uly 14 1954 was a key date in the U.S. senators exposure of
communist infiltration of the U.S government and particularly
the State dept.
McCarthy, in 1942 volunteered for the U.S army, and
became a Lieutenant, then an intelligence officer, and was later
Nominated as the youngest judge in Wisconsin’s state history,
his claim to fame were his constant warnings of Russian internal
Yet many branded him delusional, a commie witch-hunter, a
paranoid drunk, “a reds under the bed” fanatic; Hank Greenspun
even smeared him as a disturbed closet homosexual.
He certainly became a bogeyman figure, and ridiculed by many.
But where does the truth stand in all this ?
Intercepted contemporary radio traffic from before, and during
W.W.II; from the American Los Alamos atom bomb project, list 100
traitors, in and around the base.

Ethel & Julius Rosenberg
Ethel and Julius Rosenberg who were executed for their
crimes in assisting the passing of atomic bomb secrets to Russia
through both socialist sympathisers and the Jewish underground,
gave the atom bomb to Russia...
The U.S administration to hide their sources, blamed the British
double agent Kim Philby for this information reaching Russia.

Kim Philby (1912-1988) |
Philby and other Russian agents ran whole sections of
the British intelligence apparatus, and unbelievably, Britain
knew Philby’s wife was a Russian agent, her security file had
the initials KCA in the corner, for “Known Communist
Associations”, and he was still allowed to stay in place.!
Much of the scientific paperwork that reached the Soviet Union
came through spies, “David and Rosa” now known to be lord and
lady Rothschild, and their agents.
The political climate in Britain and the U.S.A., where foreign
sympathisers ran much of the countries infrastructure, is only
equalled today by the pro-Israel lobbies influence on U.S and
British affairs.
Senator McCarthy acting on information from Soviet sources such
as Anatoli Golitzin, Constantin Volkov and Igor Gouzenko, and
secretly briefed by J. Edgar Hoover, warned constantly of
Russian manipulation of U.S. domestic and foreign policies.
Britain had since the 1917 Russian revolution experienced civil
unrest from Russian subversion, with strikes and a proposed
civil war between the rich and poor, and in the 1920s and 30s
the Russians took over much of British politics, universities
and industry.
In Germany too, civil unrest was fermented, and Russian and
Zionist strikes in the armaments factories caused shortages that
many said cost them victory in W.W.1