his is a collection of true stories that I have collected over the years. Some stories are of people who consciously saw them as physical beings. Some are from clients in my kinesiology practice.
Miner sees Reptilian Eyes in Tunnel
This story was told to me by an Australian miner who is a friend of mine. I will call him William. I have known William for over ten years. A few years ago, it occurred to me to ask him if he had ever seen any reptilians,
He was visiting a big old copper mine South West of Bathurst, NSW, Australia. The mine was over 100 years old, with lots of shafts leading off from it. William has similar qualities to "Crocodile Dundee" and does things that other people would never consider doing. He wanted to see in the mine, to see if it was still worth mining. Even though he didn't have a flashlight with him, he lowered himself on a rope and went east along a mine shaft for about 200 yards. He felt along the wall, and was getting used to the lack of light (there was a little coming down). Suddenly, eight feet to the right of him he saw a pair of big, greyish-green eyes, about 6" apart. They were round. He did not notice what kind of pupils they had.
The eyes blinked.
William watched for about one minute, deciding what was best to be done. Then he slowly backed out.
Child is left outside the house after abduction
A woman in her 40's in Australia had continual lower back pain. Also she hardly ever slept!!! She just dozed a lot of the time. She was one of the most blocked clients I have ever had - I could hardly muscle test her at all, no matter what I did. Muscle testing indicated that her problems were related to alien abduction, and started in a particular year. When I told the woman about this, she then informed me that that was the same year when her daughter started what the woman thought was "sleep walking". The woman found her daughter, who was only a few years old, outside the house around 2 am, when it was freezing cold. The trouble was, the daughter was too short to reach the door handle! There were other incidences when the child turned up on high ledges!
It's bad enough when aliens abduct children - the least they could do is return them to their beds!
Nice Aliens turn up at Conference
This story was told to me by a physicist who I am sure was totally telling the truth. I will call him Charles.
Charles got what he felt was an information download in his mind one day, and after that felt that he was meant to give a seminar to others to disperse this information. He gave a seminar in California that a number of people turned up for.
At the last minute, a family consisting of man, woman and young boy, about 12 years old, turned up in a beat-up old Volkswagen beetle.
At one time Charles was explaining how one could travel at speeds above the speed of sound without creating a whole lot of noise. The young boy asked Charles to repeat the explanation. Charles did so, but the boy still looked confused. Charles felt he could not repeat the explanation again and proceeded with the rest of the lecture.
The young boy turned to his mother and said "That's not how we do it on our ship, is it Mother?"
She said in a low town of voice "Shhhh, be quiet".
A friend of Charles was sitting behind the family. Later Charles' friend talked to the mother. She must have approved of him, because she then lowered her "shields", from the top of her head to around her mouth. He was able to see that in reality she appeared as an insectoid, like a praying mantis, with antennae! (Editors note: This does not mean that all insectoids are nice ones like these!).
A number of people at the seminar commented on the fact that the strange thing about the family was that they had perfect features. Our faces are not perfectly symmetrical. If one side of a face was a mirror image of the other, then the face would look strange to us.
Aliens Ruin a Man's Eye
I was doing kinesiology on a man in his 30s. His left pupil was a lot larger than his right pupil. He was greatly lacking in energy - struggled to get up in the morning. He had pain in the neck. When the problem of his eyes was addressed the cause came up as an emotion called 'no choice'. This was at 7 years old. Muscle testing indicated this was caused by abduction.
When we ran through the incident he came to remember lying on a table while the beings working on him pulled his eye out and laid it beside his head on the table. Obviously, they didn't do a very good job of putting it back!
Perhaps the strangest part of this incident was that the man didn't mind what the aliens had done. Only his body objected!
Note: When this man was put on the Clearing Biofeedback Meter, he had a very low tone arm. This meant that his body had an extra low resistance. Although he looked like he had his act together, spiritually this man was in overwhelm, and had given up the fight. This accounted for his lack of anger at what the aliens had done to him - he was not able to fight them and just accepted whatever came his way.
Insectoids Interfere with Ability to Sleep
I was doing kinesiology on a woman in her 50's. I had done a lot of sessions on her but had not been able to help her to have a better night's sleep. When she went to bed, her mind would begin to race. She could take hours to get to sleep, even when she was tired. However, I finally did a kinesiology balance with her eyes shut. Her cloacals (the most important electrical system in the body - known only by Kinesiologists) went out of balance once her eyes were shut. I corrected them. The correction should have held at least until her body was affected by a serious stress, but they were out of balance again the next day!!!
Muscle testing indicated that the cause for the cloacals going out of balance was an emotion called 'trapped' at 8 years old, when she was in New Zealand. Muscle testing indicated that she had been abducted. Muscle testing indicated that the species involved were insectoids.
On looking for wernicke's commands from this incident, 10 came up:
1. "You must forget all this"
2. "This isn't real"
3. "You don't know any of this"
4. "You won't remember any of this"
5. "We don't exist"
6. "This is all in your mind"
7. "This is just a dream"
8. You are going to sleep"
9. "None of this is real"
10. "This never happened"When I followed up with her a month later, she reported that she was then able to get a good night's sleep every night!!!
The Weirdest Alien Story of All
This was told to us by a store owner in Arizona. We fell sure he was telling us the truth. I will call him George.
One day a man came into the store who looked rather uncomfortable in his body. He walked very stiffly. He was unable to turn his head from left to right - he had to turn his whole body to see what was beside him.
When he got back into his car, it was kind of struggle as his whole body was like a board. George had a clear view of him and watched to see how he would get out of the parking spot, because he had to back out of where he was. The man had parked directly in front of the store which was directly in front of the shop.
Few people will believe what George saw next. The man turned his head to the left but was not able to turn it as far as was needed to see behind to back out. Then, the man's eye MOVED around his face to the back of his head!!!! Then he backed out.
24 Hours of Missing Time
A woman in her 30's came to me for a kinesiology session in Australia. She came to heal a leg, which was still weak and had a lump in it from a car accident.
Muscle testing soon indicated that the cause was largely emotional. After testing a list of emotions, her body indicated the emotions were the kind that could have come from an alien abductions (eg "no choice"). Muscle testing then indicated that the cause was in, fact, alien abduction. When I told the woman this, she told me that she thought that she had been abducted, so she was easier to work with.
She quickly remembered a particular incident in her life. She and a boyfriend drove on a motor cycle from NSW to Queensland. They went along 300 miles of road which they were warned against taking by the locals, but not given the reason as to why, called "The Mulga Stretch". They had 24 hours of missing time on this road. They knew this because they left to go to a New Year's Party, and when they got there they had missed the party. In addition, they were both full of incredible anger. They had a fight with each other and parted company forever. When I removed her wernicke's commands against remembering, and took her back to the incident, she remembered what happened.
Part of the way there, on the Mulga Stretch, they felt tired and stopped and went to sleep on some sand. A ship came. Men (robots?) in dark coverings came out and carried them inside. Then she was put on a table. While there, she was attended to by aliens. When I asked what species they were, she said that they "looked like Praying Mantis".
Interestingly, she said that she had Russian and Polish parents, and unusual blood. She had never been immunised. When she was given a TB immunisation in hospital, she received it FOUR times, because she showed no reaction. (This was most unusual, and was also over the medical limit as to how many immunisations are allowed to be given at one time).
Her blood showed an extra component, and had four times the number of things that stop blood cells from sticking together. (I don't have the name for this).
Interestingly, at least three of the men in her life had CIA connections!
Be Careful for what You Ask for - You Just might Get it!
A man in his 40's in Australia that I know put out the thought that he would like to meet some aliens. But he forgot to be specific!!! He forgot to add that he wanted to meet aliens that wanted to help him, that wanted only the very best for him and everyone, and that were full of love and connected to God.
What he got was abducted, and it was a very unpleasant experience that he took a while to recover from.
Copyright ©: Stephanie Relfe - 2003 - 2004