hile I believe certain aspects in a governments defence
programme should remain secret, there can be some things that
are so evil, that knowledge of same should eventually be in the
public domain.
Never before have I spoken of this, and I may never do so
Operation Paperclip was the American backed initiative to seize
as many senior German war operatives as possible at the end of
We had foolishly and against the wisdom of British intelligence,
allowed Rothschild and the Soviet Union to dictate our war
effort to Churchill, and let Russia grab half of Europe at wars
end, the race was on to impound as many German war
intelligentsia as possible, before the Soviets could get them
back to Russia.

Porton Down
Administration |
Wartime records from 1940-45 and the national archives, Red
Cross with R.A.M.C details, and Russian G.R.U information tells
of the “London cage” a torture centre for captured German
soldiers and civilians, in Kensington palace Gdns. And run by
Lt. Col Alexander Scotland having 3,573 official inhabitants,
with an unknown number of unofficial inhabitants being held,
many were used in medical experiments at
Porton Down.
Winston Churchill a top freemason, with advice from Lord Dowding
and Archbishop Lang, the occult expert and others, set up the
wartime “black team “.
This list of occult experts were to experiment in occultism
under their tutelage.
madness drug was administered to Rudolph Hess, after we lured
him to Britain.

Dr. David Kelly
(1944-2003) |
Dr. David
Kelly was allegedly given something similar, as was
Slobodan Milosovic.
These torture and starvation camps also existed in Germany at
wars end and run by U.S general Eisenhower, cost the lives of
over a million German nationals.
However, the little German village that holds each year the
Christmas play, Oberammergau, was the centre of the European Command Intelligence centre.
At its hub was a secret weapons school, huge piles of captured
German documents.

Wernher von Braun
(1912-1977) |
Some factual, some theoretical on all aspects of secrecy, were
assisted and deciphered by captured German intellectuals,
soldiers and scientists, including the fathers of the U.S space
Von Braun, and
Arthur Rudolph.
After the war, the American troops were the only people with
money in their pockets and around every U.S. base the black-marketeers
prospered, the information gatherers would pick up any scraps of
knowledge they could, when dealing with looted relics, alcohol, and
member of the Jewish underground named Shavrin, who made big
money as a women trafficker to the lonely U.S personnel, exposed
this secret base to the Soviet Bloc. and of this largely
underground complex, holding a disc shaped flying vehicle which
was being developed as a silent observation craft to hold two
people, possibly powered by gyroscopic electrical magnets.
This top secret American facility, was developing nuclear
weapons with germ enclosed heads.
At the time this was of great interest to me, as I was involved
in the U.K nuclear defence “Shield programme,” and any scrap of
information was as gold dust.
During the Nixon administration in the U.S. Nelson Rockefella
through the C.F.R ( Council on Foreign Relations ) backed by
Rothschild’s bank, with Henry Kissinger, ( all 4 Jews ) put U.S.
government contracts of five billion dollars to Litton Bionetics,
a branch of Lifton Industries, for horrific military bio
warfare, Kissinger is reputed to have endorsed the development
of both A.I.D.S and Ebola virus in its early stages.
Maxwell, is on record as saying the ultimate
goal was the creation of a bio-weapon which would infect and
kill Arabs, and leave Jews unharmed, but they are both Semitic
peoples, from the same root stock, so this was abandoned.