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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
From the Rodney King riots to unannounced
"training" exercises over American cities, the US military is being
trained to turn the United States into a dictatorship.
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
the heading of "civil disturbance planning", the U.S. military is
training troops and police to suppress democratic opposition in
America. The master plan, Department of Defense Civil Disturbance
Plan 55-2, is code-named, "Operation Garden Plot". Originated in
1968, the "operational plan" has been updated over the last three
decades, most recently in 1991. The plan was activated during the
Los Angeles "riots" of 1992, and more than likely during the recent
anti-WTO "Battle in Seattle."
Current U.S. military preparations for suppressing domestic civil
disturbance, including the training of National Guard troops and
police, are part of a long history of American "internal security"
measures dating back to the first American Revolution. Generally,
these measures have sought to thwart the aims of social justice
movements, embodying the concept that within the civilian body
politic lurks an enemy that one day the military might have to
fight, or at least be ordered to fight.
Equipped with flexible "military operations in urban terrain" and
"operations other than war" doctrine, lethal and "less-than-lethal"
high-tech weaponry, US "armed forces" and "elite" militarized police
units are being trained to eradicate "disorder", "disturbance" and
"civil disobedience" in America. Further, it may very well be that
police/military "civil disturbance" planning is the animating force
and the overarching logic behind the incredible nationwide growth of
police paramilitary units, a growth which coincidentally mirrors
rising levels of police violence directed at the American people,
particularly "non-white" poor and working people.
Military spokespeople, "judge advocates" (lawyers) and their
congressional supporters aggressively take the position that legal
obstacles to military involvement in domestic law enforcement civil
disturbance operations, such as the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act, have
been nullified. Legislated "exceptions" and private
commercialization of various aspects of U.S. military-law
enforcement efforts have supposedly removed their activities from
the legal reach of the "public domain". Possibly illegal, ostensible
"training" scenarios like the recent "Operation Urban Warrior"
no-notice "urban terrain" war games, which took place in dozens of
American cities, are thinly disguised "civil disturbance
suppression" exercises. Meanwhile, President Clinton recently
appointed a "domestic military czar", a sort of national chief of
police. You can bet that he is well versed in Garden Plot
requirements involved in "homeland defense".
Ominously, many assume that the training of military and police
forces to suppress "outlawed" behavior of citizens, along with the
creation of extensive and sophisticated "emergency" social response
networks set to spring into action in the event of "civil unrest",
is prudent and acceptable in a democracy. And yet, does not this
assumption beg the question as to what civil unrest is? One could
argue for example, that civil disturbance is nothing less than
democracy in action, a message to the powers-that-be that the people
want change. In this instance "disturbing behavior" may actually be
the exercising of ones' right to resist oppression. Unfortunately,
the American corporate/military directorship, which has the power to
enforce its' definition of "disorder", sees democracy as a threat
and permanent counter-revolution as a "national security"
The elite military/corporate sponsors of Garden Plot have their
reasons for civil disturbance contingency planning. Lets' call it
the paranoia of the thief. Their rationale is simple:
self-preservation. Fostering severe and targeted "austerity",
massive inequality and unbridled greed, while shifting more and more
billions to the generals and the rich, the de-regulated "entities of
force" and their interlocking corporate directors know quite well
what their policies are engendering, namely, a growing resistance.
Consequently, they are systematically organizing to protect their
interests, their profits, and their criminal conspiracies. To this
end, they are rapidly consolidating an infrastructure of repression
designed to "suppress rebellion" against their "authority". Or more
conveniently put, to suppress "rebellion against the authority of
the United States." And so, as the Pentagon Incorporated increases
itsı imperialist violence around the world, the chickens have indeed
come home to roost here in America in the form of a national
security doctrine obsessed with domestic "insurgency" and the need
to pre-emptively neutralize it. Its' code-name: "Garden Plot".
Recently, Pentagon spokesman Kenneth H. Bacon "acknowledged that
the Air Force wrongfully started and financed a highly classified,
still-secret project, known as a black program without informing
Congress last year." The costs and nature of these projects "are the
most classified secrets in the Pentagon."(1) Could it be that the
current United States Air Force Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2 Garden
Plot is one such program financed from this secret budget? We have a
right to know. And following Seattle, we have the need to know.
As this and numerous other documents reveal, U.S. military
training in civil disturbance "suppression", which targets the
American public, is in full operation today. The formulation of
legitimizing doctrine, the training in the "tactics and techniques"
of "civil disturbance suppression", and the use of "non-lethal"
weaponry, are ongoing, financed by tax dollars. The overall
operation is called Garden Plot. And according to the bosses at the
Pentagon, "US forces deployed to assist federal and local
authorities during times if civil disturbance will follow
use-of-force policy found in Department of Defense Civil |