Born Into The Illuminati, A Friend Fears For Svali's Safety As She
Has Come Up Missing
by Greg Szymanski, July 26, 2006
Last Updated:
Wednesday, November 02, 2011 05:54:20 PM |
NOTE TO THE READER: Words and sentences
within this type of brackets [ ] are not part of the original
After going public with details of her lifelong
experience in the Illuminati, including childhood torture and brainwashing,
Svali has disappeared.

Greg Szymanski |
n January, a woman named Svali told an
incredible story about being born into the Illuminati and witnessing
a young child being sacrificed in the catacombs of the Vatican.
Her eyewitness testimony was verified by
an Italian woman named Maria, who said she suffered through the same
type of gruesome ceremony, telling her story to this reporter only
weeks before she reportedly took her own life jumping from the
Vatican roof in the early 1980's.
interviewed both women, the details
of the Vatican child sacrifice were remarkably similar right down to
the detailed description of the room where the ordeal took place, as
well as the details about the particulars of the satanic ceremony.
Details of both stories can be found in
the Arctic Beacon archives under a four part series
entitled "The Secrets of the Dangerous Illuminati."
Although Maria was found dead on the
cobblestones of St. Peter's Square under suspicious circumstances,
Svali remains alive, giving an exclusive interview on Greg
Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal, in January 2006.
However, recently on the word of a
source, Svali has come up missing, as all attempts to
contact her have turned up empty. Further, her rather detailed
website has been taken down and her telephone number disconnected.
One of her close friend's, who wanted to
remain anonymous, fears something serious has happened. With that in
mind and in an effort to keep her publicly protected and her story
alive, the Arctic Beacon is reprinting a
transcript of
her lengthy interview from her appearance with Greg on the
Investigative Journal radio show of January 17, 2006.
Svali's startling comments, as well as the
Arctic Beacon series on child sacrificing, should serve as a
reminder how the evil intentions of the New World Order knows no
bounds or limits. [Use a
PDF converter if you
wish to get the transcript in an easy to print format.]
Transcript of Illuminati Survivor Svali's
on Investigative Journal with Greg Szymanski
January 17, 2006
GS: You're listening to the Investigative Journal.
I'm your host, Greg Szymanski. Two hours - two hours with great
interviews all the time. We get into the news behind the scenes that
the mainstream media refuses to cover. What a shame.
Let me just update some things before I tell you who
my guest is today. I've been promo-ing it all week, and we're going
to get deep inside the Family, the Order, the Illuminati today, for
two hours. And you've got to stay with us from the beginning to the
end of this interview.
I just wanted to mention we had Dr. Martini on
earlier in the week. A big aspartame vote, to ban aspartame in New
Mexico, is going on today. I called her last night. They held it
over until today. So we'll know later this morning whether aspartame
is banned in New Mexico. That could have a chain effect that could
really save a lot of lives.
Also, I wanted to mention the bulldozing in New
Orleans. Now this is a story on my website. You can go to,
and you're going to see this story. This is an incredible story
we've been following, with Brandon Darby from Common Cause Relief
down there. A New Orleans federal judge, a crooked order here,
folks, last Friday quashed all hopes for Ninth Ward residents to get
their day in court as he indiscriminately canceled a January 17th
hearing to hear evidence on why the city has no right to demolish
homes under eminent domain laws.
Basically what he did is that there was supposed to
be a hearing this week. There was a restraining order to stop the
indiscriminate bulldozing of over 44 thousand homes in the Ninth
Ward, many of which, Brandon says, are in good shape. Needless to
say, they do not need to be demolished. But the people are a long,
long, long way away from New Orleans, kept away by these FEMA
programs that we've documented.
Brandon says now what happened is the judge called
the lawyers in, canceled the hearing, and said, "Listen, you're
going to take my orders, which are this. Both lawyers are going to
adhere to this. You can demolish the homes as long as you give the
people notice." So it doesn't matter if they object, apparently,
just as long as they know their home is going to be bulldozed down,
and that's what the city is doing right now. So we'll keep track of
that story as it goes on this week.
Now, on my website all week, I've been running this
series on the feared Illuminati. That word started to be used back
in the 18th century. There are other words - the Family,
the Order, for people that are inside this group. So let's not get
hung up on the words. What this group does is amazing.