in the Middle East maintains that
there was NO connection between Iraq and the events of
September 11th. That allegation, while well motivated, is
entirely and absolutely false.
No, Iraq was not involved with, nor did
its leader support Al Qaeda. No, Iraq was not involved in
the planning or operation of the 9/11 attacks. And no, not a
single alleged hijacker was an Iraqi. It’s “no” to the Iraq
nexus all the way down the line.
And still, the attacks on 9/11 and the
invasion and occupation of Iraq are interminably and
intrinsically intertwined and neither tragedy can be fully
discussed without the other. The hard fact is: had there
been no attack on American soil on September 11th, there
would not and could not have been a war in Iraq. And,
conversely, if there was going to be military action by the
US against Iraq by Bushco, there first had to be an
unprecedented attack on American soil.
Sadly, but predictably, the correct
connection between the two has never adequately surfaced.
Certainly, the corporate news networks were fully complicit
in shaping the public’s belief that Iraq was involved in the
attacks of 9/11. Much of the nation, and a great percentage
of the military still hold that belief, and little has been
done to expose this calculated fabrication. Still, despite
all we have learned, no one in the public arena has focused
on the accurate and vitally important connection between the
two events.
Despite all they have learned about the litany of lies and
distortions that led to this failed war, most Americans
still will not even consider the possibility that the
attacks of 9/11 had to happen so that the premeditated plans
for invading Iraq could be carried out.
That fact is a logical certainty which
most people understand on some level of awareness. The
public realizes that the attacks of 9/11 and to the Bush/PNAC
invasion of Iraq are somehow interwoven, but most Americans
cannot bring themselves to deal with the correct cause and
effect sequence: Iraq was in no way responsible
for what happened on 9/11, but 9/11 was in every way
responsible for what happened in Iraq.
But no one outside the 9/11 Truth Movement dares to say
that. Despite all we know, and despite all the dots that
have been connected, discussion of 9/11 as a necessary event
in the PNAC strategy for global domination remains taboo.
Let’s look at what we do know, - not what
we suspect, but what is documented and verifiable fact:
• Members of the Project for a
New American Century
proposed American wars
in Afghanistan and Iraq years
before George W. Bush came to power.
• Their treatise for
Restructuring America’s
Defense, also
written before 2000, stated that the American people
would not support such wars “absent a catastrophic
and cataclysmic event like a new Pearl Harbor.”
Members of PNAC
took on high positions in the
new Bush administration, including those of Vice
President, Secretary of Defense, Deputy Secretary of
Defense, Deputy Secretary of State, Under-secretary
for Arms Control and International Security, Special
Assistant to the President, Members of the Defense
Policy Advisory Board, Under-Secretary of Defense
for Policy, and Special Envoy to Iraq and
• The founder of PNAC,
Bill Kristol,
while never so identified, became a major television
personality promoting the invasion of Iraq
immediately after 9/11. He remains a propagandist
for the Bush war policy to this day.
• Barely five hours after American Airlines Flight
77 plowed into the Pentagon, Defense Secretary
Donald H. Rumsfeld told his aides to come up with
plans for striking Iraq
— even though there was no
evidence linking Saddam Hussein to the attacks.
• In the summer of 2002, when
the nation was still reeling from the events of
9/11, and was largely distracted by the war against
the Taliban, Andrew Card and Karl Rove set up the
White House Iraq Group.
The group of nine experts,
including Condoleezza Rice, Karen Hughes, Mary
Matalin, Dick Cheney, Steven Hadley and Scooter
Libby was formed to devise a plan that would sell
the invasion of Iraq to the people of this country.
They successfully formulated a plan to convince an
unsuspecting public that invading Iraq was vital to
their own security.
• The official version of 9/11 is replete with
anomalies and inconsistencies, as well as
uninvestigated challenges and
discoveries. And
yet, it remains the only explanation that the
American people and the world must accept without
The rest is history. The premeditated
invasion of Iraq was inevitable and launched as planned in
March of 2003, and three and a half years later, we are
still bogged down in this illegal and immoral war and bloody
occupation. What boggles the mind is that any discussion of
its causal relationship to 9/11 is still relegated to tin
hat conspiracy theorists, or never mentioned at all.
For just one moment, consider how the
foreign policy of this administration would have been
different without the benefit of the attacks on American
soil Understand that without the events of 9/11 Iraq would
have been off the table for invasion and George Bush would
never have become the ‘wartime president’ of his dreams. .
Then wonder why the President of the US
refused to have an official investigation of 9/11 for a full
year after the attacks, and why not one member of the
mainstream media has presented a single item of the vast the
new evidence about the events unearthed by the 9/11 Truth
No questions about the official version
of 9./11 is allowed anywhere in the mainstream media without
derision and contempt. Imagine… NO QUESTIONS…..have been
acknowledged or aired on any news network. The reasonable
suspicion raised by knowledgeable
experts and academics about these terrifying attacks
have been swept under the rug along with their relationship
to the present war in which we are so painfully trapped.
And no questions about the official
version, despite its laughable explanations of what
happened, will be investigated by the newly empowered
Democrats in Congress. Whatever investigations are launched,
this will not be among them. No one in power wants to peel
back the layers of deceit that we have been fed. Wait and
By any logic, if you follow the dots,
there is an obvious and transparent connection between 9/11
and Iraq. It is not the connection set forth by the Bush/PNAC
warmongers who wanted to incite fear and loathing for the
nation they wanted to control. It is not the connection that
prompted US soldiers to believe they were fighting in Iraq
to revenge the attacks of 9/11. It is a far more insidious
connection that should be publicly examined and exposed.
But it will not. Wonder why.