Brushy Creek, usually gushing with a
turbulent flow of water, has dried up to little more than a trickle,
drying up from the sweltering Texas heat or maybe from the hot air
coming from Washington D.C.
And this week was a particularly
disturbing one in American history, as it was marked with the
passage of the illegal immigration bill, paving the way for more
than 200 million illegals over the next 20 years.
It was also particularly disturbing since
President Bush addressed West Point's graduating class, shouting
like a warmonger for a continued escalation of the Middle East war.
And from his speech, it's clear the voice of the people means
absolutely nothing as his criminal freight train steams along with
its next stop World War III.
But in an attempt to derail the war
machine, the process of identifying the real, hidden shadowy enemy
moves along this week without trepidation or fear, as the Jesuit
Order headed by the Black Pope are being considered as the real
spiritual controllers in Sunday's Confession No. 6.
Once we are finished with the Jesuits,
we'll move along to other possibilities such as the Zionist Jews.
But for now researcher Jeremy Lack provides a lengthy but
stimulating look at Jesuit/Vatican tyranny throughout the history.
It should be noted before listening to
Lack's research findings, the Vatican and the Jesuit Order fully
back the illegal immigration going on in America, as well as
silently backing the U.S. illegal invasion in the Middle East.

Pope Clement XIV |
Lack reminds us the Jesuit Order was
originally instituted in Portugal and Spain in 1534 by the Vatican
for the sole purpose of exterminating the Reformation. The Order was
then suppressed by
Pope Clement XIV for which he was promptly
poisoned. The Order was then reinstituted in 1814 and given the
"Secret Treaty of Verona" for the express purpose of carrying out
its dictates. The edict was finally ratified by its contracting
parties on 1822, causing President James Monroe, with the assistance
of Thomas Jefferson, to write the Monroe Doctrine to protect against
tyranny as recorded in the Congressional Record-Senate volume 53,
Part 7, Page 6781 of the 64th Congress, 1st
Session, 25 April 1916.
Lack said he dedicated the following
research to the late Jesuit priest, Fr. Alberto Rivera, killed for
trying to get out the truth about the Society of Jesus, known as the
Jesuits. He adds remember Matt: 7:15: "Beware of false prophets,
which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are
ravening wolves."
Remembering the Jesuit Order is organized
like a military organization with a presence in every corner of the
world, Lack also reminds us that much of the true Jesuit history has
been taken out of library circulation, especially after 1960 as the
Jesuits, known as the world's great educators, are trying to cover
up their evil past.
Lack's research about who he calls the
feared Jesuits and the masters of deception and evil begins with the
I read a book some years ago that started
my research, that I am still involved in today. The information I
have, I believe, if it were ever brought to a trial, would prove so
conclusively of what I am about to tell you that not even the
perpetrators themselves would try to deny it. In the past, when
confronted with their prior history of atrocities, their only
response has been: "we don't do that anymore", or sneer at its
improbability, or a gratuitous imputation of bigotry and intolerance
against the writer, while at the same time telling all their
followers: "we never change". As you read it will become only to
apparent that the latter is the case.
Before I begin, and you start thinking I'm
an "extremist", let me say that I'm not the only person to find this
information. It is readily available (at the finger tips of those on
the internet) to anyone willing to put in a little time and
research. I have found, what I believe to be, the common denominator
for a very large percentage (if not all) of the events perpetrated
and/or carried out by departments of government and/or its agencies,
that are totally negative to the rights and freedoms of the American
people, hence, also to the United States Constitution, its Bill of
Rights and the Declaration of Independence. This organization is
responsible for the wholesale slaughter of multi-millions of peoples
all over the world. It is responsible for the "Dark Age"
(inquisition) period leading up to the founding of this country: As
you will learn, this organization, though having periods of civil
and military power fluctuation (due to losses from