The Artificial
World We Live In
by Doug Yurchey
Last Updated:
Saturday, April 21, 2007 06:10:45 PM
he Universe is
unreal. Life is unreal. Nature is not natural. Do we really live in
The Matrix?
We assume the world
is natural; that everything just happened, naturally. Schoolbooks
teach us that the entire Universe just BANGED into existence.
Scientists assume that stars and planets came into being by dust and
debris coalescing or concentrating over eons of time. Educators tell
us that Life came into being on Earth through natural forces. They
say: We humans are simply natural by-products of the world around
us. We crawled out of the oceans; we evolved into primates; we stood
erect and developed into modern creatures over extremely long
periods of say the evolutionists.
That was not the
case. Funny, how wrong the universities are in their studies of
anthropology! The most important question of how Life began on Earth
cannot be answered through traditional means. There are too many
holes in the story of Evolution. If we came from monkeys,
monkeys would only be found in the fossil record and would not be
Not only are there
human missing links, but also there are missing links in every
single species of every single known life form. On this subject,
there was an old Phil Donahue Show that concerned 'Evolutionists
Against Darwinism.' They rolled out a very long scroll or genealogy
chart that contained all species and their permutations over time.
The chart was virtually blank. There were only a few animals with
links to other forms. We know, for certain, of only a few changes
over time. There was not one complete animal chain of forms from the
earliest times to modern times.
ancient Cro-Magnons was LARGER than the brain size of modern humans!
This anthropological truth is ignored by traditional sources because
it is not understood by traditional sources. Cro-Mags were not
primitive in any way. Revered psychic Edgar Cayce understood that
the Cro-Magnons were the high-tech Atlanteans. The Incan and
Egyptian surviving Cro-Mags were the Atlantean elite; our ancestors.
They were the pyramid-builders and ancient astronauts. The evidence
shows a degeneration, over eons, down to modern humans. A smooth,
upward, human Progression is not what history records.
We assume the
educators know what they are talking about. We assume the
anthropologists are correct because 'that's their job and they're
the experts.' We should question traditional conclusions. We should
realize that scientists, in general, believe what they do for one
main reason: They want to differ from and oppose Religion. Readers
can examine my article called 'My Atlantis' which puts forth another
alternative to these traditions.
You have heard of
'star-stuff.' We are star-stuff. The same molecules in us are also
found inside suns. This, again, is a big misconception. The real
motive for such a philosophy is to eliminate the idea that an
INTELLIGENCE was behind our genesis. They want you to believe that
everything is natural. Nothing is farther from the truth.
This writer is not
saying 'God did it.' God is an overwhelming, inconceivable concept
that no one should talk about since no one can understand IT.
We ARE products of
intelligent beings in the Universe. Another article that one might
consider is called 'The Purpose for the Human Race.' We are
strangers on Earth. Our ancestors landed here and made this planet
their home. We are also not the creations of aliens. Aliens did not
accelerate the development of natural, Earthly primates. We came
from HUMANS. These prehistoric, human ancestors are not the ones you
are familiar with. They (we) were once spiritual, super-tech GODS.
But, we have drastically fallen from that greatness and grandeur.
The point here is
to state that the Universe is not just gas and dust and debris. It
is not outrageous to believe that the cosmos is filled with Life.
What if the Universe itself is an artificial construct? Where
scientists see only lifelessness; there could be life. What we
believe is natural, could be artificial. Out of ignorance, we may be
viewing the Universe the wrong way. Maybe the truth is:
The world is unnatural. It was all MADE or manufactured by
intelligences far beyond our comprehension a very long time ago.
Let us examine
celestial objects in our own Solar System. We do not have to look
far in our search for cosmic artificialness. The Moon might not be
natural. It is too large. The only other planets with similar sized
moons are the GIANT planets of Jupiter and Saturn. Great Saturn only
has one satellite close to the size of our Moon (Titan). Venus is
similar to the size of Earth and is moonless. Mars has two, small,
irregular bodies as satellites.
The Moon contains
rocks older than anything in our Solar System. The Moon does not fit
with the rest of the planets and satellites. Could the Moon have
been BROUGHT IN? (in the last days of Atlantis?)
In an exclusive
interview, Jordan Maxwell 'the Godfather of Secret Societies'
revealed that he attended a Moon/Mars Conference in Oakland, CA.
Richard Hoagland of NASA and writer/lecturer of the ‘Monuments of
Mars,’ spoke at this 1995 conference. Lunar and Martian anomalies
were discussed. The government classified a million lunar
photographs and restricted their distribution to the public.
Government sources MAY confirm that THE MOON IS HOLLOW. Our
satellite is composed of a 'metallic superstructure.' It was brought
into the Solar System.
In an article
called 'Who Stops to Question the Man in the Moon?' (Gravity-Lock
Myth) readers find that the Man in the Moon might be an artificial
situation. We think it is natural for the Moon having one side that
faces the Earth. We all take this astronomical fact for granted. Not
only did someone, some high intelligence bring the Moon in...but it
was PURPOSELY SET to rotate precisely as it revolved around Earth.
This is a synchronized clockwork condition that will never change.
It should change. Orbits decay and change over time. Either a
slowing or speeding up of rotation and revolution would alter the
perfect 'in sync' relationship we have with our Moon. Scientists
know this will never change. The far side of the Moon will always
face away from our planet. Normally and naturally: We should,
intermittently, see the lunar far side. But we never will and this
Let us look at this closer. If the Moon sped up or slowed down in
its orbit over eons of time, then the synchronization would be
destroyed. If our big, lunar companion were to increase or decrease
its axis rotation over eons of time, the perfect in-sync relation is
ruined. If the Earth changed in its rotation or revolution over the
ages, then this precise/gyroscopic LOCK disappears in a puff of
smoke. The point is the phenomenon of the Man in the Moon is not
some bold Law in the sky. It is a fragile clockwork where so many
NATURAL factors are involved that would result in throwing off the
relationship. Yet, it remains. Something is maintaining the
precision over numerous millenniums.
Could an ancient
machine or device be purposely compensating the lunar rotation and
revolution to keep this unnatural planet/moon system going as is?
Why would someone want one side of the Moon to face the Earth? The
reason is the only planet that we know for sure has LIFE also has
the perfect observation platform. From the far side, aliens,
humans-with-the-technology or any higher intelligent ETs could
operate secretly. Radio-silence of the Moon would block all
broadcasts. It is logical to assume that SOMEBODY uses or has used
the lunar far side. It is the perfect place for an observation base.
It is too perfect. Our monitors from the Moon could be numerous
alien races and the Feds, all working in secret.
Covert transmitters
may be operating on the lunar far side. Also, the special
relationship between Earth and Moon might be necessary for FIXED
transmitters on the near side of the Moon. These theorized
transceivers could be very ancient. They may possibly NEED the
in-sync situation in order to function from fixed positions.
Scientists say we
are 'gravity-locked' with our Moon. Gravity-Lock is a myth.
Astronomers had to come up with some natural explanation, no matter
how unfounded. If G.L. exists, why aren't all planets gravity-locked
with their moons? Why are we different? The astrophysicists cannot
answer these basic questions; yet we are to believe their NATURAL
answers. The Moon, in every way, is an anomaly. Luna has artificial
structures. The Feds are operating, in secret, on the Moon and even
on the planet Mars. We have not returned to the Moon because we are
covertly there. Please read the article 'Secret Bases on the Moon
and Mars.' There have been reports that the Moon has slight weather.
Question the party line of a lifeless Moon and Mars. What THEY tell
us on the media might not be the truth.
If the authorities declare something is true, maybe we should
consider that the opposite is true. The Feds lie and they have very
good reasons for their lies to the public. The deceptions usually
have to do with PROFITS or ‘saving face.’ There are times when we
seriously and sincerely receive the absolute TRUTH from the
government-owned media. Sometimes…the Powers That Be purposely slide
the truth in there with all the other B.S. For example, the

The above photo is
a surprise when one considers that the source was NASA! They have
released a little-publicized report that WATER HAS BEEN DISCOVERED
ON THE MOON AT THE SOUTHERN POLE!! Is the Moon a dead, lifeless
rock? Or, is there weathering and a slight atmosphere? The
authorities should not send out mixed messages unless that was their
plan all along. Is the idea to confuse us in one, big, space
Another synchronic
relationship between planet and moon also exists with Pluto/Charon.
Charon orbits 'in-sync' with the ROTATION of Pluto. This is a
different situation than our satellite relationship. On the surface
of Pluto, Charon would never move and always be in the same position
in the sky. Pluto's and Earth's synchronicity are not the norm for
celestial bodies. There are probably more than 100 satellites to all
the planets in our Solar System. These two situations are known
oddities and in the great minority.
What makes these strange oddities different from the rest of the
satellites? THAT is the question! Maybe the systems only seem
natural and are, in truth, artificial situations? Could cosmic
INTELLIGENCES have artificially created what we assume is natural?
The bizarre planet and moon relationships of Earth and Pluto should
not exist and yet they do exist.
Mars once had
Earthlike conditions. There was water. Huge canyons were carved by
water that flowed on the Martian surface. There are dried up
riverbeds. The red planet's atmosphere was much thicker long, long
ago. At Cydonia, there is an ALIGNED Great Pyramid. The Pyramid is
not a natural formation caused by a trick of light. The Cydonia
Great Pyramid has been estimated to be approximately a mile long and
a million years old! Ancient, Earthly pyramids only acquire energy
and power if they are aligned with the directions. This fact, along
with many similarities between Giza and Cydonia, has convinced
Richard Hoagland of pyramids on Mars. More researchers should be
open to the idea that human life once existed on Mars. THERE IS A
FACE next to the Great Pyramid at Cydonia. Next to Earth's Great
Pyramid, there is a Sphinx; a large face. On Mars, the carved FACE
is located near the Martian Great Pyramid. Were ancient Martians
gods of war?
The concept of
HUMAN features constructed in stone on Mars, breaks all the
evolutionary laws that say the human race is unique; a product of
unique circumstances only found on Earth. If we evolved on Earth
exclusively, then we should not discover humans on other prehistoric
planets. Darwin was wrong! Darwinism is truly NOT based on science.
It is based on inaccurate assumptions. It is more likely that humans
were seeded on Earth as a result of intelligences from space than
ever crawled out of our oceans. Are governments publicly skeptical
of the Cydonia Monuments because they have already studied the ruins
in secret? Why have our 'public' NASA programs failed to explore
these long known MARTIAN anomalies? Curious.
Many Martian probes
have previously malfunctioned and have been lost. These were not
accidents or normal failures. The probes WERE MADE to fail so we do
not discover a military (or alien or native) presence already on
The 5th planet is
not Jupiter. Jupiter is actually the 6th planet. The 5th planet was
BLOWN UP! We know the Solar System is composed of inner planets,
outer planets and a gap between them. Within the gap, astronomers
discovered the Asteroid Belt. This was once a planet.
Another article to read is 'Bode's Law and KBOs.' There is a simple
formula to find the distances of the planets out from the sun. It is
called Bode's Law. The formula was considered a valid rule up to the
late 19th Century. The Asteroid Belt was discovered while
astronomers searched for the missing planet in the gap. They
originally thought they found the missing planet in the gap with the
discovery of Ceres, the largest asteroid. Then they found Vesta, the
next largest shattered fragment. These are pieces of a pulverized
planet. Who could imagine how long ago it was BLOWN UP? In all that
time, the asteroids have danced elliptical orbits around the sun.
Slowly, astronomers observed and recorded thousands or irregular
fragments orbiting at the 2.8 Astronomical Unit distance. Mars is at
1.6 AUs and Jupiter is at 5.2 AUs. The asteroids are rarely found
outside of Mars and Jupiter. Certainly, some meteors do fly away
from that area and pass by Earth. Shooting stars are these fragments
from a (possibly once life-filled) planet that enter our atmosphere.
Comets also account for our meteor showers.
Could the early
Martians [a planet of war] have gone to war with the planet that
became the Asteroid Belt? Did the Martians blow it up? Is what we
found in the gap, the aftermath of a great war of the planets? What
we take for granted as natural...might not be. Prehistoric space
wars or acts of alien armies could have left the Solar System in its
present state. God might not be involved. The gods are another
The planet Venus is
not natural. At .72 Astronomical Units, Venus is a total enigma. Its
extremely thick atmosphere acts as a pressure-cooker. There is a big
mystery here: How is Venus losing its energy? The planet captures
its heat energy and does not release it into space. Scientists
expected a molten planet. When probes finally peeked through the
thick atmosphere, they found THE MOST INTENSE CRATERING IN THE SOLAR
SYSTEM! This means that the surface of Venus is so super ancient and
dense that we have preserved craters from the days of the early
Solar System. Venus has not terra-formed or changed in all that
time. No one expected high mountain peaks on Venus. Another article
to read is called 'Life Inside Venus?' The article indicates that
the second planet from the sun is not a natural object. Venus
functions more like an artificial orb; something constructed; like
George Lucas' Deathstar; than a normal planet. There are hellish
conditions on the surface of Venus. INSIDE Venus might be the
perfect place to hide an advanced civilization. Is this theorized
race of Venusians using up the planet's heat energy on the inside?
Does the unexplained usage of energy maintain their Venusian world?
Or...Venus is a
camouflaged planet, masking an advanced civilization! We are made to
think there are hellish conditions with no life as we know it. What
if the public is purposely steered in the wrong direction and away
from the truth? What if superior (even high-tech HUMAN) life forms
exist on Venus and under the ILLUSION of hell, there is actually
heavenly conditions? (Read my article 'Son of Tesla'). Are
governments aware of higher Life on Venus? Is Venus a giant hologram
hiding the true reality on its surface? Is this the big secret of
the Solar System? Do beautiful human gods live next door? If so, who
can blame them for putting up an elaborate DO NOT DISTURB facade?
Returning to Bode's
Law, all the planets conform to a particular pattern out from the
sun. Some intelligence put the planets in their place. If the
positioning of planets were a natural or RANDOM event, the planets
would have chaotic orbits around the sun. Instead, there is
virtually perfect ORDER: The planets' orbits are aligned ellipses in
an Ecliptic Plane. Neptune is an exception. When Neptune was
discovered in the late 19th Century, Bode's Law was discarded. The
next planet beyond Neptune, PLUTO, fits the Bode formula. When Pluto
was found in 1930, Bode's Law should have been reconsidered. But, no
one noticed this astronomical fact. In the article 'Bode's Law and
KBOs' this writer predicted that the next planet beyond Pluto would
orbit at 77.2 AUs from the sun. That distance is 77.2 X 93 million
miles. The article was first posted on the Farshores website in
October 20, 2002. Years later, SEDNA was found to be approximately
77 AUs from the sun. The 10th planet has been discovered and further
indicates the great order in the Solar System.
The positioning of Sedna tends it to be a true planet, different
from other Kuiper Belt objects. The prediction coming true was
announced in an article called 'I Predicted the Distance to the 10th
Planet.' Some higher intelligence placed the planets in perfect
order, originally. Over billions of years of cosmic change, the
perfect positioning has slightly altered. For example, Saturn fits
Bode's Law; but is slightly off. The formation of its huge ring
system could have slightly shifted the planet from its Bode's
If we take Bode's
Law out to its next position, the answer is 154 AUs. In these very
dark regions of the far Solar System, astronomers might discover
another planet at the next B.L. distance of 154 AUs. This could
surprise everyone by being a GIANT planet and not be Pluto-sized.
There could be life
forms out there so advanced that they are planet-makers. They could
build planets and planetoids. Other ETs could be in charge of
maintaining whole galaxies. And others could be in charge of
clusters of galaxies. There are no limits to the Universe or to what
extent Life is capable of building.
Comets are incoming
material from the outer reaches of the Solar System. They do not
have planetary orbits. They have extreme cigar-shaped orbits. Comets
speed into the center of the Solar System, accelerate around the sun
and warp back out to the cold Kuiper Belt. Something forced this
cometary material into their extreme orbits. A great explosion is a
likely cause for the creation of a comet. What if comets are
remnants of blown up worlds? These cosmic explosions might not be
natural, but purposeful acts of violence by advanced intelligences.
Did a FAR outer planet explode and create what we call comets? By
the same token, supernovas also might not be natural events. Again,
this writer must ask: Is the violent universe we are within composed
of super explosions that are not natural events?
An astrophysicist
looks at a galaxy containing many Black Holes and still sees only
lifelessness. Yet, inward Black Holes and outward Quasar White Holes
could really be extraterrestrial transit systems! Other life forms
might use the curves of space and wormholes as a means of travel.
In another article
called 'Light-Speed Universes,' an amazing thought is presented: The
Electro-Magnetic Spectrum is not just a series of lifeless
wavelengths (energy). Other universes, composed of real atoms, are
passing by us and through us at light-speed. They appear as
different wavelengths to us. EM waves are truly bombarding us in all
directions. Radio telescopes prove this fact. Only light is visible.
At different frequencies are ultraviolet; infrared; x-rays;
microwaves; short-waves; long radio waves; television; cosmic rays,
Because of
Relativity, other universes whip by us at light-speed. We can only
discern these real worlds as EM wavelengths. Also, our entire
(seemingly stationary) universe is only a wavelength TO THEM. To
that other world passing by us, their radio telescopes could only
perceive our entire universe as a radio wave! The physical universe
is similar to television signals. We are all television
transmissions traveling through space. Universes are endless.
Endless worlds, each with their own Big Bang, fly through space at
relative frequencies. A saucer flying at warp speed would catch up
with one of these worlds and it would seem stationary.
Is every star what
it appears to be? A few stellar objects could have other purposes to
other creatures. They could primarily be life-giving, nuclear orbs
of ignited gases. Suns could also have been purposely placed there
to see what life will thrive in the Petri dish. We could all be an
experiment in a gigantic, astronomical test tube. Are we all in an
unreal Truman Show?
Life does not just
happen. If you had an empty fish tank with all the elements for
life... You would have a very, very long wait for life to emerge. In
fact, it would NEVER just emerge on its own. Life does not just come
to be on its own on a planet. Something does not just form or evolve
out of a vacuum of Nothing. Life has to be seeded. Once you put
guppies, plants and food in the fish will exist. If
those positive conditions are maintained, the life will flourish.
Basic Darwin Evolution has been proven to be incorrect. (Study
numerous modern references on this point if readers remain
skeptical). The evidence suggests that humans and animals appeared
on Earth in a relatively short time. BANG! Poof, there was
carbon-based life on Earth. Plants and animals did not come to be
from a very long period of change and evolution.
If some of the
articles mentioned here were read, you would find this writer
believes we came from HUMAN supermen and superwomen who were
advanced-tech Atlanteans. This means that God did not create Life on
Earth. Evolution did not 'create' humans, animals and plants on
Earth. Our human, ancient ancestors (not aliens) genetically created
all the animals and all the plants. Life, itself, on this planet was
not a natural thing. WE WERE MADE, genetically planned, built and
constructed. Probably, our human seeders also traveled to other
planets. This could explain a giant, human face and structures on
Can the weather be
controlled? Tesla built machines that made rain and machines that
dispersed clouds. Could there be machines that cause earthquakes and
tsunamis? We always assume these disasters are accidental and have
no plan. The Conspiracy Theorist would say your Secret World
Government DOES control the weather. THEY are the cause of the
Florida hurricanes, the vast flooding in 2005, the Indian Ocean
Tsunami, tornadoes, volcanoes blowing and many earthquakes. Those
with the technology can artificially disturb nature and all of us
would assume these were natural events. Could a sunny day be
purposefully planned for some reason unknown to us? Was Hurricane
Katrina a deadly creation of HAARP?
In the distant
past, our Atlantean ancestors mastered the Sciences. We are not
raised up primates; we are fallen gods. The ancients could control
the weather through electrical principles. When the world power
system blew and their civilization collapsed, weather-control was no
more. Ice Ages happened when the world weather-control went
Nuclear winters could also have created Ice Ages from long ago as
there is evidence of antediluvian, nuclear wars. The pulverized
deserts of today could be areas where there were once atomic
exchanges in some lost and forgotten wars. Deserts are not natural
formations. Most areas have grown back to life, while others in
torrid regions remain deserts.
This concept of
ancient weather-control explains how the Machu Picchuans FARMED on
top of the Andes Mountains. The land is terraced for farming in
places that are impossible to farm today.
Did the
weather-control in early Egypt drastically change and cause the
water damage on the Sphinx? A radical weather-change occurred in
Egypt over a relatively SHORT time, as well as in Tassili (Africa).
Natural events? Nature does not change quickly. Traditional answers
do not explain a vast array of mysteries.
The story of the Great Deluge in the Bible could be true. The angels
(humans), with the machines that controlled weather and made rain,
could have artificially produced the Great Flood. The purpose of the
Flood might have been to wash the Earth clean of evil warlords who
perverted their super sciences.
A meteor did not
wipe out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. The dino era was not
that early. They did exist in the time of humans on Earth and that
goes against traditional Evolution. Dinosaurs and even mythical
animals were created by ancient, human, genetic engineers. The idea
of a meteor taking out the dinosaurs is another of their NATURAL
explanations. This was not the case. Life forms were artificially
manufactured and their annihilation could also have been a
purposeful act. Answers fall into the unnatural category rather than
the reverse.
Jordan Maxwell has
told this writer that when big news events happen, they happen for a
reason. Major stories do not just occur. When strange things happen
on the news that makes no sense to you...they happen for a real
reason unknown to you. Jordan quotes FDR who stated this very same
concept. Rarely is the public let in on the real truth. Usually we
are fed disinformation; only what the secret THEY want us to know.
Even big news events and history do not unfold naturally! In many
cases, they have been artificially fabricated for secret reasons and
according to secret agendas. The info given to us is anemic.
When we see a piece
of nature; a rock; an insect; a tree; a cat; a not be
so sure this creature or thing naturally formed over time. These
bits of nature are magnificent works of art. The cosmic
intelligences behind the purposeful designs of Life should not be
forgotten or ignored. Super Scientists, beyond our wildest
imagination, can achieve all that has been attributed to God. HUMAN
progenitors were the original artists on Earth. They are us.
Everything was manufactured. We are related to the ancient gods.
What is nature?
The great Nikola
Tesla believed: God is ELECTRICITY, the spark of all Life. Humans
are not human. We are bioelectric MACHINES living a dream…
[The above photo is
of Saturn’s moon Iapetus and its angled horizon or outline. Read the
article INCREDIBLE IAPETUS! on this site with thanks to Richard
Hoagland and his Enterprise Mission. Shocking, ancient oddities on
the surface are shown IN PHOTOS and examined. The photos of Iapetus
reveal the remnants of a long-lost civilization upon what could be a
large, artificial satellite!]
Doug Yurchey
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