[This is a transcript of taped talk given by
Martin Cannon via telephone to the UFO contact center international
group meeting in 1988]
* * *
All I can say is that I have been, for over a year
now, pursuing a specific theory of UFO abductions which has royally
ticked off everybody that I've come in contact with believer and skeptic
This is a theory that, I think, designed to make
me hate it. I'm primarily interested in the government's involvement in
the UFO phenomena.
Specifically, it seems to me, and I might as well
lay out all my cards on the table at once, it seems to me the abduction
phenomenon might just be a ploy, that the aliens are a paper-mache mask,
as I sometimes put it, for something else that's really going on.
All theories of UFO abductions that I've ever come
across (excepting the entirely skeptical ones put out by people like
Klass), they all include some aspect of the concept of mind control. Now
it seems to me that if people's minds are being controlled, and I think
that this technology is in existence, then we have to ask the question:
can we trust the participant's reports of what they are seeing, in terms
of perhaps even the UFO's that they are seeing, but certainly the nature
of the abduction experience itself?
Do we even have to assume that the little gray
aliens exist simply because people tell us that they do, even if they
believe that they exist?
Drawing from a very old example out of hypnotism,
and Aileen being herself a hypnotherapist, can perhaps tell you more
about this it was a very common practice, going back many, many decades,
to see if somebody was under some hypnotism, they would introduce them
they would take the subject, hypnotize them, and say that there was a
small, black dog in the room, and he's coming up, and would you pet him.
And the subject will often actually see the dog
just as thoroughly, just as concretely, as they would see any normal dog
that you might get out of the animal shelter.
Now if the human brain can be tricked to that
extent, then is it not possible that the ET's that people are seeing are
of an exactly like substance to that dog?
I think it is. I have done a great deal of
research into the subject of the government's involvement in mind
control operations. They like people to believe that that was all
something that they were doing back in the 50's and the 60's, and it was
all to catch up with the Russians who had this huge lead in the field,
but they stopped doing it around 1963 and they never really found
anything it's all a lie!
I mean, basically, I've just come to the
conclusion where I can say that right now. These programs went very,
very far. We got there first. We were far ahead of the Russians. I even
can give you a memo where Allen Dulles admitted that to the Warren
Commission, of all places.
It went back to World War II, possibly to the
30's, in fact I've just recently came across some information that
occult groups have been doing experimentations with what they call
electronic mind control, going all the way back to the 19th century. In
fact there isn't a single technology of mind control that doesn't go
back to that time.
And so, one of the problems, well, I should say
that in researching this I have not only looked up, read every book
available on this subject, some of which are EXTREMELY hard to find. I
mean, I'm sorry to sound too paranoid but I'm really beginning to get
the idea that somebody has been going around to the libraries and
hussling them off the shelves, because I keep on finding, you know,
there are certain books that I keep on looking for, and I find that they
are not checked out, and they are not only the library shelves either!
And I'm wondering what's happened to them.
But I think I've now amassed quite a library on
the subject, and I've also gone to Washington, D.C. and I saw some
20,000 documents, these are de-classified CIA / Defense Department
documents, as well as many interviews with scientists working on these
programs back in the 50's and 60's, and these were all compiled by John
Marks, for his book The Search for the Manchurian Candidate.
I would suggest that all of you people read that
book, but you must understand that that book is incredibly conservative,
and that the whole subject goes far, far beyond that. I don't know why
John Marks wrote it the way he did. Certainly, there was much more
information in his files than he allowed to come out in his book.
Another good book which I'm sorry to say is very,
very difficult to get a hold of, and probably the best book on the
subject, is called Operation Mind Control, and that's by Walter Bowart.
But even then, after you've gone to that literature, you know, you have
to search through a great deal of periodicals and scientific papers and
so forth, and also conduct a great many interviews.
I've interviewed people who claim to have been
under mind control, specifically in Vietnam. And what they describe is
very, very similar to what the abductee's are describing in many
respects. Not only that, I've spoken to abductees. And this is a subject
on which I feel a certain amount of hesitancy in describing and talking
One abductee, I called her Veronica in an article
I wrote in UFO Magazine (it's a long and extremely complicated and
fascinating case), under hypnosis, and I did not hypnotize her, in fact
she is the one who wanted the hypnosis and it was administered by a
professional hypnotist. In the 4th hypnotic session she described one of
her abductions, which as she dug deeper turned out not to have taken
place at all in any kind of Unidentified Flying Object, but in fact took
place in a house outside the Los Angeles area.
And of course, we kept zeroing in on the house and
its location, and so on and so forth.
Now, I must state directly here that there is some
possibility, of course, whenever there is a hypnotized subject it is
often stated wants to please the hypnotist, therefore might confabulate
details that would fit that hypnotists' particular thesis. I must say
that Veronica came up with the CIA thesis long before I ever met her.
She was saying that that was just one possibility among others.
It also seems to be a nagging possibility that
other abductees that I have read about and talked to have come up with,
although they didn't explore it. There is something about the idea of
being in contact with alien beings that is extremely attractive to them,
and they don't want to give it up very easily.
Anyway, to go back to the hypnotic session she had
talked about I won't give you the details of this kind of terrifying
session that she underwent in this man's house but, after the session, I
found out later she was told under some sort of hypnosis, even though
the hypnotist had tried to get her out of it, and she said that she was
no longer in trance, but apparently she still was. But I said, "Well,
okay, let's drive there."
And we did. And I got a location, we found the
location, and she suddenly got very scared and we had to turn back.
Well, I later did a little bit of detective work and I found out who
lived there. I won't give the name, because there is obviously a certain
possibility of libel involved, but I found out that the man who lived in
that house was a scientist who worked on the CIA's mind control
programs. These programs had projects like ARTICHOKE, BLUEBIRD,
Not only that, while on the way there, Veronica
described the interior of this house, including one specific unusual
detail that almost nobody has in his living room, and I later found out
from somebody who had been in that house, that she described it
accurately. Unfortunately, Veronica now says that she can remember
nothing of our conversation together and I didn't tape her admission of
what was inside the house, so there is no way I can prove this, which is
why I am very, very wary of mentioning names, and possibly giving way to
a libel suit.
But I will say that for my purposes, and I can't
prove it to anybody else, but it has been proved to me that in at least
one instance this thesis is correct.
I must tell you right now that I am as loath as
anybody else to give up on the alien hypothesis. I mean I grew up with
it, I read a lot of UFO books in my time. I've never been plugged into
the UFO Network... I've never spoken to the actual researchers until
just recently. And even then it's only quite tangential. Aileen is
probably the one I know best. And so, it gets very, very difficult for
me to give up entirely upon the idea of the aliens. And I know that
people will get angry at me, because I am exploring another possibility.
But it just seems that this is a path which has to be looked at.
I do know that from the internal CIA
correspondence that I've looked at in Washington, that one of the
problems they had, is that it was a "disposal problem" whenever they
were experimenting on someone to see how firmly they could control that
person's mind, even though they would try many techniques to get them to
forget the session, as it were, it was almost impossible to make them
forget entirely. Memories would come out, often-time in dreams, of what
was going on.
One of the scientists who worked on it, I think
that was Martin Warren, you may recall Martin Warren because he's
mentioned prominently in Philip Klass' skeptical book on UFO abductions.
Martin Warren what Philip Klass doesn't tell you is that Martin Warren
was a CIA operative going back to the very early 60's...
But one of the things they mentioned in this
context of people remembering, was they will remember any scenario that
they are told. In other words, you can tell them: "Yes, something
happened there... but you know...", you can fix the memory in other
words, arrange a cover story. And so, yeah, the person might wake up in
the middle of the night with this terrible, terrible feeling in that
back of his head that he has been hypnotically told to forget something
that happened to him. But as long as he misremembers that, then the
actual truth of the matter will never come out.
Now I think that something very much like that
happened to a man named Marty Kosky. Marty Kosky was a Finnish citizen.
He was staying in Canada sometime in the mid to the late 1970's, and I
have alot of material from him. He claims to have been a victim of mind
control. Now, by the 1970's this whole technology was getting extremely
baroque. In the 50's and the 60's, according to John Mark's informant,
nobody knows his name, I don't even think John Mark's knows his name he
was given the nickname "Deep Trance" according to Deep Trance the mind
control was basically, the technology had to do with drugs and some with
hypnosis. In the 70's it started to turn to things like implantations in
the brain and microwaves. And the two of them can work together.
Now Marty Kosky claims, this Finnish citizen
claims to have been a victim of the microwave experimentations happening
in Canada. He had first, in 1977 or thereabouts, came out with a
brochure that was, well you know, he learned English only a couple of
years previously, and he wasn't a professional writer, and claimed to be
microwaved in his brain, and so obviously you can tell that the pamphlet
that he came up with was not very impressive, and people looking at it
probably dismissed him as a nut.
Later, though, he came out with a still not
particularly well-written, but much more convincing set of materials
which I believe that Aileen might have copies of there, and we can
certainly get some copies distributed to you people, if you're
interested in it, in which he tells the story in greater length. He
talks about being taken to a hospital, having things implanted in his
brain, hearing of voices. Now I must say that even though this sounds
like the story of an absolute Loony Toon, I know for a fact that this
sort of thing does occur I mean, is technologically possible there was a
scientist named Allen Fray in the late 60's, early 70's, who discovered
that you can induce, with microwaves, voices in the brain that you can
actually hear.
As always, with these things, you only get the
first experimentations along these lines, the first successful notes of
what was happening and then of course, it's all clamped down, you don't
get any more information on follow-up experiments. But we do know, at
least from the early work, that people were able to hear things,
directly perceived words, as spoken over a microphone, directly in their
mind... not just through the ears or anything like that. Which makes me
look twice whenever I hear about people who claim to be hearing voices.
Because I know that that is a classic symptom of schizophrena, but many
of these people are also extremely hypnotizable.
Classic schizophrenics are not easily
hypnotizable, yet these people are. They fall into a separate category,
and I'm wondering if the voices that they hear, if they too might be
it's a possibility among other possiblities, let's put it that way if
these people are also possible subjects of this sort of experimentation.
Anyway, getting back to Kosky I won't tell you his
entire story, because I think it would be better if you read it entirely
he talks about being kidnapped and taken to a hospital and given what he
called "spy training". Much of his descriptions of what happened to him
in the hospital I think are quite incorrect, but who knows what happened
to his mind during those times.
I do know that of the released MK-ULTRA papers
from the 50's and the 60's many of the absolute worst atrocities being
committed by the CIA they were trying to invade the space between
people's ears were in fact taking place in Canada.
So, it's entirely likely that these things will be
happening in Canada. Don't think that simply because Kosky points the
finger at the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, doesn't really mean that
the CIA or some other government agency isn't behind it. In fact, some
of what I've read has indicated that the government agency that is now
most involved in the mind control experimentation is called DARPA. And
I've also just recently come across some information that NASA, of all
people, of all places, I don't know why, is possibly, just possibly
involved with that. There is whole story I can tell you along those
One of the things that Kosky was told after he got
away from the hospital and after he was trying to re-establish his
sanity after these terrible experimentations that were done to him, he
was told that the people talking to him were from Sirius. Now, this is
one of the best links I have between the mind control technology and the
UFO abduction phenomenon. That
is a victim of mind control claiming that he knows that the controllers
were using UFOs or aliens as a cover story for their operations. He was
even more explicit in his original pamphlet. Where he was saying that:
"The test program fluctuates from spying education to meeting humanoids
from other planets, people from Mars and Sirius, if you are a religious
person, you can even talk to the Lord."
So, in other words, they find out exactly how your
personality is structured, and then they will assume a persona to meet
that, which also makes me look at these people who claim to be hearing
voices from Jesus or from Satan. I know recently there was a rash of
people hearing the voice of Satan, I think it was a group of teenagers
out in Tennessee. And they progressed from they were committing horrible
atrocities first they were watching these terribly violent videotapes
which for some reason are now being made available to teenagers,
including videotapes of actual deaths and then the voices told them to
start torturing and murdering small animals, until finally they actually
murdered one of their numbers.
Well, I know that this sounds like an outrageous
story and possibly not connected to what I am saying, but in fact it is
connected because that was one of the ways they trained one of the
primary, I should say, motivations for the entire mind control
technology as we know it from the papers in the 50's and the 60's, was
to train people to commit assassinations. And this is why I am very
frightened whenever an abductee and I've had a couple come up with this
now start talking about guns. In fact, you know, in that very same
abduction hypnotic session where we are talking about her abduction, she
said that the entities had told her to bring a gun to Martin (!), which
did not exactly make me feel very good, I mean I really don't know what
was behind that, but I must say that I've rather limited my contact with
that woman ever since.
Now I should say, where was I oh yes again, I'm
not used to giving a lecture to large numbers of people whom I can't
see, so I'll probably be flitting from one thing to another, but anyway,
I do have documents which prove that that was the ultimate goal, to get
people to commit atrocities without any emotions, without any affect.
That was the primary purpose, and the way they did it was first to
desensitize people.
There was a doctor named Nereut, who I think in
1974 spilled the beans to the London Times saying that he was performing
these kinds of experimentations on soldiers of the Green Berets and Navy
Seals, and other Special Forces, and they were taught under hypnosis,
and sometimes not under hypnosis to desensitive themselves to violence,
usually through a series of films, and then you would progress from that
to not caring if you tore the head off a chicken. And then you were told
that the enemy was less than subhuman and so you would go out there and
commit unbelievable atrocities which, if you dig into it, you know were
committed in Vietnam.
And then, according to the some of the people who
claim to be mind control victims that I've spoken to, you can be
hypnotized into forgetting that you committed the atrocities, and this
is actually quite beneficial, because you don't want that sort of thing
on your memory, you just won't be able to function. I spoke directly to
I can't give his name and I know that it would be very difficult for me
to convince your people of the truth of what he said. All I know is that
I sat directly across from him in the room. And I met him almost by
coincidence, I was interviewing him on another subject and told him I
was interested in mind control and he said this had happened to him.
He gave me specific examples of things that
occurred with him in the 1960's, how he was put through this sort of
program. Much of what he described as to how this not just the mind
control, he knew the technology involved, he knew many of the terms
involved, he would have to do a great deal of studying in order to have
gotten this information. And he talked about the way that these sort of
secret missions would be directed out of a Naval intelligence ship,
which I knew from other sources to be absolutely true. So I believed
what he had to say to me, in other words. And he fingered the Veterans
Administration hospital out here in Northridge as one place where they
continue to have scientists operate in these capacities. And that was
very interesting to me, because I later have, and I just now had an
abductee tell me that she had memories of something terrible happening
at that very same Veterans Administration hospital.
So that all fits together, again, I'm telling you
this to explain to you why I believe what I believe. I don't necessarily
have all of the facts and that I can put it in a book and prove it, but
I have enough that definitely my suspicion is raised. Now you may ask
about implantations, the scars that Budd Hopkins will show you
photographs of, and these implanations, intracerebreal implantations
which are just now beginning to show up in MRI scans on contactee's.
I've just now made friends with a woman out in Lancaster, who is
studying abductees who claims to have gotten alot of these MRI scans
definitely having "bogies" showing up on them.
Again, this was a part of the technology. There
was a book published in 1968, I believe, called "Were
We Controlled", by a man with the psuedonym of Lincoln
Lawrence, and I would suggest that you people read that. Now this is a
obstensibly about the John F. Kennedy assassination, looking into the
possibility, and this has been raised by a number of people, outrageous
as the possibility may seem, that Jack Ruby and Lee Harvey Oswald were
somehow hypnotically programmed to do what they did. To tell you the
truth, although I am willing to accept any number of unusual
possibilities, I am not entirely convinced of that. However, I know for
a fact that much of the information given in that book regarding the
CIA's and the Defense Department's mind control program is right on
target, because it checked out with material that was released only
about fifteen years later, or ten years later, under Freedom of
Lincoln Lawrence had to have, and I know that he
was in fact an FBI agent, and therefore probably did have the sort of
connections. He had to have connections to people who were in the know
as to the technology involved. And the technology that he fingers, and
it's come up in a couple of other sources, again we don't have actual
internal government documentation on this, unfortunately just yet, but
the technology that he fingers is something called Radio Hypnotic
Intracerebreal Control, that coupled with another technology called
EDOM, Electronic Dissolution Of Memory. And basically, EDOM is nothing
more or less than "missing time", exactly what Budd Hopkins talks about.
Making people forget what they've done for the past two or three hours.
According to Lincoln Lawrence, and I'm tending more and more to believe
him, that is a technology that we, not the aliens, but we have had in
our hands for my goodness, twenty, thirty years perhaps. Similarly,
Radio Hypnotic Intracerebreal Control is a technology which, even in its
most primitive form, according to some of the Russian literature
mentioned in Lincoln Lawrence's book, and again I gave a copy to Aileen
there, goes back to the 1930's. And that has to do with alot of arcane
subjects implantations, intracerbreal implantations in the brain.
By sending electronic pulses to these
intracerebreal implantations, you can train the frequencies of the brain
to a point of hypnotic suggestibility, and then voices, which can be, as
I mentioned earlier, which can be placed into the brain will act as a
sort of remote hypnotist. One that has a far greater suggestibility than
an actual hypnotist that you might pay money to go see. And this is
somebody who can make you believe that you are seeing when this is
happening to you they can make you believe that you are seeing, or have
seen, if they want to erase a previous memory, say a van that kidnapped
you, when in fact they might tell you that it was a UFO that kidnapped
you. Or, as another story that I got from an abductee...
He had this strange memory of you know, he was
talking about his abduction, and how he climbed into this saucer-shaped
craft. But you know, just before the saucer-shaped craft appeared in his
mind he has this strange memory that
was this truck in there, and that the same guy who was on the craft was
in that truck, and he couldn't quite put the two together. Well, you
know, I heard this from Budd Hopkins once. He said that there was an
abductee he talked who said that there was, you know when he was
abducted, that at first he thought it was a helicopter, or some sort of
helicopter that grabbed him and took him up into the air.
No, it couldn't have been that what it was, was
this UFO and so, Budd Hopkins is saying well obviously the helicopter
was the screen memory for this terrible UFO experience.
Possibly, but the possibility that I'm looking
into is, what if it really was a helicopter and it was a UFO that was an
induced screen memory, possibly induced by this technology that I'm
looking into called Radio Hypnotic Intracerebreal Control, RHIC. There
was a Doctor named Jose Delgado, still working today, who wrote a book
called Physical Control of the Mind: Towards a Psycho-Civilized Society.
These implants that everybody are talking about
people are thinking that only a highly advanced technology such as the
aliens could come up with. Well, Delgado was in business as early the
late 1950's, he put these implants in a bull in a Spanish bull-ring, and
had the bull charge him, and then he pushed a button on a box, it was
like the same sort of box you would get with a radio-controlled
airplane. He pushed a button and there are photographs of this that I
can show you with the bull like just a few feet in front of him and
ready to gore the guy to death came to a complete stop. Pushed another
button, the bull walks away.
Now if that can happen to animals in the 50's why
can't it be happening to abductees?
Conquest of Space 1957 by G. Harry Stine Chief,
Navy Range Operations White Sands Proving Grounds.
There is a good chance that the rocket will be
obsolete for space travel within 50 years. Some of us have been
concentrating on the development of the rocket as the possible power
plant for outer space propulsion. We've fired a lot of them and we've
proved that they will work in outer space. We've also learned a lot
about what's out there by using rockets. And probably we will take the
first few faltering steps into space with rocket power plants. But
recent discoveries indicate that the spaceship of the future may be
powered by anti-gravity devices. These, instead of using brute force to
overcome gravity, will use the force of gravity itself much as an
airplane uses the air to make it fly.
Sir William Crookes, the English scientist who
developed the cathode-ray tube we now use for television, made extensive
investigations of levitation phenomena - a field that once belonged to
vaudeville magicians.
Scientists, reasoning that if they believed his
reports of weird green glows in vacuum tubes they should also look into
Crookes' LEVITATION STUDIES, have been making slow but steady progress.
Others have been investigating the fields of
gravitic isotopes, jet electron streams and the mechanics of the
electron shells of atoms.
Townsend T. Brown, an American investigator, has
gone even further than that. There are rumors that Brown has developed a
real anti- gravity machine. There are many firms working on the problems
of anti-gravity - the Glenn L. Martin Co., Bell Aircraft, General
Electric, Sperry-Rand Corp. and others.

Townsend T. Brown
Rumors have been circulating that scientists have
built disc airfoils two feet in diameter incorporating a variation of
the simple two-plate electrical condensor (capacitor), which, charged to
a potential of 50,000 volts has achieved a speed of 17 feet per second
with a total energy input of 50 watts.
A three-foot diameter disc airfoil charged to 150
Kilovolts turned out such an amazing performance that the whole thing
was immediately classified.
Flame-jet generators, making use of the
electrostatic charge discovered in rocket exhausts, have been developed
which will supply charges UP TO 15 MILLION VOLTS. Several important
things have been discovered with regard to gravity propulsion. For one,
the propulsive force doesn't act on only one part of the ship it is
pushing; it acts on all parts within the gravity field created by the
gravitic drive. It probably is not limited to the speed of light.
Gravity-powered vehicles have apparently changed
direction, accelerated rapidly at very high g's and stopped abruptly
without any heavy stresses being experienced by the measuring devices
aboard the vehicle and within the gravity-propulsion field.
This control is done by changing the direction,
intensity and polarity of the charge on the condenser plates of the
drive unit, a fairly simple task for scientists.
Sounds incredible, doesn't it? But the information
comes from reliable sources. We are licking the problems of gravity.
Indications are that we are on the verge of tapping a BRAND NEW GROUP OF
Electronic engineers have taken the electrical
coil and used it as a link between electricity and electro-magnetism,
thus giving us a science of electro-magnetics which in turn has given us
such things as radio, television, radar and the like.
Now, gravity researchers seem to think that the
condenser will open up the science of electro-gravitics. Soon we may be
able to eliminate gravity as a structural, dynamic and medical problem.
Although we will probably use rocket power to make
our first explorations into space, the chances are now pretty good that
this will not always be the case. In 50 years we may travel to the moon,
the planets or even the stars propelled by the harnessed forces of
If this seems fantastic, remember that the rocket
and the idea of a trip to the moon was fantastic 20 years ago. Fifty
years ago the idea of commercial air travel was utter nonsense.
With gravitic spaceships, we may travel to the
moon in less than an hour, to the planets in less than a day or to the
stars themselves in a matter of months. We may be able to do it in
absolute comfort without the problems of zero-gravity or high
The idea of the rocket becoming obsolete is not a
happy idea, particularly when so much work has been done on rockets. But
we have worked on rockets because we believed they were the only type of
power plant capable of working in outer space.
If a better method comes along, why shed tears?
After all, our basic goal is to travel and explore in space and it
doesn't make much difference how we do it.

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