Although most Americans are ignoring the
"writing on the wall" as the dollar tanks, the war escalates and
illegal immigrants are flooding the streets, Skidd has decided to
sit down and write a warning letter to Americans,
filling them in on what to expect if they don't act now.
Inspired by the Republic Broadcasting
Network and especially talk show host John Stadtmiller, Skidd
recalls how she came to the conclusion to write her eloquent
warning, advising Americans to "never give up their
"I listen to RBN many, many hours every
week, trying to put the big picture together.
From my research, I know we are in grave
danger, and so I cannot possibly just continue going about my daily
life and ignoring this problem in the hope it will go away. It
will not go away. I am obsessed with doing whatever I can to wake
up my family, friends and even total strangers, to the point that
certain people in my life who wish to not wake up are getting angry
with me.
John Stadtmiller |
"Recently, I know I need to do more,
things are not moving fast enough, and the hour is getting late. I
believe they will strike us again soon. They are not done with
their destruction of America. I have lots of reading material on
the back of my car, but this week (largely thanks to John
Stadtmiller) I decided I need to have something definitive to give
out to people that attempts to explain what is happening, and tells
people where to get real information.
"Unable to find anything that fit the bill
on the internet, I sat down and wrote an open letter to my fellow
Americans to alert them to what I believe to be our precarious
situation, and I will be giving it to anyone I can find who will
take it. Waking the American people up to the scam of 9/11 and
the fraud that is the "War on Terror" is our only hope for restoring
our freedom and our Constitutional Republic.
"It is the only thing that will save us
from the hell-on-earth that is the New World Order's plan for us.
Thus I believe it is the most important thing those of us who "know"
can do at this critical time. It is truly time for us to make a
massive effort to save our country from these criminals. No one
else is going to do it for us. Let's roll!"
Skidd's story is like many who grew up
searching for the American dream, living in affluent Connecticut and
graduating from Harvard University in 1983 with a BA in Government.
And like so many others under the hypnotic spell of apathy cast by
the Reagan/Bush years, she tuned out her country and politics,
becoming disillusioned with corporate America
"I tuned out and traveled around the
country following the Grateful Dead for the next several years. I
always knew something was terribly wrong, I just couldn't figure out
what. I knew, even back then, that the Bush family, especially
"Poppy", was pure evil. I have been deeply troubled by the JFK
assassination my entire life, and always knew that it was a coup
"In my opinion, America has not been
America ever since. I agree with what talk show host Greg Szymanski
when he said that 'it still looks like America, it just doesn't feel
like America anymore.
Jack Herer |
Skidd began seriously questioning the New
World Order in 1990 when she found out about hemp and the marijuana
conspiracy from Jack Herer's book "The Emperor Wears No Clothes".
And according to Skidd, the campaign against hemp in the 20's and
30's amounted to a coup of the world's economy to favor petroleum
products by outlawing the best renewable alternative.
"This was a perfect example of
problem/reaction/solution, the Hegelian dialectic, and their
favorite Orwellian trick of changing the name of something in order
to deceive us," said Skidd. "They created an imaginary problem by
printing made-up stories about terrible things people allegedly did
under the influence of "marijuana" (a scary word no one knew, while
everyone knew hemp/cannabis as benign and very helpful, in fact a
staple of the world economy) in their publications (William Randolph
Hearst was deeply involved in this blatant yellow journalism...yes,
of course they already controlled the media even in the 30's).