Worlds Within Worlds
- The Holarchy of Life
(Chapter 11)
by Andrew P. Smith, Oct 24, 2005
(Posted here: Sunday, May 27, 2007)
"Ordinary information theory reduces
information transmission to causal connections, but it seems
there is a more fundamental source of information laden
connection in the world...the kind of information at issue
here is not bit capacity but the semantically distinct
correlation of 'distinct' physical systems, where there is no
requirement that the correlation be maintained by some causal
process connecting the two systems."
-William Seager
Nearly twenty years ago, biologist Rupert
Sheldrake created a stir with the publication of his book A
New Science of Life (1981). In it, he advanced a very
radical idea which, if confirmed, would have profound
implications for our understanding of not only evolution, but
many other phenomena as well, including biological development
and learning and perhaps even so-called psychic abilities. His
theory does not actually imply that our current understanding of
evolution is wrong. It's quite compatible, for example, with the
Darwinian and self-organizing processes we examined in the
previous two chapters. Sheldrake's ideas do suggest, however,
that everything we know or think we know about physical,
biological and mental processes is but the tip of a very large
Central to Sheldrake's theory is the concept
of fields. Fields are very familiar to physicists. Gravitational
fields exist between any two bodies of matter. Electromagnetic
fields are associated with the movement of subatomic particles
like electrons. At one time, physicists viewed fields as the
operation of forces at a distance. In the modern understanding,
however, matter and the fields associated with them are
essentially interchangeable. We can describe the subatomic
world, for example, in terms of electrons, particles of matter
which are distributed around the nucleus of the atom; or in
terms of a field which encompasses this entire distribution.
Sheldrake takes the notion of fields and
applies it not simply to physical matter, but to all other forms
of existence. In his view, everything--atoms, proteins, DNA,
cells, tissues, organisms, societies, and so forth--is
associated with its own corresponding field. These morphic
fields, as he calls them, are arranged holarchically, just as
their associated visible forms of existence are. Thus they
extend through both space and time, and can grow, change and
become part of higher-order fields, just as the visible forms of
existence associated with them can. Furthermore, they can
interact with these visible forms, shaping them and in turn
being shaped by them It's in this manner that Sheldrake attempts
to use them to provide a powerful new evolutionary theory.
Imagine, for example, an early evolutionary
event in which a primitive, cell-like structure emerges--Stuart
Kauffman's autocatalytic networks, for example. As I pointed out
in the previous chapter, this emerging metabolic system still
lacks the ability to reproduce itself, at least in the manner of
modern cells. While it unifies a series of enzymatic reactions,
it has not evolved the genetic information needed to create
copies of these enzymes, and so start another network. Without
the ability to reproduce itself, the network is prevented from
diversification and further evolution.
Suppose, however, that when the autocatalytic
network was formed, a corresponding morphic field was created
with it. This field, according to Sheldrake, would make it
somewhat easier for another network of the same kind to emerge.
It would form a sort of template or mold guiding another
incipient set of metabolic reactions to form the same kind of
autocatalytic network. It does this through a process Sheldrake
calls "morphic resonance." Since the morphic field in some way
corresponds to or resonates with the original autocatalytic
network, it would tend to favor the formation of a second
network of the same general constitution and properties. The
formation of this new network, in turn, would further strengthen
the morphic field, making it easier for still a third copy to
emerge. Relatively soon, many such copies of this network would
exist, together with an increasingly powerful field.
Sheldrake's morphic fields, in other words,
provide a novel solution to the key problem of reproduction. We
have seen that reproduction of an emerging new fundamental holon
requires that it have information about all the lower-order
holons it organizes. According to conventional science, this
information, in the case of the cell, is contained in the
genome. Sheldrake, however, locates another source of this
information, in his morphic fields. Indeed, these fields, in his
view, are primarily defined in terms of information, and morphic
resonance is a process by which this information is transferred
from the field to its corresponding visible form of existence,
or in the opposite direction.
Of course, this doesn't mean we can simply
dispense with the genome. Even if we were to accept Sheldrake's
theory--and in a moment, when I discuss some of the problems
with this theory, we will see that this is indeed a huge if--the
genome still must have evolved. Given that a cell-like structure
can initially reproduce itself without a genome, however--or at
least make it more likely that similar structures will
emerge--this evolution becomes a little easier to understand,
and more amenable to currently available theories. One can
imagine a primitive cell, for example, containing some DNA
capable of synthesizing several different proteins. The DNA's
ability to synthesize these proteins initially might be very
slow and inefficient; and the proteins themselves might be
little more than random chains of amino acids with no functional
activity. But since the cells containing such DNA could
reproduce themselves through the operation of morphic fields,
the latter would provide an established form of life on which on
which Darwinian processes could gradually improve the genetic
apparatus. Through mutation and selection, cells could emerge
which were more metabolically efficient, for example, or able to
reproduce themselves more faithfully. These changes, too, would
alter the morphic fields.
In other words, the development of the
holarchy in Sheldrake's view is a kind of co-evolutionary
process, in which the Darwinian processes of random variation
and natural selection (and/or other processes, such as the
self-organizing ones) proceed alongside morphic resonance, each
advancing the evolution of the other. Because these morphic
fields are proposed to exist for every form of existence, this
co-evolutionary process could occur at other stages and levels
of existence, and potentially shed light on other
difficult-to-understand phases of evolution, such as the
emergence of radically new organs, tissues and other features of
organisms. They could even influence the evolution of mental
qualities, providing another way of understanding cultural
evolution and some of the other higher-level processes I
discussed earlier. For example, Sheldrake believes that when a
few human beings first learn some new way of thinking or of
doing something, morphic fields are formed that make it somewhat
easier for other people to attain this behavior. Understood in
this way, these fields could play a very important role in the
emergence of human behavior, but perhaps consciousness as well.
The theory of morphic fields has the
potential to explain many other phenomena for which current
scientific explanations are incomplete, such as the development
of organisms from a single cell. As I pointed out in Chapter 8,
when life is understood in terms of information, there appears
to be a large gap between the genome and the organism. That is,
the information contained in the genome is far less than that
contained in the organism. One possible solution to this puzzle
would be the acquisition by the organism of information from
outside of the genome. Morphic fields, in Sheldrake's view,
could provide this information. The entire human race, as it has
existed over time and space, would form a field into which every
newborn child would become imbedded; through morphic resonance,
it would acquire information to augment that of its genes.
Finally, Sheldrake also suggests that his
theory might even illuminate our understanding of psychic
phenomena. The essence of most such reports is that certain
individuals have access to information for which there is no
ordinary scientific explanation. Thus, people have claimed to be
able to see phenomena occurring at a great physical distance
from them, to manipulate objects without being in physical
contact with them, or to have witnessed events occurring in the
past. The existence of morphic fields of information extending
in both space and time suggests a means by which such abilities
could occur.
A Critique of Morphic Resonance
Morphic fields, in other words, sound too
good to be true--and perhaps they are. The idea has been heavily
criticized by the scientific establishment, to the extent that
it has even paid any attention to it. Reviewing Sheldrake's A
New Science of Life, John Maddox, then editor of the highly
regarded journal Nature, suggested--not seriously, but
not entirely as a joke, either--that the book ought to be burned
Many other scientists have reacted in a similar fashion, though
this theory has gained some sympathy from some researchers
outside the field of biology.
The lack of respect that much of the
scientific establishment has for Sheldrake's theory is not hard
to understand. The notion of morphic fields has several major
problems. First, Shledrake's description of them is rather
vague. As I pointed out earlier, he suggests that they could
have somewhat the same relationship to higher forms of existence
as physical fields, such as gravitation or electromagnetic
radiation, have to physical matter. In the view of modern
physics, matter is interchangeable with energy, and thus at its
elemental level, every form of existence is sometimes said to
have a dual nature; it can behave as a quantal unit, a particle,
or as a field. In the same way, then, other forms of existence
would have a unitary nature--a cell or an organism, for example,
seen as an autonomous form of life with distinct boundaries--as
well as existence in a field extending over space and time.
If morphic fields are to do what Sheldrake
says they do, however, this analogy seems to be somewhat
misleading. An electron and its associated electromagnetic
field, in the view of physicists, are two manifestations of the
same process or phenomenon. One doesn't strengthen the other. We
would not say that the existence of the field increases the
probability of another electron evolving. Nor do we imagine that
if another particle appeared, the field would somehow shape it
so that its properties were like those of the electron. Yet
morphic resonance, as I understand it, is supposed to operate in
this manner on higher levels of existence.
A second problematic aspect of morphic fields
is that they involve a divorce of energy from information.
According to Sheldrake, "morphic resonance does not involve a
transfer of energy from one system to another, but rather a
non-energetic transfer of information."
As I discussed earlier in this book, energy and information seem
to be very closely related. Granted that our understanding of
what information is is very imperfect (which, at this point, is
much to Sheldrake's advantage), it seems that ordinarily one
doesn't change without a corresponding change in the other. To
be sure, at the quantum level, experiments have been described
in which it appears that information may be transferred without
any use of energy (see Chapter 8). In fact, it has even been
theorized that a computer could be constructed, making use of
the quantum properties of matter, that would require no energy
to run (Milburn 1998). But whether this computer could actually
create new information is arguable. And in any case, the fact
remains that whenever information of this kind moves into our
world, the world of non-quantum processes, energy is required.
Whether this is because the energy is, in effect, crossing
levels of the holarchy, or because events not on the quantum
scale involve a kind of information processing that is
indistinguishable from energy transfer is not clear. But at this
point in our understanding, the concept of non-energetic
information transfer at macroscopic levels has no scientific
Moreover, even without a precise definition
of information in biological systems, we know that it interacts
with energy. For example, when molecules are synthesized or
degraded in the cell, there is an increase or decrease in
information, and a corresponding increase or decrease in energy.
The translation of the genes or the operation of the brain
requires energy. To postulate that information can be
transferred without energy therefore suggests a dualism that is
inconsistent with this interaction. If two phenomena interact,
how can one of them change independently of the other? As I
pointed out in Chapter 5, it's just this kind of argument that
has made mind-body dualism untenable to most scientists and
Another problem with the concept of morphic
fields is that how they are supposed to affect evolution is not
always clear. Suppose an organism appears with a new genetic
mutation, and a corresponding variant phenotype. According to
Sheldrake, this variation is associated with a variant morphic
field for that species: "each kind of cell, tissue, organ and
organism has its own kind of field."
But how exactly does this variant morphic field have an effect
on subsequent evolution of the species? Does it make it more
likely that the same mutational event--which in the current
scientific view is a random process5--occurs
in a second organism? Does it give the variant phenotype an
extra dose of adaptive advantage? Does it somehow stabilize its
entire biological system? I will discuss this problem further
later, when we examine how morphic resonance might interact with
other, better established evolutionary processes. But for now, I
just point out that the whole notion of morphic resonance
"strengthening" an evolutionary adaptation, as Sheldrake puts
it, is quite obscure.
In summary, the concept of morphic fields is
not very precise. Though Sheldrake has tried to present them as
somewhat analogous to the fields associated with subatomic
matter, their similarity is not very clear. Nevertheless, this
criticism is not necessarily lethal to his theory. Our
understanding of quantum events and of information is still
poor. It may be that future advances will provide a better model
for understanding how morphic fields could operate. Or it could
simply be that these fields are not analogous to physical
fields, and we need a very different means of understanding
There is another major problem with the
concept of morphic fields, however: there is very little direct
evidence for them. As with other alternatives to Darwinism, most
of the support for Sheldrake's theory is based on negative
arguments, namely, the alleged inadequancies of random variation
and natural selection to account for certain phenomena. However,
many of the phenomena that Sheldrake discusses in this context
are not considered particularly problematical to most
scientists. For example, he argues that the fact that proteins
that differ greatly in their amino acid sequence fold into the
same conformations implies the presence of morphic fields
guiding them into this conformation. But while it's true that
the process of protein folding is not very well understood, this
particular aspect of it is not mysterious. The common shapes of
different proteins can be quite well accounted for by the fact
that only certain regions of a protein molecule are critical for
it to fold into a particular shape. Amino acids in these regions
tend to be highly conserved--that is, they have not changed over
long periods of evolution (Dorit et al. 1990)--while amino acids
outside these regions may change without affecting the protein's
function (Gerstein and Levitt 1997; Mirny et al. 1998; Poupon
and Mornon 1999; Holm and Sander 1999). A more difficult problem
to explain is how amino acid chains can "find" the right
conformation so quickly, out of a literally astronomical number
of possibilities (Gething and Sambrook 1992). In the case of
some proteins, however, molecular chaperones--other proteins
that interact with the folding protein in such a way as to favor
some conformational intermediates--provides at least part of the
explanation (Ellis and van der Vies 1991).
Another example of how Sheldrake, in my view,
overreacts to unsolved problems in biology appears in his
description of the development of leaves. He writes, "an
understanding of the factors influencing the spacing of hairs on
a leaf would not explain the shapes of these hairs."
But surely the two problems are very similar; if some kind of
genetic program can specify the size and distribution of areas
not containing hairs, it could also specify the size and shape
of areas in which hairs will form.
Finally, while Sheldrake, understandably,
focusses on phenomena that he feels Darwinism can't explain, he
overlooks the converse cases, that is, phenomena that seem to be
inconsistent with his theory. Consider, for example, the effects
of social isolation on organisms. Studies of severely deprived
children, as well of experimental animals, have shown that
severe behavioral deficits occur when humans and other organisms
lack social interactions during a critical period of their
development. If morphic fields exist corresponding to human
social holons of all kinds, one would expect that socially
isolated organisms, by virtue of still having contact with these
fields, would still be capable of at least some mental and
emotional development. Such studies provide no evidence of such
an influence.
Of course, all evolutionary theories have a
problem with positive evidence, since they are intended to be
explanations of events that occurred long in the past. So they
must garner support, to some extent, by demonstrating the
inadequacies of the competition. But Sheldrake's theory does
have an advantage here, in that morphic fields are supposed to
be associated with all forms of existence, including ourselves,
and have effects on other processes besides evolutionary ones.
Thus the theory may be open to certain kinds of tests that would
not apply to more conventional evolutionary theories. As I noted
earlier, Sheldrake has predicted that learning and other forms
of human behavior are likely to be favored if they have occurred
previously. This is certainly a testable hypothesis, and in the
wake of the great interest stimulated by his books, there have
been numerous attempts to perform such tests. Some of these
efforts have reported results consistent with the presence of
fields--that is, they have found statistically significant
differences between the behavior of people or other organisms in
situations where they might have had the advantage of previous
fields, and people who did not (Sheldrake and Rose 1992;
Sheldrake 1995).
Some attempts by others to replicate these
studies, however, have not been successful (Baker 2000). In
addition, there are at least two other reasons why Sheldrake's
work has made few believers in the scientific community.. First,
his description of morphic fields is sufficiently vague that
negative results can generally be ascribed to factors other than
the weakness of the theory. For example, while these fields are
supposed to act over both space and time, no one knows to what
extent of space and time these actions might occur. Can a field
formed through a process in one location have a significant
effect on the emergence of another process thousands of miles
away? Or years or decades in the future? Such questions can only
be answered by experiment, but they can't even be really asked
until the phenomenon itself is demonstrated in some form. Thus
if a learning experiment does not yield positive results, it can
often be argued that the distance between the subjects was so
great that the field was relatively weak--or that there weren't
enough repetitions of the behavioral phenomenon to strengthen
the field.
A second problem is that the quality of
evidence to support the existence of morphic fields has to be
extremely high. A useful comparison can be made with studies of
other phenomena for which the scientific worldview provides no
ready explanation. In recent years, there has a been an
explosion of scientific studies of what are loosely called
psychic abilities--remote viewing, action at a distance, remote
healing, and others. The evidence reported by these studies,
like that currently available for morphic fields, is based on a
statistical analysis of performance. When certain individuals
perform in a manner that is better than chance--for example,
guessing at the identity of a card selected by someone in
another room--and the difference can be shown to be
statistically significant, the experimenters conclude they have
demonstrated that the phenomenon must be real (Radin 1997).
The problem most scientists have with studies
like these (beyond the perennial one of fraud) is that there is
an unwritten rule of the profession that says the more radical a
theory is--the greater its premises and/or predictions deviate
from current scientific paradigms--the more compelling the
evidence for this theory must be. To some people, this may seem
unfair or arbitrary, for there are many scientific studies that
are accepted on the basis of fairly small statistical
differences. For example, some drugs are determined to be
efficacious on the basis of clinical trials demonstrating that
people taking the drug are slightly more likely to show some
improvement in their condition than people who don't take the
drug. Often such statistical differences are very small, and can
be rigorously demonstrated only by testing large numbers of
There is, however, an important rationale for
taking such statistical differences seriously. Before drugs even
reach this phase where they are to be tested, they have passed
through many other studies, all of them pointing in the same
direction. The process might begin when it's shown that a
candidate drug has a molecular structure very similar to another
drug of proven ability. This alone suggests that the drug may be
effective, for there is a vast body of literature--backed by
well-accepted pharmacological theory--showing that drugs similar
in structure often have very similar effects. The drug would
then proceed through extensive tests on animals, to determine
not only its effectiveness, but possible side effects. Only if
the drug had the predicted effect in animals would it then go to
clinical trials. Thus by the time these trials begin, there is
already a very good reason for believing the drug may be
effective. In these circumstances, even small statistical
differences can be quite meaningful.
In contrast, the existence of morphic fields
is not supported by either well-established theory, nor by
appeal to precedent. The existence of these fields can
potentially explain many presently unaccounted for phenomena,
but this does not constitute evidence for them. It simply
provides a justification for obtaining such evidence. And this
evidence will have to rest on considerably more than on studies
that show an effect occurring slightly more often than by
It may well be, of course, that the nature of
morphic fields, as well as the nature of certain pyschic
phenomena, is such that their effects are always very slight,
and are never detectable except through very slight deviations
from chance. We might actually expect this to be so. If morphic
fields were formed quickly--if they could have a powerful effect
as soon as a new form or pattern of existence emerged--one might
well ask why evolution has taken as long as it has. If, for
example, the first organisms were associated with a morphic
field that had a strong influence on the evolution of more of
their kind, why did it take hundreds of millions of years for
organisms to evolve? If a new way of thinking in one man brings
with it a morphic field that can make it much easier for other
people to think that way, why has it taken literally thousands
of years for human beings to evolve to their present rational
state--one still absent from large portions of the world? And
why are Einsteins so rare?
In the following section, when we examine how
morphic resonance might interact with known evolutionary
processes, we will find some answers to these questions. The
point to be made here, though, is that one might well wonder
whether it's really reasonable to expect that morphic fields,
assuming they do exist, could possibly be strong enough to be
detectable in experiments of the kind that are currently being
used to test for them--that is, studies in which a new pattern
is being created for the first time. Perhaps, as seems to be the
case with psychic phenomena, there will never be evidence of
them strong enough to satisfy most scientists. If the evidence
were very strong, one would expect that certain phenomena quite
incompatible with the scientific worldview would be much more
noticeable to us than they in fact are. Sheldrake suggests that
there are such phenomena, and that people with no scientific
background can become experimenters in "revolutionary science"
(Sheldrake 1995). But if these phenomena do exist, they are
extremely rare and faint, or they would be well-recognized by
The Role of Morphic Resonance in Evolution
In the previous section, I have tried to
emphasize the serious weaknesses with Sheldrake's notion of
morphic fields, weaknesses that so far preclude it's being taken
seriously by the scientific establishment. Nevertheless, the
idea remains very intriguing. As I have emphasized throughout
this book, a growing number of scientists believe that
information is the key to understanding evolution. Though we
don't understand the concept very well, it seems clear that
higher forms of life have more information than lower forms;
thus evolution might be defined as a process by which life
acquires more information. I have raised questions earlier in
this book whether conventional evolutionary processes, or even
self-organizing phenomena, can really account for information
accumulation. We have also seen that there appears to be an
information gap between one level of existence and the next, one
that is not accounted for by the information stored in the lower
level (in the brain or the genome). Morphic resonance might
possibly shed some light on these issues. By extending the
concept of fields from subatomic matter to all of existence, it
suggests that information is not only fundamental, but pervasive
throughout the universe.
Another potentially attractive aspect of
Sheldrake's theory, as I noted earlier, is that it has been
presented not as an either-or alternative to Darwinism or
self-organizing processes, but as an additional factor. Thus it
can in principle operate alongside these other processes.
Morphic fields can, through their associated forms of existence,
undergo random variation. They can be be subject to selection.
They can even self-organize. In this way, they would make both
transformative and transcendent processes more understandable.
On closer examination, however, the role of
morphic fields in evolution appears to be quite limited. To
begin with, they would not make a difference in the operation of
most Darwinian processes. This is because the latter depend on
competition, and the nature of morphic fields, as Sheldrake has
described them, is such that they usually don't provide
competitive advantage.
To appreciate this point, let's consider a
typical Darwinian event: an organism arises with a mutation
affecting its body structure. This variant body structure gives
the organism an adaptive advantage, so the mutation is more
likely to be transmitted to succeeding generations than the
original body form. According to Sheldrake, the mutant organism
would become associated with a slightly different morphic field
from that associated with the rest of the population of this
species. This field would not provide the mutant individual with
a selective advantage, however, because the original morphic
field, being associated with a much larger number of
individuals, and presumably having existed for a much greater
length of time, should be far stronger.
In other words, the disadvantage in numbers
that a new variant always faces when it first emerges would be
reflected in a correspondingly weaker morphic field. The field
in this respect is like an amplifying mechanism, increasing the
strength of both variant and original properties, and therefore
not altering the balance between the two. Indeed, the existence
of morphic fields might even make the new variant worse off than
if no fields existed. For the strength of these fields,
according to Sheldrake, is related not only to the number of
individuals with a particular feature, but also to the length of
time this feature has been in existence. A new variant must
compete not only with the present, but with the past.
The effect of morphic fields, therefore,
would most likely be to inhibit the emergence of new variants,
rather than to enhance them. It would make the original
population more stable to the introduction of potential
variety. This is a legitimate evolutionary mechanism, one that
helps a particular population of individuals become established.
But it does not promote variety, and therefore does not increase
the probability that new species will emerge.
There is one situation where morphic fields
might promote a Darwinian process. This is when a new feature,
already well estabished in one population of individuals,
becomes transferred to a separate population of the same
species, which lacks this feature. Sheldrake discusses the
behavior of birds in England that have learned to remove the
caps from milk bottles delivered on doorsteps, and drink some of
the contents. This learned behavior has apparently spread from
these birds to similar ones inhabiting distant geographical
regions, where contact with the British birds can be ruled out.
Thus Sheldrake suggests the behavior might have been transmitted
through morphic fields (Sheldrake 1989).
Behavior such as this, however, is not
subject to classic Darwinian evolution, since it's not inherited
genetically. The behavior is transmitted by learning, and hence
is an example of what is usually called cultural evolution, or
what I referred to as social stage evolution in Chapter 8.
Conceivably, the same principle might operate on
genetically-transmitted traits. One could imagine a population
of individuals in which a new mutation is established, in all or
most of the population's members. This would be associated with
a new and powerful morphic field. Under these conditions, this
field might make it more likely that a similar mutation would be
established in another population of the same species
Even this scenario, however, is
problematical. Exactly how does the existence of the new morphic
field in the first population increase the probability of the
same variants arising in the second population? Does the field
increase the chances of the same mutation occurring in one
individual of the second population? Or does it merely increase
the adaptive advantage of an individual with this mutation,
assuming the latter arose by chance? Here, it seems to me, the
vagueness of the morphic resonance concept makes it very
difficult to understand how it could actually affect evolution
in practice.
In any case, however, even if we accept that
a new variant could be transferred from one population to
another by morphic fields, this process, again, would not
promote the appearance of a new species. As I explained above,
both the original emergence of the variant, and its
establishment throughout the first population, would have to
occur through random mutation and natural selection. Morphic
fields would only enable this new species to increase its
geographic range. So again, morphic fields, when interacting
with Darwinian processes, are much more of a stabilizing
force than a creative one.
In summary, though Sheldrake argues that
morphic fields could enhance evolution by Darwinian processes, a
closer examination of their possible interaction with these
processes suggests that their role would be quite limited. Their
major impact on evolution, as I suggested earlier, would be on
transformative processes, where selection does not always come
into play. For example, in the evolution of cells or of
organisms, fundamental holons (atoms or cells, respectively) had
to associate to form social holons. If these social holons
emerged through self-organizing processes, their evolution might
have been inevitable; in this case, they would not be competing
against the independent fundamental holons. Moreover, since a
characteristic feature of social holons, as we have seen, is
that they can't reproduce themselves, they would not be
competing against each other, either, at least not in the
Darwinian sense of reproductive fitness. The primary
evolutionary problem posed by such intermediate forms of life
would be stability, and morphic fields could enhance this.
So morphic fields, even more than the other
evolutionary theories we have considered, leave many of the big
questions unanswered--such as how new levels of existence
emerged. They might provide a newly-emergent form of life with
more time to solve evolutionary problems, but the eventual
solution would have to be provided by some other process. If the
solution did appear, morphic fields might accelerate its spread
throughout a population.
Like all the other theories of evolution
discussed in earlier chapters, morphic fields also don't address
the question of origins of existence. Sheldrake himself is very
clear about this: "morphic resonance itself cannot explain how
the first fields of this kind arose."
Even if we accept that there are certain processes that holons
can undergo that transform them into higher-order holons, these
processes don't explain how the first holons--presumably atoms
or subatomic particles--arose.
This problem, of course, is at the heart of
the belief in a God, an intelligent designer, a first cause. For
too long, though, this has been merely a philosophical argument
or a dogmatic belief. In Chapter 6, I discussed some of the
evidence for a higher state of existence. It remains to be seen
whether such a higher state of consciousness might influence
evolution. That is the subject of the next chapter.