Incredible Iapetus
by Doug Yurchey, June, 2007
Last Updated:
Saturday, June 30, 2007 12:44:59 AM
apetus is the
17th of Saturn’s 33 known moons and the third largest. The
astronomer Cassini first viewed Iapetus with a telescope. The
satellite was observed to ‘disappear’ every 40 days, half of its
79-day orbit. Cassini noticed that the ‘winking’ moon’s entire
hemisphere was vastly brighter than the other side and the moon was
synchronously rotating.
hundred ten years later, on 11/14/80, NASA’s Voyager 1 transmitted
the first clear images of Iapetus back to Earth. Cassini was
correct. One side of Iapetus was ‘ten times darker’ than the moon’s
other side. The satellite has been called the ‘Yin/Yang Moon.’
In our Solar System, a few rare oddities exist in a synchronic
relationship. These are our Moon, Pluto and Charon and Iapetus and
Saturn. From Saturn, the observer would always see Iapetus half lit
and half in darkness. We must keep in mind that a ‘synchronic’
relationship is not the norm of the universe. An artificialness is
implied, possibly the work of very intelligent creatures, every time
there exists an in-sync relationship between planet and its moon.
‘Gravity-Lock’ is a myth and an unnatural situation.
Incredible details of this ‘exotic’ moon were revealed by the
Cassini spacecraft on New Year’s Eve, 2004. The fly-by’s closest
approach was within 40,000 miles. Iapetus ‘does not seem to be a
perfectly round moon.’ Iapetus is visibly ‘squashed’ by at least 5%.
Richard Hoagland stated that Saturn’s bizarre satellite should be
round. The smaller ice worlds of Mimas, Enceladus and Dione are
perfect spheres. Why not Iapetus?
Thank you, Richard Hoagland for these NASA (Cassini photos) and your
‘artificial moon’ theory on your web site. Examine the mile-high
tower on Iapetus. There are numerous hexagonal craters on Saturn’s
moon, including one very large one as you can see in the next
photos. Was Iapetus an ancient DEATHSTAR that was once
operational…but, now, must orbit in silence and decay?

A JPL news release from 1/7/05 stated ‘…a long, narrow ridge that is
almost exactly on the equator of Iapetus, bisects its entire dark
hemisphere and reached 12 miles high. It extends over 800 miles
(nearly its diameter)…along its mid section. No other (known) moon
has such a striking geological feature…surprising for such a small
body as Iapetus.’ Here is the Great Wall of Iapetus:

Richard Hoagland has called the wall ‘a vast, planet-spanning,
artificial construct.’ How can there be a 60,000 foot high, 60,000
foot wide, 4 million foot long ‘wall’ across an entire hemisphere?
Remember that the feature corresponds with the odd-shaped
satellite’s equator. Iapetus appears as a ‘walnut.’ Around its
center, an ‘equatorial wall extends miles into space.’
How could massive towers, walls and other titanic architecture be
constructed on Saturn’s special moon? One reason is Iapetus only has
1/40 the gravity of Earth. Earth rotates once in 24 hours. Iapetus
rotates once every 79 days. Gravity is not a force, but a result of
rotation or relative movement. We weigh little on Earth’s Moon
because of its slow rotation. On fast-spinning Jupiter, we would
weigh many times our normal weight. The towering structures in the
following Cassini photographs are a distinct possibility on a body
with very low gravity.
Iapetus is abnormal for numerous reasons beside the synchronic
relationship it has with the ringed planet and being two-toned. The
satellite’s orbit is nearly circular, not elliptical like most
orbits. Iapetus is tilted 15 degrees from the other Saturnian moons.
Also, for the planet’s third largest moon, Iapetus extends very far
from the planet. It can orbit more than two million miles from
‘…Iapetus is not one of the normal ‘moons’ of Saturn, but is
actually a 900-mile wide, manufactured, ancient, world-sized
spaceship…created under 1/40 terrestrial gravity.’
- Richard Hoagland

Look very closely at the following details from various sections on
the surface of Iapetus. You may be observing the most fascinating
ancient ruins in the Solar System! This is towering architecture
that rises miles above the ground. Who built this?

Here are a few descriptions: ‘castle-like walls.’ ‘geometric
architecture.’ ‘a terrestrial city.’
‘…intensely angular and repetitive, vertical, architectural geometry
and rectilinear design extending across this entire region is
unmistakable…and totally unnatural.’
‘Remarkable, highly ordered evidence of sophisticated, aligned,
repeating architectural relief.’
Study the photos again and let your mind wander. The style, if truly
constructed (alien) architecture, is marvelous. We can almost see
openings in the tall, swooping castles of Iapetus. Was this another
abandoned home of the gods? Experts have examined the photos and the
conclusions were, ‘Iapetus’ surface is also foreign to any natural
What has been called the moon’s ‘waffle pattern’ is more evidence
the satellite is not a natural object. The spheroid (not a perfect
sphere) seems to be coming apart at the seams. Examine close
pictures of the large hexagon crater and other areas where it
appears the moon’s guts are revealed. Like an old golf ball, we can
see into its interior. Iapetus has an outer shell and within are
more shells ‘exposing massive, inner, structural supports.’
Micrometeorites erode ancient surfaces on planets and planetoids
without an atmosphere. Experts believe that Iapetus has been
‘battered to hell!’ This vast, ‘mega-engineering project’ is being
exposed. ‘Rebar’ patterns can be observed on a massive scale.
Readers have not seen anything yet. THE ENTIRE MOON IS ARTIFICIAL
Examine the crescent Iapetus photo. We see the ‘6-sided, sub-module
assembly model for…the entire moon.’
Iapetus is based on a geometric design. It is ‘the same geometry
that defines a geodesic dome, a replicating tetrahedral pattern.’

Hoagland wrote that, ‘its overall shape is not spherical like Dione
or Mimas.’ Iapetus has flat, straight (horizon) planes for a hundred
miles then they angle in a geodesic manner. No natural, cosmic body
is supposed to have hundred-mile-long FACETS.
The ancient orb of Iapetus may have started with a skeletal
framework that would have made Buckminster Fuller proud. Surface
materials seem to have been placed over the geodesic structure in
layers. We can see a 6-sided, inner grid circling the spheroid.
Goldsmith and Owen, in ‘The Search for Life in the Universe (1980),’
‘This unusual moon is the only object in the Solar System which we
might seriously regard as an ALIEN SIGNPOST – a natural object
deliberately modified by an advanced civilization.’
Hoagland has written that Iapetus is ‘a world-sized ship’ that is
100% artificial. He stated who was generally responsible for its
creation. It was ‘a god-like technology a long, long time ago.’
Hoagland also believes the Iapetans were originally Martians. Did
Martians colonize other planets as they fell to ruin? Iapetus could
have functioned as an ark-ship, ‘a super engineering that once held
together an entire world and for some reason, placed it in the
Saturn system.’
NASA, of course, remains silent and blind to the images in their own
space photography. Officials see nothing strange on Iapetus; just as
they do not recognize other examples of extraterrestrial ruins. On
September 10, 2007, the Cassini probe will be made to maneuver once
again to incredible Iapetus. More high-resolution pictures will be
taken. What will they not show us? Will they sabotage the mission?
How will they attempt to change what our eyes see?


Doug Yurchey can be reached at:
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