Prophecy: "And he laid hold on the dragon, that old
serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand
years." [Revelation 20:2] Thus, the Bible teaches us that the
Dragon, the Serpent, the Devil, and Satan are one.
Black Magick
Doctrine: "... the prime symbol for Wisdom is the
serpent." [Magic Symbols, by Frederick
Goodman, p. 25]
Thus, the Satanist
believes that the Serpent is the source of Ultimate Wisdom, and
worships him.
Noted Astrologer David
Ovason published a book in 1999 entitled The Secret
Architecture of our Nation's Capitol: The Masons and the Building
of Washington, D.C., in which he uncovered the
historic fact that the Masonic Fraternity dedicated the young United
States of America to the stars generally, and to the Dog Star
Our research indicates the Rosicrucian/Masonic
leader, Sir Francis Bacon, in conjunction with Queen Elizabeth I,
began to draw the plans to create a new nation in the North American
Continent that would be the most occult and most powerful nation
since Atlantis nearly 12,000 years ago. This nation would later be
called the United States of America, and would be planned by our
occult Forefathers to be the nation to lead the world into the
Kingdom of The Christ [Antichrist], a kingdom they called the New
World Order.
NEWS1487, we
tell how our Masonic Founding Fathers deliberately and carefully
chose the plot of land on which Washington, D.C. was to be
built, using occult divination, especially Astrology. When the Mall
was being conceived, and individual buildings were being built,
Washington, D.C., was dedicated, and oriented, to the Dog Star
Sirius, which in the
Egyptian Mysteries, is Satan
Secondly, we turn our
attention to the occult manner in which the streets were laid out in
Satanic symbols, such as the Hexagram, the Goats Head of Mendes
Pentagram, the Masonic Compass, Square, and Rule. We have reported
this phenomena in
and we do not need to repeat ourselves here. If you have not read
this article, we encourage you to stop and do so now, for it will
give you much background information you will need to understand
this article.
Satanists believe that
the Earth is overlaid with grid lines along which powerful
supernatural, occult power may flow, exactly as electricity flows
through a circuit. This Luciferian power thus is envisioned to flow
through this "circuit" grid, crisscrossing as it continually flows.
Within the planetary grid flowing with this Luciferian power, are
numerous vortexes [Definition: "Flow involving rotation about an
axis; any activity regarded as drawing into its center and engulfing
all that surrounds it." ] Certain important vortexes are thought to
act as a "pillar" supporting the Golden age, or New Age, that is

Baphomet, "Goats Head of
Mendes" |
Occultists believe that
one very powerful vortex is located in the Capitol of the United
States, in Washington, D.C. Satanists believe that, once a Satanic
symbol is drawn on the ground, it begins to reverberate with occult
power 7 days a week, 24 hours per day. In rituals, the Witch will
almost always draw a powerful symbol on the ground from which she
will conduct the ceremony. In the case of Washington, D.C., Masonic
planners originally conceived that the street designs of the Capital
would be laid out in the most powerful Satanic symbols possible, so
that the entire Federal Government complex would reverberate with
Satanic power every day of every year! This continuous flow of
power directly from Lucifer himself would gradually and inevitably
move this country in the direction of the occult, and would give its
leaders the most incredible power as they deal with the leaders of
other nations. As we showed in
the bottom portion of the Goats Head of Mendes Pentagram encompasses
the White House; since this portion of the Goathead is thought of as
containing the brain, or the mind, of Satan, then you can safely say
that the power of Satan continuously flows through the White House.
The President of the