Last Updated:
Thursday, October 26, 2006 07:40:20 PM

Thursday, October 26, 2006 |
Former High Level Italian Illuminati Comes Clean
Greg Szymanski, Oct 25, 2006
Last Updated:
Thursday, October 26, 2006 07:40:20 PM |
Leo Zagami, successor to
high-level Italian Illuminati figure and former
Reagan unofficial Vatican advisor, Licio Gelli,
switches sides from evil to good and is warning
Americans about coming fascism.

Greg Szymanski |
ery rarely does a high-level
Illuminati 33 degree Freemason come forward with inside
information, damaging to the Vatican-controlled and Jesuit-led
New World Order.
But Leo Zagami, a Sicilian aristocrat
and former high-member of the Monte Carlo P2 Lodge, is doing
just that, coming forward for the simple reason he could no
longer work under the forces of evil who are killing millions
around the world.
The following message from Zagami, who
just left the clutches of the evil Illuminati in June, is
printed to show just how high-up in the Illuminati pecking order
his black star had risen.

Leo Zagami |
It is also printed to protect Zagami's
life as he was already arrested, beaten and tortured twice since
going public with a web site geared at enlightening America to
the threat the Vatican-led Illuminati poses to the American
In fact, Zagami's information comes
from the top of the Illuminati secret files and correspondence
since he was even considered in his home country of Italy to be
the P2 Masonic successor to the powerful Licio Gelli, who was
being slowly moved out of Illuminati active duty because of his
Zagami only weeks ago went public with
his English language web site and last week made his first
public appearance on American radio, appearing on Greg
Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal.
Zagami is scheduled to make a second
appearance next week, as his top level information has helped to
connect the dots between the Vatican, the Jesuits, Freemasonry
and their control over the U.S government.
Here is his most recent words and it
is easy to see why the higher-ups in the Illuminati are
listening to his every word and watching his every move very
Remember, my dear friend, I was
not your ordinary Freemason but a Senior P2 Illuminati in charge
of many hidden operations and the supposed successor of
illustrious Bro. Licio Gelli. We have to be very careful and
then we can free Rome, Sicily and the rest of the world from all
this evil Mind Control satanic network of perverts and black
The United States was founded by
Freemasons who had a dream of independence, freedom, and truth,
so lets see if we can bring them to realize their actual slavery
from the evil Illuminati Jesuit game and change their path
towards God not Satanism.
Father Sebott and others are working
against honest Freemasons all over the world so lets do it
before is to late and I'm sure we can save a few souls. The deal
between the Jesuit and the Freemasons of the Grande Oriente
d'Italia (that include P2) was madeofficially in the Parioli
district of Rome at "La Casa del dialogo" in 1975 with Padre
Caprile and the Italian Grand Master. Present to this event most
P2 members and 400 High degree Masons. Brother Maurizio Costanzo
known pervert and important manipulator of the Illuminati was
there. Costanzo is now in charge of Berlusconi's P2 TV
brainwashing programs for the new generations of Italian
My wife recently had a dream last May
and after that nothing was the same for me (dreams are very
important for Sufi's) God told her that Giorgio Hugo Balestrieri
was working with the Anti-Christ himself and I had to stop being
a GLADIO P2 Illuminati puppet, because this people will never
change even if I took control of the Order and tried to make
them understand the true work of the God and the real will discover I'm a big idealist and I really
am trying to save the souls of people over and over
again...that's what a genuine man of God does to a fellow
Brother in need even at the highest levels of the corrupted
Empire of Satan every soul counts.
So let's unveil the truth and help
humanity being less hypocritical. Let's just tell them we are
who the real Puppet Masters are in detail and how it works by
fighting the Legion of Satan head on.
Everybody in the Italian Masonic
circles knows I was the supposed successor of Gelli and the
right hand of Ezio Giunchiglia for a long time in the Monte
Carlo Lodge and the Universal Unity. So this revelation will be
not big news for most High Degree Masons in Italy and making it
public is no problem.
I also worked with Ezio on the new
(Scottish) Rite and we followed after the 33rd
Degree. Brother Ezio use to cal it the Rinnovato Rito
Scozzese (5 extra degrees made to manipulate the Monte
Carlo elite even further) and this was made within the inner
circle of the Ordo Illuminatorum Universalis.
I was responsible for the revision of
the 38th degree called Knight of St. John of the
Apocalypse and what is known as the Supreme Council of
Transformation, leading to the knowledge of the true Invisible
Masters of the 39th degree and last degree of the Monte Carlo
illuminati system known as THE INVISIBLE MASTERS.
These invisible Masters were chosen
only in the high level religious and aristocratic circles and
contact with them was forbidden bellow the 38 degree. Why?
Because there were real Illuminati and genuine Masters chosen by
the dark Illuminati to keep their pyramid credible in the light
of suspicions, as a nice front for the show. But also many fake
and evil ones like the Jesuits or Archbishop Paul Marcinkus that
were the real driving force of the Monte Carlo Lodge and GLADIO...the
good side of the INVISIBLE MASTERS were not even aware of
their membership in such Lodge and all this evil show for a long
time until I arrived and saw what was happening.
At that point I decided to punish
Satan and his friends for this terrible sin of deception with
the help of God...let's see if we can really change things now
and bring some light in all this darkness and ignorance but is
definitely a risky affair since the Board of Directors and the
Illuminati. Marcinkus was called by Ezio the keeper of the
Vatican Safe keys...he always use to say "our illustrious
Brother of the safe"...
P2 is the Vatican and the Vatican is
the real mind of GLADIO and I'm probably a dead man as my wife
is saying in the last few days but I don't care and will go on.
I tell her this is for the good of humanity but she says I'm
really risking to much this time.
Zagami continued with more details
about the higher-levels of Freemasonry, including more details
about the influential Monte Carlo Lodge:
I said 5 extra degrees and not 6
because the "Invisible Masters" were never really meeting for
any ritual work in any Lodge, so no proper ritual was ever
created or devised for them as they were just given this
position by the Supreme Council of Transformation (another great
invention of the Monte Carlo Illuminati) to cover up in reality
the dirty work of the usual "not so Invisible Masters" from the
Jesuit Order and the Zionist Empire...
P2 and GLADIO were very clever in
doing this for manipulating the lower structure of their P2
slaves, playing this never ending illuminati game of Gelli and
Giunchiglia the two Puppet Masters of the P2 (Worshipful Master
and Treasurer).
The so called Supreme Council of
Transformation (Apocalypse means Transformation by the way...)
will say or publish for the rest of the Brethern the following
"we have been giving this honorary degree and we visited
personally such and such great and illustrious Brother to
recognize each other as real Illuminati" In reality the
situation was quite different and the only real Invisible
Masters I ever saw around there at top level meetings were all
dangerous mafiosi and crooks of the Vatican, including: Knights
of Malta, Jesuits and Opus Dei...
But this was obviously not the
official version for our Illuminati followers of the P2 in lower
levels, participants of this never ending sick show of fake
Illuminati myths created by Licio Gelli and Ezio Giunchiglia.
At one time they even came up with a false war with each other
to deceive people even more.
Ezio to get the attention off the
important business of the Monte Carlo Lodge under investigation
spread the rumor outside P2 that at the end of the 70's he had
broke a chair in the head of our Worshipful Master Licio
Really creative people these Puppet
Masters and is actually quite fun to see all the sheep under
believing every bit of it , poor world of idiots without a God,
poor Satanist.
The elite of the Monte Carlo Lodge
members the Board of Directors if you prefer, meet in a very
discreet and secret room given by a very prestigious Hotel in
the center of Monte Carlo, and the entrance is located and the
end of the entrance hall on you left where you can notice some
stairs going up to this particular room. But don't try going
upstairs because you might get in serious trouble with the
security if you are up for a stunt. This is not a Bohemian Grove
American illuminati theatrical affair for political chickens
with a couple of perverts of the New World Order to eventually
blackmail later. This is always a proper high level meeting of
true P2, Don's doing business with USA intelligence, Cosa
Nostra, Vatican
Jesuits...and more...
So I warn you in advance for you own
safety don't go in search of the Holy Grail in Monte Carlo if
you want to stay alive, because business is business for these
people and if you interfere with the Mob you want stay alive
as you all know...
All other meetings of the Monte Carlo
Lodge structure go under the name UNIVERSAL UNITY and they are only made in
Monasteries around Italy and France (very handy for a quick
confession with a Jesuit friend of your choice) were the
recruiting process starts ...go to the Monastery and join the
The last meeting of the Monte Carlo
board of Directors I went to was on the 1st of June 2006 and the
last Universal Unity Gathering I went to the meeting in the
Monastery of San Cerbone (near Lucca).
The Ancient and Accepted Scottish
Rite, The Rectified Scottish Rite, The illuminati Rite of
Memphis and Misraim and various other rituals and Rite's of
Freemasonry under direct P2/Jesuit control are practiced
elsewhere around Italy and France under various Masonic
Obedience (apparently all in war with each other...the usual
show) but that's all part
of the Masonic Theatre not the real
thing that's called UNIVERSAL UNITY and the MONTE CARLO LODGE.
Greg Szymanski
Greg also has his own daily show on the
Genesis Communications Network. Go to Greg
Szymanski is an independent investigative journalist and his
articles can been seen at He also writes for
his own site
Listen to my Radio Broadcast live Monday
night at 8pm Pacific time on LewisNews, returning Jan. 1
2006 Radio Greg is also
regular on
the first Thursday of every month at 9-10 pm pacific time.
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