or a long while, the medical and health
establishment brushed off claims that fluoridation of drinking water
posed any danger to humans.
Not any more.
In a cover story in the August edition of
Prevention magazine, the respected publication headlines "New
Research: Is Your Water Safe to Drink?”
The article notes that for over fifty years,
adding fluoride to drinking water has been seen as a magic bullet to
conquer tooth decay. In fact, in 1999, the Centers for Disease
Control named the fluoridation of drinking supplies as one of the
twentieth century’s top ten advancements in public health.
But some scientists spent years questioning
fluoride’s safety and believed Americans could be ingesting toxic
levels. Despite fluoride’s obvious benefits as a cavity fighter, it
is, nevertheless, a poison. In fact, before its discovery as a
decay-fighting superhero, it was mainly used as a rat and insect
To understand the dangers of fluoride, Prevention
says simply look at a tube of toothpaste and read its warning: "Keep
out of reach of children 6 years of age. If more than is used for
brushing is accidentally swallowed, get medical help or contact a
Poison Control Center right away.”
Best of Intentions
The reasoning behind adding fluoride to America’s
drinking water seemed logical. In the early years of the twentieth
century, most Americans had lost all or most of their teeth by the
age of forty. Once fluoride was added to drinking water, cavity
rates plummeted.
A 1962 study of Newburgh, New York, one of the
first cities to add fluoride to its water supply, found that in
fifteen years, cavities dropped by a whopping 70 percent.
But in March of this year, a group of dentists,
toxicologists and epidemiologists determined that current fluoride
levels, calculated in the days when water was the main source of
fluoride, are too high.
The panel, assembled by the National Research
Council (NRC), recommended that the acceptable upper limit be
"Fluoride should be abandoned,” Hardy Limeback,
PhD, DDS, and head of preventative dentistry at the University of
Toronto, told Prevention. Limeback also was a member of the NRC
panel. He added that fluoride "could turn out to be one of the top
ten mistakes of the 21st century.”
Too Much of a Bad Thing
Scientists know that too much fluoride stains and
discolors teeth, a condition called dental fluorosis. But some
disturbing studies, while not offering conclusive proof, have linked
fluoride to serious adverse health effects including bone cancer and
Several Chinese studies found links between high
fluoride levels and lower IQs.

Dr. Russell Blaylock
Dr. Russell Blaylock, a respected neurosurgeon
and editor of the Blaylock Wellness Report (published by NewsMax,),
warns that fluoride may be linked to neurological impairment, brain
diseases like Alzheimer’s, male impotence and infertility, sleep
impairment, retardation in children, and numerous cancers. (Read Dr.
Blaylock’s full report –
Go Here Now).
Even fluoridated water’s reputation as a
cavity-fighter extraordinaire is coming under fire. When National
Institutes of Health researchers compared the dental records of a
group of 16,000 children, in which half drank fluoridated water and
the other half did not, they found only 18 percent less tooth decay
in the fluoridated group.