Last Updated:
Tuesday, October 31, 2006 06:48:07 PM

Tuesday, October 24, 2006 |
The Nature of Black Holes and Quasars
by Doug
Yurchey, Oct 23, 2006
Last Updated:
Tuesday, October 31, 2006 06:48:07 PM |
Doug Yurchey |
s Stephen Hawking
right? Is Professor Leonard Susskind of Stanford correct?
Does matter disappear in a Black Hole? If we accept the
principle that information-matter-energy wipes out of
existence in the center of a Black Hole and, eventually, the
Black Hole itself will disappear altogether...well, wait a
minute: What happened to all the stuff that was swallowed
by the vortex? How can material dematerialize and be gone
from our real universe? Does not this break the basic Law
of Physics that Matter/Energy cannot be destroyed, and only
change in form?
For Black Holes to do what they
do, all the laws of Physics must be off! Things just
vaporizing should not, normally, happen. Where is the
balance in nature? If there is a Yin, there must also be a
Newtonian Yang; action, reaction. If you go up, you must
come down. How can we believe in anything if our basic
principles of nature are not within firm foundation?
The entire concept of a Black
Hole, zapping matter and even light-energy out of existence,
must disturb the very core of the physical scientist. How
can this be? Yet, there is all the evidence for the
existence of 3D, space-suckers that pull in matter from
every direction to a single point. Einstein's prediction of
Black Holes was realized. We know for certain of vast
multitudes of Black Holes that warp space/time. Many of
these powerful vacuums are truly extracting material from
suns close to the vortex.
Black Holes should not exist, yet
they do. How can our world ever be trusted or ever be the
same again? Before astro-physicists and theoretical
scientists freak-out, they should consider that the answers
to many of these questions have been with us all along.
We should not extrapolate that if
it occurs in a Black Hole, then it could happen here on the
streets or anywhere. The Laws of Physics are not the same
everywhere. The physical laws of riding on a light beam are
very different than the laws governing the stationary
world. Because one can zap out of existence there, does not
mean one can disintegrate here.
There is a phenomenon in space,
on the outer edges of the known/observable universe, that
functions as a REVERSE BLACK HOLE or the opposite of a Black
Hole. The following is a letter to one of the participants
in the great, on-going, cosmological debate: Professor
Leonard Susskind.
Hello Professor Susskind,
Just saw the documentary
on TV concerning Black Holes, with yourself and
Stephen Hawking...and I wanted to run a few
ideas by you. Do objects disappear from our
universe via Black Holes? Yes, and this does
not break the Law that matter or energy cannot
be destroyed. The matter or information pouring
into Black Holes truly leaves our world, but
does not get destroyed. They are not the same
thing. The matter is not destroyed in a
singularity at the end of a FUNNEL called a
Black Hole. The info-matter goes somewhere!
Black Holes are funnels, but they do not
terminate; not in a final, crushing sense. It
terminates as an 'aperture.' What is at the end
of just about every funnel I know? A HOLE!
The info-matter-energy
through a Black Hole leaves our universe...and
comes out another universe.
I believe there is
EVIDENCE to answer the big question as to: What
eventually happens to the matter through a Black
Hole? I think there is something in physics
that is the beautiful and perfect answer -
maybe, I should say: something in the universe.
It would appear the very opposite of a Black
Hole! It would certainly not be BLACK, but
Black Holes suck in from all angles, this thing
would shoot out energy-matter in all
directions. These energy-orbs would be total
anomalies with vast amounts of energy that other
stellar bodies do not have. Is there something,
on the outer edges of our universe, that
be relatively small, yet be AMAZING, FOUNTAINS
OF ENERGY that rival the amount of many
Of course, you know what I
am talking about Prof. Susskind...QUASARS...they
are White Holes and are the other-ends of Black
Holes! If you think this is a revelation of a
Black Hole, look at it from the Quasar's point
of view. It's not an object, it's a HOLE! Is
that not a more logical explanation, when you
consider the gobs of stuff JUST APPEARING, and
radiating out in all directions
from NOTHINGNESS? They are producing
matter-energy as Black Holes are hovering them
away. Quasars are holes or drains as universal
stuff from the sink pours down to a
micro-universe, and so on and so on...
Why has no one in
Astronomy, Physics, etc ever placed QUASARS on
the other-end of BLACK HOLES? Go in a Black
Hole, come out a Quasar. Yin, Yang. Up, Down.
No energy lost, it just switched levels. Is it
just too inconceivable that universes are within
universes? Planets and suns ARE orbiting, molecular
bodies, to someone - it's all relative.
I believe the closest
person to the truth in a Unified Field Theory of
Everything was DR. SEUSS! He wrote 'Horton
Hears a Who?' A master work of life on many
levels - all at different SIZES. Life in a dust
speck, and within that life is a dust speck with
life... Black Holes could be the means to
bridge these worlds - I personally believe we
survive a Black Hole crossing in the same way we
are not aware we're all moving at light-speed
I also believe the
universe curves in these WARPED WAYS, we
have to ski the curves of space if we traverse
the universe and that higher life forms out
there DO use these warps in one, big transit
system. Maybe what we assume is a natural
phenomenon, just appears that way...and was
actually artificially created and might still be
in use.
Just some ideas for you to
chew on. Hope you make contact. If you could
pass on this email to your friend/rival Stephen,
I WOULD BE THRILLED! hear any comments,
(xxx) xxx-xxxx
(phone number withheld)
Before seeing the
Science Channel documentary challenging the work
of Hawking, this writer was not a fan of Stephen
Hawking. To imagine a 'singularity,' where, at
the end of a Black Hole, all things are
CRUSHED...I thought was an absurd, fantastic
idea that could not possibly be true. The
'singularity' professor became world famous,
even appearing on Star Trek TNG because of a
faulty theory.
Now, I appreciate
Hawking much more for 'sticking to his guns' no
matter what his colleagues believed.
Matter-information WAS disappearing out of
existence! The math, the evidence, truly
reveals the 'funneling' nature of Black Holes.
The problem is discovering the ultimate outcome
of what is caught within the grasp of the
Hawking's (and mine)
personal hero is Galileo, another stubborn
fellow who went where the physical evidence took
him; damn the critics!
Fairly recently,
Hawking gave a talk where he refuted his earlier
work of an 'Information Paradox.' Basically,
his new explanation was that other universes
exist that do not have Black Holes! Somehow,
this idea balances the universes (like ours)
that have Black Holes.
This writer does not
mean to question Professor Hawking, but that
does not seem to balance the Universe.
What we should be searching for is a YANG to a
Black Hole's YIN. An anomaly in nature that
inexplicably gushes with an
quantity of energy-matter-information in
all directions is what balances the Black
Hole Equation. Where are the incredible
fountains of energy that radiate something from
nothing as Black Holes reduce something to
The beautiful
solution, on the other side of the Equation, is
the mysterious Quasar. Quasars are just as
bizarre and as space/time bending as Black
Holes. Black Holes equal negative Quasars and
the reverse is true. The 'event horizon' of a
Black Hole must correspond to the 'aperture' of
a Quasar, its opposite counterpart.

Quasi-Stellar Objects
stand at the extreme, distant reaches of the
known universe. When we observe these
incredibly powerful phenomenon, we are actually
viewing the other side of Black Holes.
Relativity; depending on what side of the
'aperture' you are, that determines your view.
Possibly, and logically: It is the Quasar that
resides at the far end of a Black Hole Funnel.
From our universe, an
object enters the flow of a Black Hole as a
particle caught in a vortex like water down a
drain. Unbelievably...the object is SHRUNK,
without harm, to a universe on our atomic
level. [Remember: the atomic level is
relative. One's micro-universe is another
one's Macro-Universe].
But, from that other microscopic world, looking
back at the aperture (Black Hole center) we
would observe a Quasar, a White Hole. If the
Black Hole-other-end-Quasar theory is valid; and
Quasars are really negative spaces with all the
matter/energy of Black Holes rushing through
them in all directions; if Quasars are not
objects but exit ports of Black!
Then, Black Holes become WORMHOLES to
Imagine the aperture of the White Hole. From our
perspective, the Quasar-round-disk opening is
this extremely enormous phenomenon out in
distant space. To us, of the micro-universe, the
aperture is a super, colossal round rift. But,
what is it really? What is it to the
Macro-Universe? The gigantic opening is merely
the infinitesimally small, far end of a Black
Hole! Matter has shrunk down through the larger
world's warp so much...and yet the microscopic
aperture is a fantastically titanic structure to
the micro-universe.

How can this writer
jump to the conclusion that entities or material
things thrust through the awesome Black Hole
would survive the journey? When we photograph
some Quasars, there are huge jets of
matter-debris-energy stretched and extending out
the distance of many light-years. It is
reasonable that these 'jets' are material
planets and whole solar systems shooting out the
Quasar at incredible speeds. Examine the jet in
the above photographic negative. Something
has been expelled.
But, all is
relative. Those upon the jet, whatever it is,
are not being squashed or threaded. It is only
our VIEW that shows the stretching. For
example, you have seen high-speed photographs of
a fast-moving baseball or tennis ball. The
camera has captured a relative moment of the
orb's motion and the object appears
STRETCHED. The sphere is no longer spherical,
but a LINE. The truth is the ball is fine and
undamaged. By the same token, ourselves and our
planet are really traveling at unfathomable
velocities, yet we observe a relatively
stationary world. Gravity Waves (another
Einstein prediction that came true) also warp
all of the physical universe constantly. Yet,
we remain intact and unharmed with only the
illusion of an unwavering world.
Nearly everything
that applies to traversing a Black Hole can also
be said for traveling at light-speed.
Passengers in light-beam saucers certainly
survive the hyper jumps through space. To the
crew moving at warp-speed, they are not moving
at all; it is the universe that beams in the
opposite direction!
It is possible
to 'run-off' or leave our universe by traveling
the speed of light and beyond. The speed of
light is a physical-limit to our world.
Everything within our particular, small realm
called the OBSERVABLE UNIVERSE...travels from 0
to the speed of light-limit. Go faster, (which
IS possible) and you move to the NEXT universe
going that direction also at the speed of light.
[Read: Doug Yurchey's 'Light-Speed Universes'
article]. A stationary world would suddenly
APPEAR around you, to you the light-speeder.
One can go faster than light, but not within one
universe. The speed of light is the ultimate
Speed Limit to (probably) each of the universes.
There are certainly ways to fold time/space and
not experience Time-Dilation by going around it.
Conclusion: Here is another way that
matter/information/life/things can DISAPPEAR
from our world. They can run-off our universe by
moving very, very, very fast! This also means
that matter/information/life/things can APPEAR
or enter our world by simply traveling beyond
their world's light-speed...disappearing from
that world...and materializing here.
Either falling through a hole or running off the
page, we can entirely leave this place and not
be destroyed.
Returning to Black
Holes/Quasars, notice how Quasars are always
perfectly round without detail. Quasars are not
nebulae, clusters or galaxies. Scientists and
astronomers regard these Quasi-Stellar-Objects
as objects. Because they appear
'stellar' does not mean they are, in truth, real
starlike concentrations that are commonly
known. Quasars' red-shifts go off the charts.
They do not function similar to any stellar
objects. One could say, Quasars are too distant
to reveal any kind of details. Or, they are
not objects at all...but, NEGATIVE SPACES.
If a hole is drilled
through a wooden board and light was beamed
through the hole, it might seem as if a
round 'object' radiated with light-energy. The
same idea of mistaking a hole for an object
could be what keeps scientists from
understanding the true nature of Quasars and
their counterparts, Black Holes.
Have I solved
the mystery of Black Holes and Quasars? Quantum
Mechanics tends to argue against the idea that
we are aboard an Earth-electron orbiting our
sun, an atomic nucleus. Yet, the Field of
Everything is Unified; stars and planets are
different combinations of molecules! Time is
relative on each of the levels. What is that
larger world like which we are only the size of
sub-atomic particles? And, the answer must be:
Probably, the same type of universe as our
smaller world.
Quantum Mechanics does not have all the answers
and might be in error. Could the principle
of Quantum Mechanics learn a few things from Dr.
Source: Correspondence
with author
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