Last Updated:
Tuesday, November 21, 2006 07:09:26 AM

Tuesday, November 21, 2006 |
Bush And Blair: "Complete Satanists," According To High-Level
Illuminati Defector
Greg Szymanski, Nov 21, 2006
Last Updated:
Tuesday, November 21, 2006 07:09:26 AM |
Italian aristocrat and freedom
fighter, Leo Zagami, says look out for a man by the
name of Klaus Schmidt, who has come to America to
usher in complete fascism through the Virginia Grand
Masonic Lodge.

Greg Szymanski |
ime is running out and if Americans
don't rally and act quickly, according to former high level
Illuminati, Leo Zagami, the U.S. will be soon thrown into a
complete dictatorship.
Most people in America suspect
something evil and strange is taking place or choosing to ignore
the signs of fascism, holding on like children to a phony
American dream now completely obliterated.
But one thing for sure most Americans
will be ill-prepared when the final dictatorial show falls,
leaving them helpless slaves to the Vatican-led/Jesuit
controlled Illuminati New World Order.
The question looms: How much time
before America reduced to a total dictatorship, completely under
the yoke of Satan's minions?
Leo Zagami |
According to Zagami, who appeared
Monday on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative
Journal, complete Illuminati control of America is set for no
later than 2010, as the years preceding will usher in more
terrorism on a larger scale than 9/11.
"They use terrorism to put you under
the stick, as we liked to say in the Monte Carlo P2 Lodge," said
Zagami, adding since he defected last June he is aware of
attempts on his life by who he calls the evil Jesuits.

Count Hans Kolvenbach
"The Black Pope" |
"They know me quite well, and they
know because of my aristocratic bloodlines, my death can only be
authorized by Count Hans Kolvenbach (The Black Pope) and the gay
Pope himself, Ratzinger. So, if I am killed, you know who
authorized the killing. But I doubt if they will do it as I have
left the Catholic Church, becoming a Muslim and they know if
they kill me, I will become a Muslim martyr and I don't think
they want that."
Zamami, during his two-hour radio
interview, told how a man named Klaus Schmidt, a Nazi-trained
law enforcement agent in Bavaria recently visited America,
attending a Freemason Grand Lodge get together in Virginia, a
high-level Illuminati Lodge where Schmidt is instructing members
and beginning a serious charge for complete dictatorship in
Zagami claims Schmidt is a key
Illuminati figure working with American Satanists to usher in
complete fascism.
"He is a man Americans need to watch,"
added Zagami.
Here is Schmidt's background:
Klaus Schmidt, a Senior Police Officer
from the Bavarian State Police with more than 40 years of
service, is a veteran of all EU Police Missions in Albania.
He was born in 1945 and is a native of
Fuerth/Baveria where he joined the Police after serving his time
in the military.
Mr. Schmidt is a graduate of the
Senior Command Course in Germany, the FBI National Academy, the
FBI Executives training at Quantico, Virginia and at the
University of Princeton, the DEA Commander training and the West
Point Leadership and Command training.
He studied from 1985 to 1990 Political
Science and Sociology at the University of Wuerzburg and was
granted a scholarship for the University of Southern California
where he graduated the Delinquency Control Institute. He is a
Graduate of the Senior Executive Class on Counterterrorism at
the College for Security Studies in Germany.
Mr. Schmidt held several senior
positions within the Bavarian State Police, the German Senior
Command College, the European Drugs Unit and at Europol. He
served as Commander of the MAPE Mission, Head of Operations with
the ECPA-A Mission and Deputy Head of Mission with PAMECA
His service in the Police includes
several years in the Bomb Squad of the Bavarian State Police,
where he also received training as a diver for underwater
Mr. Schmidt worked during this period
of time as instructor for Special Forces in Bavaria, on federal
level and abroad. His main professional experience lies within
combating Serious and Organised Crime.
Mr. Schmidt received several
decorations for his service including the West Point Leadership
As Head of the Mission he represents
the project on high level towards the Albanian authorities, the
European Commission, the EU Member States and the International
Consortium of Donors. He orchestrates and monitors PAMECA's
activities and evaluates the quality of reports and analysis.
According to a decision of the
Government of the Republic of Albania dated 23 June 2005, Mr.
Schmidt was appointed as Professor for International Strategic
Management for his role of implementing a new national command,
leadership and management system for the ASP.
Besides Schmidt, Zagami told Americans
no matter what the outcome of the recent elections, the American
government is still in the firm control of the Vatican-led
Illuminati with George H. Bush as the top Satanist with
everything under his evil control.
"We have documents that Bush was close
to Anton Levay, the master Satanist, and even planned the birth
of his son George W. to become the puppet Satanist in control
after Bush Sr. went behind the scenes again," said Zagami. "I
also warned people about the complete evil behind Prime Minister
Tony Blair, but nobody listened. He has also been connected to a
baby-killing sacrifice at Bohemian Grove.."
Besides the well-known and documented
Bush family connections to the Nazis, documented in the National
Archives and the Congressional record, Zagami recently wrote how
Bush, "the ultimate Anti-Christ family, will rule no matter what
the political outcome."
"Wake up dear Brothers and Sisters,"
added Zagami. "It doesn't matter who is gonna be in the White
House Show any longer , because he is the chosen one of the evil
side and If you add up the name 'George Bush' in Hebrew letters
it comes out:
G = 3 (gimel)
e = 5 (heh)
o = 70 (ayin)
r = 200 (resh)
g = 3 (gimel)
e = 5 (heh)
B = 2 (beth)
u = 70 (ayin)
s = 300 (shin)
h = 8 (cheth)
Total = 666 (Antichrist)
"But let's all remember that God is
always the ultimate Puppet Master not man in any way, even when
man unfortunately likes to think he is God. So just see for
yourself the future developments in the Satanic Vatican CIA
headquarters of the Knights of Malta and their evil Zionist
friends in Jerusalem land of the Synagogue of Satan.
"And remember to not rationalize to
much as this will eventually bring you like most westerners in
the hands of Satan, this is a war of faith starting not a wild
night in Casablanca.
most prominent modern Satanist to fully abuse 666 is A. Crowley
who can also be identified as the Beast of Revelation and a key
figure used by Satan for the end of times. Crowley was the main
alchemist of evil in the illuminati of all times, he is the
Brother in charge of taking on himself all the curses of the
HIM) and waking up the Beast with the Choronzon 333 Ritual in
the middle of the Sahara desert. Officially starting the XIo
degree OTO/ILLUMINATI workings to open the gates of Hell and
bring humanity further into the Abyss of evil and deception
before the return of the Messiah and the big confrontation
between good and evil."
Greg Szymanski
Greg also has his own daily show on the Genesis
Communications Network. Go to Greg
Szymanski is an independent investigative journalist and his
articles can been seen at He also writes for
his own site
Listen to my Radio Broadcast live Monday night at 8pm Pacific
time on LewisNews, returning Jan. 1 2006 Radio Greg is also
regular on
the first Thursday of every month at 9-10 pm pacific time.
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