Comment: The Media have concentrated on one single thing that
Churchill said, trying to discredit him as a lunatic. They claim he called the
victims from the World Trade Center "Little Eichman's", totally taken out of
context. What Churchill means is that many of the CORPORATE EXECUTIVES who
worked at the WTC were like "Little Eichman's", which probably is true. These
guys were running big Illuminati companies.
Prof. Churchill is another in the line of
"American Heroes". Wes Penre
University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill told
a standing-room only crowd at the University of
Oregon Thursday night that academic freedom and free
speech are increasingly under fire in the United
He also took a jab at higher education, saying
that colleges have become glorified vocational
technology schools devoid of teaching critical
"This is not education," Churchill said.
"(College's) design is indoctrination. They teach
you what to think, not how to think."
About 500 people packed the Erb Memorial Union
ballroom to hear the University of Colorado ethnic
studies professor whose comments about the Sept. 11
terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center sparked
widespread condemnation and calls for his firing.
A committee that formed to investigate his
scholarship this week said Churchill had plagiarized
the work of other professors and misrepresented
facts in his published writings, findings that could
lead to his dismissal.
In his 80-minute speech, Churchill alluded to the
investigation by saying that college administrators
have fired professors in the past for ideological
reasons or running afoul of wealthy benefactors to
the university.
Dressed in a navy blue T-shirt and blue jeans,
Churchill also touched on eco-terrorists, a term he
says was invented by the U.S. intelligence
"Taking the tops of mountains in Appalachia,
that's eco-terrorism," he said, which was met by
rousing applause.
Churchill also weighed in on the U.S. Senate vote
on Wednesday to build 370 miles of triple-layered
fencing along the Mexican border.
"Those rabid morons want to build a wall ... Now
how the hell do you think they'll do that without
Mexican labor," he said.
Churchill gained notoriety for an essay published
shortly after the terrorist attacks that used the
phrase "little Eichmanns" to describe some of the
corporate executives who worked in the trade center.
A group of about 20 people, made up of members of
College Republicans and other UO students, stood
outside the student union building waving flags and
carrying signs that read: "UO Students Against
Churchill" and "We Support the Troops," among
Anthony Warren, chairman of the College
Republicans on campus, called Churchill's appearance
on campus a disgrace.
"It's disgusting that he calls the victims of
9/11 `little Eichmanns,' " Warren said. "He should
show support and apologize to the victims."
Standing next to Warren was Josh Lusby, a fellow
College Republican. Lusby's sign read: "Churchill
Equals Treason."
"He talks about how bad America is and the war on
terrorism; yet he reaps the benefits of living in
America," Lusby said. "If America is so bad, why is
he living here?"
Churchill's appearance was jointly sponsored by
the UO Survival Center and local activist John
Zerzan, an editor of Green Anarchy magazine.