America: From Freedom to Fascism
How Can a Single Movie Be That Important?
from Franklin Sanders
Last Updated:
Monday, May 29, 2006 12:09:06 PM |
Franklin Sanders |
h, my! I had no idea!" That's what the
audience is saying as they walk out of
Aaron Russo's
new film, America:
From Freedom to Fascism. Their voices are hushed. Some faces
are pale and wet with tears, sick at what they've discovered.
Many are red, angry to learn for the first time that they have
been robbed -- their country, their rights, and their very
future have been stolen from them and their children.
But it may all end right there - all Aaron's
work, all his sacrifice, all his vision, all the possibilities
to make a real change in America, unless we pitch in and help
him. Let me explain. Everything in the world was stacked against
this movie. What major studio would back a movie this
A movie that exposes the entire Federal
Reserve scam the income tax fraud, and the IRS?
A movie that catches a former IRS
commissioner boasting that the IRS isn't subject to Supreme
Court decisions?
A movie that publicizes government brutality
against protestors? A movie that rev eals how America was
swindled out of her gold reserve?
A movie that pulls back the curtain on the
coming police state in the US, with its plans to tag everyone
with a national ID card and implant an RFID chip in every man,
woman, and child?
A movie that lays bare the whole New World
Order? Warner Brothers and MGM and Fox wouldn't touch that
project with a thirty foot pole, let alone put up money to make
the movie? Those giant corporations - already in bed with big
government - would never produce or release that movie.
Aaron Russo |
So without asking for anybody's help, Aaron
Russo set out to make this film, because he knew it had to be
made. He put up 100% of the money to make the film. He invested
two years of his life. He laid his name and his reputation on
the line. Not just for the sake of his own freedom, but for
yours, too, and your children's, and for millions of Americans
who don't know sic 'em from come here about what their
government really does, or the tyranny that government has
already mapped out for them.
Aaron made this movie so everyone in America
would understand, so people would really get it. And when they
see the movie, they do. (You can view a trailer for the movie at Let me make something plain. This
is not a movie that divides, but a movie that unites. Aaron does
not work like Michael Moore, who plays to the Left to increase
Aaron's movie plays to the whole country. It
doesn't take sides. It's not Democrat or Republican, it's not
left, not right, but dead on.
Now Aaron Russo needs our help. The money and
the years have been spent, the movie has been made, the test
audiences are raving about it, distribution has been arranged,
but Aaron still needs our help. The movie must still be marketed
and advertised. It must be promoted and supported by TV,
newspaper, and radio advertising to get it out to the largest
audience possible, to every nook and cranny in America, every
city, every town, every hamlet, every corner of America.
How could a single movie be that important?
Because it will change forever Americans' false perception of
how things work here. Everybody has to see this movie. This is
the tool we've been waiting for. It's non-violent, it's
ruthlessly honest, and it can change America. Everybody who sees
this movie gets it. The light goes on. Nobody has ever explained
so much in one place before. Without your help, Aaron has only
enough steam to open in New York City on July fourth. After
that, nothing will happen unless every one of us helps him. If
we help Aaron now, here's what he can do. ? premiere in two
theaters in New York ? then open in a few theatres in Los
Angeles ? then Chicago ? then take it to two hundred theatres
nation wide, and then 500, and then . . . But all that takes
By now you may be snorting, "Who is this guy
Franklin Sanders to ask me for money to help promote a movie?
That's a fair question, and here's a fair answer.
According to an assistant United States
Attorney, I am "the most dangerous man in the mid-South." What
makes me so dangerous? I am the man who opened a gold and silver
bank so that Americans could realise their right to honest,
stable gold and silver money. That was perfectly legal, even in
1984, but the federal government didn't like it. For my trouble
I spent the next sixteen years fending off the feds, the IRS,
and state government, trying to keep my wife and me out of jail,
and trying to keep them from killing my seven children, my wife,
and me. I even ended up going to jail.
I know -- you think I'm crazy or lying. You
can't believe "our" government agents would do such