Last Updated:
Thursday, July 27, 2006 03:32:40 AM

Zionism, A Law Unto Itself
by Hazel WM McKinlay, July 26, 2006
Last Updated:
Thursday, July 27, 2006 03:32:40 AM |

Hazel WM McKinlay |
here are more astute commentators than me on the Middle East
war, which the media prefers to call a "crisis" but Henry Makow
said that one should write when not writing becomes
excruciating, and I am hurting. Although, not as much as
Lebanese civilians whose death and injuries have no moral
equivalence to Israelites, according to John Bolton; but
apparently, Israeli deaths have no moral equivalent in two IDF
prisoners of war. I wonder if bereaved Jews consider their
sacrifice is worth it.
The IDF claims to be the only army on Earth who gives civilians
notice before they bomb targets, but they bulldoze houses with
the occupants inside and attack fleeing refugees, UN observers
and Red Cross convoys, who come to assist. Condemnation of
Israel's war crimes is scant. The UN emergency relief
coordinator, Jan Englund called the carnage "a violation of
humanitarian law" but if Europe and America are not held
accountable for crimes against humanity, why would their Zionist
is new kind of conflict and the rules have changed, because
Gillerman, the Israeli Ambassador to the UN said, "all
Muslims are terrorists." I expect that is why they can be shot
for growing a beard, like Abdul Kahar from Forest Gate in
London, or even if they resemble one, like Jean Charles de
Menezes of Brazil. The Ambassador has effectively declared a
holy war against Islam, which could end in mutual annihilation.
WWIII will be blamed on racism and religious differences.

When the orgy of killing and barbarity becomes unbearably
distressing and the sheeple bleat, "something must be done" as
they have been programmed to do, the World Government will step
up to supersede the failing United Nations. The World Religion
will be hyped to the disillusioned masses of all faiths and
enforced by the World Army. But, I'm getting ahead of myself,
there is still time for six billion people to make our puppet
leaders and their corporate masters stop the global genocide,
The grandson of
Evelyn de Rothschild has renounced the family tradition
of mass murder and converted to Mormonism, he revealed to Barry
Chamish "that seven families are enjoying the fruits of war."
What sort of monsters gain profit or pleasure from the savagery
visited on humanity? It is incomprehensible. However, we can
take some solace from the fact that, 'they have sown the wind,
and they shall reap the whirlwind' and the Illuminati minions
will be damned eternally. God is not mocked.
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