Strange Bedfellows -
Anton LaVey, Former Head of Church of Satan, Meets John Kerry
- from San Francisco Chronicle, 1July 17, 1982 -
(Posted here: February 26, 2004)

This Newspaper Article Is A Hoax!

The article is supposed to be from 1982, but July 17, 1982 was a Saturday. In the eighties,
July 17 fell on a Sunday only in 1983 and 1988. The 4th digit in this newspaper article is NOT an eight, and if it
is a three it is still a hoax, because then Kerry was not a Congressman.

The hoax seems to have originated from here, and the picture of Kerry was probably taken from here and inserted into the faked newspaper article.


Revised/Updated: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 04:01:51 PM



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