Korea Missile Aimed at Area off Hawaii - Report
Reuters, July 07, 2006
Last Updated:
Saturday, July 08, 2006 10:08:38 AM |

N. Korean missiles aimed
towards Hawaii |
(Reuters) - A North Korean missile launched on Wednesday was
aimed at an area of the ocean close to Hawaii, a Japanese newspaper
reported on Friday.
Experts estimated the Taepodong-2 ballistic
missile to have a range of up to 6,000 km, putting Alaska within its
reach. Wednesday's launch apparently failed shortly after take-off
and the missile landed in the sea between the Korean peninsula and
Japan, a few hundred kilometres from the launch pad.
But data from U.S. and Japanese Aegis
radar-equipped destroyers and surveillance aircraft on the missile's
angle of take-off and altitude indicated that it was heading for
waters near Hawaii, the Sankei Shimbun reported, citing multiple
sources in the United States and Japan.
North Korea may have targeted Hawaii to show the
United States that it was capable of landing a missile there, or
because it is home to the headquarters of the U.S. Pacific fleet,
the paper said.
An alternative explanation might be that a
missile could accidentally hit land if fired towards Alaska, the
report said.
A separate report in the Mainichi Shimbun daily
cited U.S. and Japanese government officials as saying a piece of
the Taepodong-2 missile fell off immediately after take-off,
strengthening the view that the launch was a failure.
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Source: http://asia.news.yahoo.com/060707/3/2mty8.html
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