he sadistic paedophile ring,
operating from the White House, who abduct young children as
sex slaves, drug couriers and for espionage, after intensive
trauma-based mind control, includes the highest echelons of
the ruling class, royalty, presidents, senators,
congressmen, executives, directors, judges, priests and
police chiefs.
Almost everyone holding a position
of power in government and the armed services is compromised
by their involvement in this clique. They use their
authority to keep a lid on their heinous activities and
leave a trail of death whenever they are threatened with
exposure. Detectives, lawyers, witnesses and victims have
all been liquidated.
These same child-killers are the
ones who are legislating against us, for failing to sing
nursery rhymes to our infants. Early state intervention for
bad parenting is not because, as Tony Blair said, “the child
must be protected” but to make it easier for social services
to snatch underprivileged children for recruitment as child
World leaders have an insatiable
urge for child rape, because it is the last taboo and
ultimate power trip. They can “do what thou wilt”[1]
which is their only law. Satanists believe that they can
absorb the pure life-force of innocents, when they are
murdered in a ritualistic manner. It doesn’t matter if you
believe in this hocus pocus,
they do…
Black magic is real to its
practitioners and these are the individuals who govern us.
If you have any doubt as to the credulity of this read ‘The
Franklin Cover-Up’[2]
or watch ‘Conspiracy of Silence’[3]
but be warned, the content is disturbing. It gives some idea
of what happens to the 100,000 kids who go missing every
year in the Americas alone.
Many end up in deep underground
bases like
China Lake Naval Base at Ridgecrest in
California or
Offutt Air Force Base where George Bush headed on
September 11th 2001. This base is in Nebraska
where the youths from Boy’s Town were kidnapped by Lawrence
E. King Jr. The victims are held in electrified cages, piled
from floor to ceiling.
This operation is connected to the
Montauk Project which Aleister Crowley[1]
took an active part in and Project Monarch initiated by
Joseph Mengele[4],
who worked at China Lake and the Tavistock Institute in
London. The abductees become human guinea-pigs in all kinds
of nefarious genetic experiments, or become Manchurian
These projects are tied up with
the lucrative drugs trade which is controlled by our
‘elected’ leaders and facilitated under the cover of bogus
wars on foreign soil, such as Bosnia and Afghanistan. Our
political representatives are the lowest life forms on the
planet, scum…
and we should not hesitate to challenge them and expose
their crimes.
Failure to act out of fear, allows
these psychopaths to get away with the mass murder, torture,
mutilation and rape of the most vulnerable members of
society, children. If we do not speak out, who else will
protect them? You saw Vladimir Putin inexplicably and
impulsively lift a young boy’s T-shirt and kiss his stomach,
now you know why.
Those who are calling for the
impeachment of these monsters are deluded. The only way
humanity can recover its morality and dignity is for them to
be arrested and incarcerated. I am non-violent otherwise I
would advocate their execution. Only then can peace, love,
harmony and stability be restored to Earth. Until then,
no-one is safe.
slogan coined by the infamous black magician,
Aleister Crowley
[1875-1947], who was the occult adviser both to Winston
Churchill (introduced the "V" [victory] sign
to Churchill,
and advised Hitler to use the "Sieg Heil" greeting. Wes
Penre, Illuminati News
[4]Joseph Mengele, the "Angel
of Death" in
Auschwitz, was an important Illuminati puppet, and after the
war he was secretly transported to the US as a part of "Project
Paperclip", where Nazi scientists were employed by the
CIA to continue doing extremely evil research for the
British, US and Canadian Illuminati, mainly into the field of mind control, a project
that later became the infamous MK ULTRA and its offspring
Project Monarch. Mengele became known as "Dr Green" to his
victims. He was extremely cruel and an expert in creating
split personalities in his victims, something now called MPD
(Multiple Personality Disorder) or DID (Dissociative
Identity Disorder). Many of his victims were babies and
small children. Remember that Dr. Mengele was doing vicious
experiments on twins during WW II.
victims were then used as sex slaves, drug smugglers, spies,
assassins, couriers and more. Dr. Mengele lived his life
after WW II in the US, Canada, London and South America. He
is reported to have died in the 1980s. After his death, some
of his victims started to remember the trauma they'd been
accustomed to (which often happens when their
programmer/handler dies - the psychic connection diminishes)
and came forward to tell their stories...Wes Penre,
Illuminati News
Project Paperclip scientists pose together at Ft Bliss
(click on pic for enlargement)