Last Updated:
Monday, July 17, 2006 05:26:01 AM

Media Helps Spin Every Attack into Anti-Iran Propaganda, July 16, 2006
Last Updated:
Monday, July 17, 2006 05:26:01 AM |

Flag of Hezbollah |
nitially the line was that
an Israeli warship had been attacked by Hezbollah using unmanned
drone aircraft laden with explosives. Presumably the follow-up
would have been expected to be "hey, wait a minute, where did
these guerrillas get such high-tech weapons?" which of course
would be followed up on FOX News and other government propaganda
outlets with a resounding chorus of, "Iran, of course!"
That story never seemed to materialize, try as they might to use
the situation to stir up anti-Hezbollah and anti-Iranian
sentiment. At one point over the course of the weekend FOXNews
did allege that the warship was in fact not a missle-carrying
battle ship but a "civilian ship" that had been attacked. Drones
being as common as they are these days (what with them flying
all over California along the US-Mexico border for our "safety")
people bought the drone story without considering any planned
Iran subtext. Read More
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