nvestigative reports by the
Philadelphia Enquirer, have revealed the disturbing
facts that most leading patient health groups have very close
multi million dollar links with the International drug cartels.
They name 6 bodies who received 29 million dollars including the
Arthritis foundation and the
National Gaucher
Foundation. This
means these bodies cannot be impartial; one wonder what was
given in exchange?
All doctor’s magazines are sent free, again paid for by the
advertisements from the drug companies.
Doctors can sell their soul by claiming a set fee of £600 for a
written endorsement for allopathic medication, which consists
largely of just chemical tablets.
General Practitioners prescribe certain drugs, which benefit the
practitioner - not the patient, and there is a sliding scale of
rewards from the pharmaceutical companies for brand loyalty.
The British Medical Journal says allopathic medication annually
kills 5000 people in Britain, and costs the NHS £466 million a
year, and the U.S.A. say 1 in 4 occupants of hospital beds are
there from medical incompetence.
My objection is that the enormous power these multi nationals
have, and the recent news leaked in Britain from disgruntled
intelligence agents, tell of New Labour government cabinet
members taking huge bribes from the drug cartels, this does not
inspire confidence.
These self interest groups constantly besmirch all the
complementary and alternative therapies, the powerful American
Evangelical Alliance, support and assist the drug companies in
their aim to ban all alternative products, their claim is that
they are “Anti-Christian “?
Yet this same group claims it can cure gays, by swimming them
with dolphins!
Swimming with dolphins is about as New Age as it comes.
Various antagonistic articles planted in the British press
condemning osteopathy, aromatherapy, acupuncture, astrology and
particularly homeopathy, by anonymous “science correspondents”
or “staff medical writer” these show an underhand practise I saw
perfected regularly by the K.G.B. during the cold war.
This too is a war, a war on our human rights to choose our own
treatments, and after the ban on all alternative therapies,
comes stage two,
The banning of what is referred to as “ mediumistic practises
“this is everything from psychic readings, channelling,
meditation, yoga and spiritual healing.
While recognising there should be proper training and
certification to practise for all those who do psychic readings,
the public must be free to make up its own mind free from the
influences and propaganda of the Christian extremists and
multi-national drug companies.